
Dependencies:   CMSIS_DSP_401 MPU9150_DMP QuaternionMath mbed

Fork of MPU9150_Example by Chris Pepper

diff -r 000000000000 -r 9f2982964a48 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 01 14:26:51 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "MPU9150.h"
+#include "Quaternion.h"
+Serial debug(USBTX, USBRX);
+MPU9150 imu(p10, p9, p15);
+DigitalOut led(LED1);
+char buffer[200];
+int main(){
+    debug.baud(115200);
+    if(imu.isReady()){
+        debug.printf("MPU9150 is ready\r\n");
+    } else {
+        debug.printf("MPU9150 initialisation failure\r\n");
+    }
+    imu.initialiseDMP();
+    Timer timer;
+    timer.start();
+    imu.setFifoReset(true);    
+    imu.setDMPEnabled(true);    
+    Quaternion q1;
+    while(true){
+        if(imu.getFifoCount() >= 48){
+            imu.getFifoBuffer(buffer,  48);
+            led = !led;
+        }
+        if(timer.read_ms() > 50){
+            timer.reset();
+           //This is the format of the data in the fifo, 
+           /* ================================================================================================ *
+             | Default MotionApps v4.1 48-byte FIFO packet structure:                                           |
+             |                                                                                                  |
+             | [QUAT W][      ][QUAT X][      ][QUAT Y][      ][QUAT Z][      ][GYRO X][      ][GYRO Y][      ] |
+             |   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  |
+             |                                                                                                  |
+             | [GYRO Z][      ][MAG X ][MAG Y ][MAG Z ][ACC X ][      ][ACC Y ][      ][ACC Z ][      ][      ] |
+             |  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  |
+             * ================================================================================================ */
+            /*
+            debug.printf("%d, %d, %d\r\n",  (int32_t)(((int32_t)buffer[34] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[35] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[36] << 8) + (int32_t)buffer[37]), 
+                                            (int32_t)(((int32_t)buffer[38] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[39] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[40] << 8) + (int32_t)buffer[41]), 
+                                            (int32_t)(((int32_t)buffer[42] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[43] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[44] << 8) + (int32_t)buffer[45]));
+            debug.printf("%d, %d, %d\r\n",  (int32_t)(((int32_t)buffer[16] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[17] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[18] << 8) + (int32_t)buffer[19]),
+                                            (int32_t)(((int32_t)buffer[20] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[21] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[22] << 8) + (int32_t)buffer[23]),
+                                            (int32_t)(((int32_t)buffer[24] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[25] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[26] << 8) + (int32_t)buffer[27]));
+            debug.printf("%d, %d, %d\r\n",  (int16_t)(buffer[29] << 8) + buffer[28], 
+                                            (int16_t)(buffer[31] << 8) + buffer[30], 
+                                            (int16_t)(buffer[33] << 8) + buffer[32]);
+            debug.printf("%f, %f, %f, %f\r\n", 
+                (float)((((int32_t)buffer[0] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[1] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[2] << 8) + buffer[3]))* (1.0 / (1<<30)),
+                (float)((((int32_t)buffer[4] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[5] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[6] << 8) + buffer[7]))* (1.0 / (1<<30)),
+                (float)((((int32_t)buffer[8] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[9] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[10] << 8) + buffer[11]))* (1.0 / (1<<30)),
+                (float)((((int32_t)buffer[12] << 24) + ((int32_t)buffer[13] << 16) + ((int32_t)buffer[14] << 8) + buffer[15]))* (1.0 / (1<<30)));
+            */
+            q1.decode(buffer);
+            debug.printf("%f, %f, %f, %f\r\n", q1.w, q1.v.x, q1.v.y, q1.v.z);
+            //TeaPot Demo Packet for MotionFit SDK
+            /*
+            debug.putc('$'); //packet start
+            debug.putc((char)2); //assume packet type constant
+            debug.putc((char)0); //count seems unused
+            for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++){ //16 bytes for 4 32bit floats
+                debug.putc((char)(buffer[i]));
+            }
+            for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ //no idea, padded with 0
+                debug.putc((char)0);
+            }
+            */
+        }   
+    }
\ No newline at end of file