โปรแกรมของบอร์ด Motion

Dependencies:   BEAR_Reciever Motor eeprom iSerial mbed

Fork of DogPID by Digital B14

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Feb 03 14:49:46 2016 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

PID.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp.orig Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/PID.lib	Wed Feb 03 14:45:43 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Feb 03 14:45:43 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Feb 03 14:49:46 2016 +0000
@@ -2,28 +2,34 @@
 //  Include  //
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "pinconfig.h"
-#include "PID.h"
+//#include "PID.h"
 #include "Motor.h"
 #include "eeprom.h"
 #include "Receiver.h"
 #include "Motion_EEPROM_Address.h"
+#include "pidcontrol.h"
 #define EEPROM_DELAY 2
+//#define DEBUG_UP
+//#define DEBUG_LOW
 //--PID parameter--
-float U_Kc;
-float U_Ki_gain;
-float U_Kd_gain;
-float U_Ti;
-float U_Td;
+float U_Kc=0.2;
+float U_Ki_gain=0.0;
+float U_Kd_gain=0.0;
+float U_Ti=0.0;
+float U_Td=0.0;
 float U_Ki=U_Kc*U_Ti;
 float U_Kd=U_Kc*U_Td;
-float L_Kc;
-float L_Ki_gain;
-float L_Kd_gain;
-float L_Ti;
-float L_Td;
+float L_Kc=0.2;
+float L_Ki_gain=0.0;
+float L_Kd_gain=0.0;
+float L_Ti=0.0;
+float L_Td=0.0;
 float L_Ki=L_Kc*L_Ti;
 float L_Kd=L_Kc*L_Td;
@@ -35,8 +41,8 @@
 int16_t MY_ID = 0x01;
 //-- Memorry --
 EEPROM memory(PB_4,PA_8,0);
-uint8_t UpMargin[4];
-uint8_t LowMargin[4];
+float UpMargin;
+float LowMargin;
 uint8_t Height[4];
 uint8_t Wheelpos[4];
 uint8_t Mag[24];
@@ -59,11 +65,20 @@
 Motor Upper(PWM_LU,A_LU,B_LU);
 Motor Lower(PWM_LL,A_LL,B_LL);
 //-- PID --
-int Upper_SetPoint;
-int Lower_SetPoint;
-PID Up_PID(U_Kc, U_Ti, U_Td, 0.001);//Kp,Ki,Kd,Rate
-PID Low_PID(L_Kc, L_Ti, L_Td, 0.001);
+int Upper_SetPoint=20;
+int Lower_SetPoint=8;
+//PID Up_PID(U_Kc, U_Ti, U_Td, 0.001);//Kp,Ki,Kd,Rate
+//PID Low_PID(L_Kc, L_Ti, L_Td, 0.001);
+PID Up_PID(U_Kc, U_Ti, U_Td);//Kp,Ki,Kd,Rate
+PID Low_PID(L_Kc, L_Ti, L_Td);
+void Start_Up();
+void CmdCheck(int16_t id,uint8_t *command,uint8_t ins);
+Timer counterUP;
+Timer counterLOW;
 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
@@ -102,17 +117,15 @@
         253, 252, 248, 232, 224, 226, 98, 96, 32, 33, 37, 53, 61, 60, 188, 190,
         254, 126, 124, 116, 112, 113, 49, 48, 16, 144, 146, 154, 158, 30, 94, 95
-    if ( MY_ID == 0x01 )//when it was left side
-    {
+    if ( MY_ID == 0x01 ) { //when it was left side
         while(Val != codes[i]) {
-            }
+        }
-    if ( MY_ID == 0x02 )//when it was right side
-    {
+    if ( MY_ID == 0x02 ) { //when it was right side
         while(Val != codes[127-i]) {
-            }
+        }
     return i;
@@ -121,52 +134,198 @@
 void SET_UpperPID()
-    Up_PID.setMode(0);
-    Up_PID.setInputLimits(0,127);
-    Up_PID.setOutputLimits(0,1);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_UP_MARGIN,UpMargin);
+    Up_PID.setMargin(UpMargin);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KP,U_Kc);
+    Up_PID.setKp(U_Kc);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KI,U_Ki_gain);
+    Up_PID.setKi(U_Ki_gain);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KD,U_Kd_gain);
+    Up_PID.setKd(U_Kd_gain);
+    //Up_PID.setMode(0);
+    //Up_PID.setInputLimits(18,62);
+    //Up_PID.setOutputLimits(0,1);
 void SET_LowerPID()
-    Low_PID.setMode(0);
-    Low_PID.setInputLimits(0,127); // set range
-    Low_PID.setOutputLimits(0,1);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOW_MARGIN,LowMargin);
+    Low_PID.setMargin(LowMargin);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KP,L_Kc);
+    Low_PID.setKp(L_Kc);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KI,L_Ki_gain);
+    Low_PID.setKi(L_Ki_gain);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KD,L_Kd_gain);
+    Low_PID.setKd(L_Kd_gain);
+    //Low_PID.setMode(0);
+    //Low_PID.setInputLimits(0,127); // set range
+    //Low_PID.setOutputLimits(0,1);
 void Move_Upper()
-    Upper_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
-    Up_PID.setProcessValue(Upper_Position);
-    if(Upper_Position - Upper_SetPoint > 0 ) {
-        dir = 1;
-    }
-    if(Upper_Position - Upper_SetPoint < 0 ) {
-        dir = -1;
-    }
-    Upper.speed(Up_PID.compute() * dir);
+    Upper_Position = (float)Get_EnValue(data);
+#ifdef DEBUG_UP
+    printf("read_encode = 0x%2x \n\r",data);
+    printf("Setpoint = %d\n\r",Upper_SetPoint);
+    printf("Upper_Position = %f\n\r",Upper_Position);
+    Up_PID.setCurrent(Upper_Position);
+    float speed =Up_PID.compute();
+#ifdef DEBUG_UP
+    printf("E_n= %f\n\r",Up_PID.getErrorNow());
+    printf("Kp = %f\n\r",Up_PID.getKp());
+    printf("speed = %f\n\n\n\r",speed);
+    Upper.speed(speed);
 void Move_Lower()
-    Lower_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
-    Low_PID.setProcessValue(Lower_Position);
+    Lower_Position = (float)Get_EnValue(data);
+    Low_PID.setCurrent(Lower_Position);
+#ifdef DEBUG_LOW
+    printf("read_encode = 0x%2x \n\r",data);
+    printf("Setpoint = %d\n\r",Lower_SetPoint);
+    printf("Upper_Position = %f\n\r",Lower_Position);
-    if(Lower_Position - Lower_SetPoint > 0 ) {
-        dir = 1;
-    }
-    if(Lower_Position - Lower_SetPoint < 0 ) {
-        dir = -1;
-    }
-    Lower.speed(Low_PID.compute() * dir);
+    float speed =Low_PID.compute();
+#ifdef DEBUG_LOW
+    printf("E_n= %f\n\r",Low_PID.getErrorNow());
+    printf("Kp = %f\n\r",Low_PID.getKp());
+    printf("speed = %f\n\n\n\r",speed);
+    Lower.speed(speed);
+void Rc()
+    myled =1;
+    uint8_t data_array[30];
+    uint8_t id=0;
+    uint8_t ins=0;
+    uint8_t status=0xFF;
+    status = com.ReceiveCommand(&id,data_array,&ins);
+    //PC.printf("status = 0x%02x\n\r",status);
+    if(status == ANDANTE_ERRBIT_NONE) {
+        CmdCheck((int16_t)id,data_array,ins);
+    }
+int main()
+    PC.baud(115200);
+    /*
+    while(1)
+    {
+    Read_Encoder(EncoderA);
+    Upper_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
+    Read_Encoder(EncoderB);
+    Lower_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
+    PC.printf("Upper Position : %f\n",Upper_Position);
+    PC.printf("Lower_Position : %f\n",Lower_Position);
+    wait(0.5);
+    }
+    */
+    //Recieve.attach(&Rc,0.025);
+    //Start_Up();
+    SET_UpperPID();
+    SET_LowerPID();
+    printf("BEAR MOTION ID:0x%02x\n\r",MY_ID);
+    /*
+    while(1)
+    {
+        Upper.speed(-1);
+        wait_ms(400);
+        Upper.speed(1);
+        wait_ms(400);
+        Upper.break();
+        Lower.speed(-1.0);
+        wait_ms(401);
+        Lower.speed(1.0);
+        wait_ms(401);
+        Lower.break();
+        }
+    */
+    //  counterUP.start();
+//    counterLOW.start();
+    while(1) {
+        /*
+        //printf("timer = %d\n\r",counter.read_ms());
+        if(counterUP.read_ms() > 1400) {
+            if(Upper_SetPoint < 53) {
+                Upper_SetPoint++;
+            } else
+                Upper_SetPoint =18;
+            counterUP.reset();
+        }
+        if(counterLOW.read_ms() > 700) {
+            if(Lower_SetPoint < 100) {
+                Lower_SetPoint++;
+            } else
+                Lower_SetPoint =8;
+            counterLOW.reset();
+        }
+        */
+        myled =0;
+        //wait_ms(10);
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////// start
+        //Set Set_point
+        Up_PID.setGoal(Upper_SetPoint);
+        Low_PID.setGoal(Lower_SetPoint);
+        //Control Motor
+        Move_Upper();
+        Move_Lower();
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////  stop =306us
+        //uint8_t aaa[1]={10};
+        //com.sendBodyWidth(0x01,aaa);
+        Rc();
+        //wait_ms(1);
+    }
 void CmdCheck(int16_t id,uint8_t *command,uint8_t ins)
     if(id==MY_ID) {
@@ -187,27 +346,42 @@
-                        Upper_Position=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(IntUpAngle);
+                        Upper_SetPoint=Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(IntUpAngle);
                         //printf("Up Angle = %f\n",up_angle);
-                        Lower_Position=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(IntLowAngle);
+                        Lower_SetPoint=Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(IntLowAngle);
                         //printf("Low Angle = %f\n",low_angle);
                     case UP_MARGIN: {
-                        int i;
-                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
-                            UpMargin[i]=command[1+i];
-                            //printf("UPMARGIN[%d]=0x%02x\n\r",i,UpMargin[i]);
-                        }
+                        uint8_t int_buffer[2];
+                        uint8_t float_buffer[2];
+                        float Int,Float;
+                        int_buffer[0]=command[1];
+                        int_buffer[1]=command[2];
+                        float_buffer[0]=command[3];
+                        float_buffer[1]=command[4];
+                        Int=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(int_buffer);
+                        Float=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(float_buffer)/10000;
+                        UpMargin=Int+Float;
+                        Up_PID.setMargin(UpMargin);
+                        //printf("Kp Upper : %f\r\n",U_Kc);
                     case LOW_MARGIN: {
-                        int i;
-                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
-                            LowMargin[i]=command[1+i];
-                        }
+                        uint8_t int_buffer[2];
+                        uint8_t float_buffer[2];
+                        float Int,Float;
+                        int_buffer[0]=command[1];
+                        int_buffer[1]=command[2];
+                        float_buffer[0]=command[3];
+                        float_buffer[1]=command[4];
+                        Int=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(int_buffer);
+                        Float=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(float_buffer)/10000;
+                        LowMargin=Int+Float;
+                        Low_PID.setMargin(LowMargin);
+                        //printf("Kp Upper : %f\r\n",U_Kc);
                     case KP_UPPER_MOTOR: {
@@ -222,6 +396,7 @@
                         //printf("Kp Upper : %f\r\n",U_Kc);
+                        Up_PID.setKp(U_Kc);
                     case KI_UPPER_MOTOR: {
@@ -235,7 +410,8 @@
-                        U_Ti=U_Ki_gain/U_Kc;
+                        //U_Ti=U_Ki_gain;
+                        Up_PID.setKi(U_Ki_gain);
                         //printf("Ki Upper : %f\r\n",U_Ki_gain);
@@ -250,7 +426,8 @@
-                        U_Td=U_Kd_gain/U_Kc;
+                        Up_PID.setKd(U_Kd_gain);
+                        //U_Td=U_Kd_gain/U_Kc;
                         //printf("Kd Upper : %f\r\n",U_Kd_gain);
@@ -438,16 +615,12 @@
                         } else if(command[1]==UP_MARGIN) {
-                            int32_t data_buff;
-                            data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(UpMargin);
-                            memory.write(ADDRESS_UP_MARGIN,data_buff);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_UP_MARGIN,UpMargin);
                             //printf("save OK!!\n\r");
                         } else if (command[1]==LOW_MARGIN) {
-                            int32_t data_buff;
-                            data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(LowMargin);
-                            memory.write(ADDRESS_LOW_MARGIN,data_buff);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_LOW_MARGIN,LowMargin);
                         } else if (command[1]==PID_UPPER_MOTOR) {
@@ -533,16 +706,12 @@
                     case UP_MARGIN: {
-                        int32_t data_buff;
-                        memory.read(ADDRESS_UP_MARGIN,data_buff);
-                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,UpMargin);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_UP_MARGIN,UpMargin);
                     case LOW_MARGIN: {
-                        int32_t data_buff;
-                        memory.read(ADDRESS_LOW_MARGIN,data_buff);
-                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,LowMargin);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_LOW_MARGIN,LowMargin);
@@ -688,87 +857,3 @@
-void Start_Up()
-    // wait for reciever
-    memory.read(ADDRESS_ID,MY_ID);
-    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KP,U_Kc);
-    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KI,U_Ti);
-    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KD,U_Td);
-    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KP,L_Kc);
-    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KI,L_Ti);
-    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KD,L_Td);
-void Rc()
-    myled =1;
-    uint8_t data_array[30];
-    uint8_t id=0;
-    uint8_t ins=0;
-    uint8_t status=0xFF;
-    status = com.ReceiveCommand(&id,data_array,&ins);
-    //PC.printf("status = 0x%02x\n\r",status);
-    if(status == ANDANTE_ERRBIT_NONE) {
-        CmdCheck((int16_t)id,data_array,ins);
-    }
-int main()
-    PC.baud(115200);
-    /*
-    while(1)
-    {
-    Read_Encoder(EncoderA);
-    Upper_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
-    Read_Encoder(EncoderB);
-    Lower_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
-    PC.printf("Upper Position : %f\n",Upper_Position);
-    PC.printf("Lower_Position : %f\n",Lower_Position);
-    wait(0.5);
-    }
-    */
-    //Recieve.attach(&Rc,0.025);
-    //Start_Up();
-    SET_UpperPID();
-    SET_LowerPID();
-    printf("BEAR MOTION\n\r");
-    while(1) {
-        myled =0;
-        //wait_ms(10);
-///////////////////////////////////////////////////// start
-        //Set Set_point
-        Up_PID.setSetPoint(Upper_SetPoint);
-        Low_PID.setSetPoint(Lower_SetPoint);
-        Read_Encoder(EncoderB);
-        Lower_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
-        PC.printf("position = %2f\n",Lower_Position);
-        //Control Motor
-        //Move_Upper();
-        //Move_Lower();
-/////////////////////////////////////////////////////  stop =306us
-        //uint8_t aaa[1]={10};
-        //com.sendBodyWidth(0x01,aaa);
-        Rc();
-        //wait_ms(1);
-    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp.orig	Wed Feb 03 14:49:46 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+//  Include  //
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "pinconfig.h"
+#include "PID.h"
+#include "Motor.h"
+#include "eeprom.h"
+#include "Receiver.h"
+#include "Motion_EEPROM_Address.h"
+#define EEPROM_DELAY 2
+//--PID parameter--
+float U_Kc;
+float U_Ki_gain;
+float U_Kd_gain;
+float U_Ti;
+float U_Td;
+float U_Ki=U_Kc*U_Ti;
+float U_Kd=U_Kc*U_Td;
+float L_Kc;
+float L_Ki_gain;
+float L_Kd_gain;
+float L_Ti;
+float L_Td;
+float L_Ki=L_Kc*L_Ti;
+float L_Kd=L_Kc*L_Td;
+// Global  //
+Ticker Recieve;
+//-- Communication --
+Serial PC(D1,D0);
+Bear_Receiver com(Tx,Rx,1000000);
+int16_t MY_ID = 0x01;
+//-- Memorry --
+EEPROM memory(PB_4,PA_8,0);
+uint8_t UpMargin[4];
+uint8_t LowMargin[4];
+uint8_t Height[4];
+uint8_t Wheelpos[4];
+uint8_t Mag[24];
+uint8_t Offset[8];//={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
+uint8_t Body_width[4];
+uint8_t Angle_Range_Up[8];
+uint8_t Angle_Range_Low[8];
+uint8_t UpLinkLength[4];
+uint8_t LowLinkLength[4];
+//-- encoder --
+float up_angle,low_angle;
+float Upper_Position;
+float Lower_Position;
+int data;
+SPI ENC(Emosi, Emiso, Esck);
+DigitalOut EncA(EncoderA);
+DigitalOut EncB(EncoderB);
+//-- Motor --
+int dir;
+Motor Upper(PWM_LU,A_LU,B_LU);
+Motor Lower(PWM_LL,A_LL,B_LL);
+//-- PID --
+int Upper_SetPoint;
+int Lower_SetPoint;
+PID Up_PID(U_Kc, U_Ti, U_Td, 0.001);//Kp,Ki,Kd,Rate
+PID Low_PID(L_Kc, L_Ti, L_Td, 0.001);
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+void Read_Encoder(PinName Encoder)
+    ENC.format(8,0);
+    ENC.frequency(200000);//due to rising time,have to decrease clock from 1M - 240k
+    if(Encoder == EncoderA) {
+        EncA = 0;
+    } else {
+        EncB = 0;
+    }
+    ENC.write(0x41);
+    ENC.write(0x09);
+    data = ENC.write(0x00);
+    if(Encoder == EncoderA) {
+        EncA = 1;
+    } else {
+        EncB = 1;
+    }
+int Get_EnValue(int Val)
+    int i = 0;
+    static unsigned char codes[] = {
+        127, 63, 62, 58, 56, 184, 152, 24, 8, 72, 73, 77, 79, 15, 47, 175,
+        191, 159, 31, 29, 28, 92, 76, 12, 4, 36, 164, 166, 167, 135, 151, 215,
+        223, 207, 143, 142, 14, 46, 38, 6, 2, 18, 82, 83, 211, 195, 203, 235,
+        239, 231, 199, 71, 7, 23, 19, 3, 1, 9, 41, 169, 233, 225, 229, 245,
+        247, 243, 227, 163, 131, 139, 137, 129, 128, 132, 148, 212, 244, 240, 242, 250,
+        251, 249, 241, 209, 193, 197, 196, 192, 64, 66, 74, 106, 122, 120, 121, 125,
+        253, 252, 248, 232, 224, 226, 98, 96, 32, 33, 37, 53, 61, 60, 188, 190,
+        254, 126, 124, 116, 112, 113, 49, 48, 16, 144, 146, 154, 158, 30, 94, 95
+    };
+    if ( MY_ID == 0x01 )//when it was left side
+    {
+        while(Val != codes[i]) {
+            i++;
+            }
+    }
+    if ( MY_ID == 0x02 )//when it was right side
+    {
+        while(Val != codes[127-i]) {
+            i++;
+            }
+    }
+    return i;
+void SET_UpperPID()
+    Upper.period(0.001);
+    Up_PID.setMode(0);
+    Up_PID.setInputLimits(0,127);
+    Up_PID.setOutputLimits(0,1);
+void SET_LowerPID()
+    Lower.period(0.001);
+    Low_PID.setMode(0);
+    Low_PID.setInputLimits(0,127); // set range
+    Low_PID.setOutputLimits(0,1);
+void Move_Upper()
+    Read_Encoder(EncoderA);
+    Upper_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
+    Up_PID.setProcessValue(Upper_Position);
+    if(Upper_Position - Upper_SetPoint > 0 ) {
+        dir = 1;
+    }
+    if(Upper_Position - Upper_SetPoint < 0 ) {
+        dir = -1;
+    }
+    Upper.speed(Up_PID.compute() * dir);
+void Move_Lower()
+    Read_Encoder(EncoderB);
+    Lower_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
+    Low_PID.setProcessValue(Lower_Position);
+    if(Lower_Position - Lower_SetPoint > 0 ) {
+        dir = 1;
+    }
+    if(Lower_Position - Lower_SetPoint < 0 ) {
+        dir = -1;
+    }
+    Lower.speed(Low_PID.compute() * dir);
+void CmdCheck(int16_t id,uint8_t *command,uint8_t ins)
+    if(id==MY_ID) {
+        switch (ins) {
+            case PING: {
+                break;
+            }
+            case WRITE_DATA: {
+                switch (command[0]) {
+                    case ID: {
+                        ///
+                        MY_ID = (int16_t)command[1];
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case MOTOR_UPPER_ANG: {
+                        uint8_t IntUpAngle[2];
+                        uint8_t IntLowAngle[2];
+                        IntUpAngle[0]=command[1];
+                        IntUpAngle[1]=command[2];
+                        Upper_Position=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(IntUpAngle);
+                        //printf("Up Angle = %f\n",up_angle);
+                        IntLowAngle[0]=command[5];
+                        IntLowAngle[1]=command[6];
+                        Lower_Position=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(IntLowAngle);
+                        //printf("Low Angle = %f\n",low_angle);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case UP_MARGIN: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            UpMargin[i]=command[1+i];
+                            //printf("UPMARGIN[%d]=0x%02x\n\r",i,UpMargin[i]);
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case LOW_MARGIN: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            LowMargin[i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case KP_UPPER_MOTOR: {
+                        uint8_t int_buffer[2];
+                        uint8_t float_buffer[2];
+                        float Int,Float;
+                        int_buffer[0]=command[1];
+                        int_buffer[1]=command[2];
+                        float_buffer[0]=command[3];
+                        float_buffer[1]=command[4];
+                        Int=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(int_buffer);
+                        Float=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(float_buffer)/10000;
+                        U_Kc=Int+Float;
+                        //printf("Kp Upper : %f\r\n",U_Kc);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case KI_UPPER_MOTOR: {
+                        uint8_t int_buffer[2];
+                        uint8_t float_buffer[2];
+                        float Int,Float;
+                        int_buffer[0]=command[1];
+                        int_buffer[1]=command[2];
+                        float_buffer[0]=command[3];
+                        float_buffer[1]=command[4];
+                        Int=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(int_buffer);
+                        Float=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(float_buffer)/10000;
+                        U_Ki_gain=Int+Float;
+                        U_Ti=U_Ki_gain/U_Kc;
+                        //printf("Ki Upper : %f\r\n",U_Ki_gain);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case KD_UPPER_MOTOR: {
+                        uint8_t int_buffer[2];
+                        uint8_t float_buffer[2];
+                        float Int,Float;
+                        int_buffer[0]=command[1];
+                        int_buffer[1]=command[2];
+                        float_buffer[0]=command[3];
+                        float_buffer[1]=command[4];
+                        Int=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(int_buffer);
+                        Float=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(float_buffer)/10000;
+                        U_Kd_gain=Int+Float;
+                        U_Td=U_Kd_gain/U_Kc;
+                        //printf("Kd Upper : %f\r\n",U_Kd_gain);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case KP_LOWER_MOTOR: {
+                        uint8_t int_buffer[2];
+                        uint8_t float_buffer[2];
+                        float Int,Float;
+                        int_buffer[0]=command[1];
+                        int_buffer[1]=command[2];
+                        float_buffer[0]=command[3];
+                        float_buffer[1]=command[4];
+                        Int=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(int_buffer);
+                        Float=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(float_buffer)/10000;
+                        L_Kc=Int+Float;
+                        //printf("Kp Lower : %f\r\n",L_Kc);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case KI_LOWER_MOTOR: {
+                        uint8_t int_buffer[2];
+                        uint8_t float_buffer[2];
+                        float Int,Float;
+                        int_buffer[0]=command[1];
+                        int_buffer[1]=command[2];
+                        float_buffer[0]=command[3];
+                        float_buffer[1]=command[4];
+                        Int=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(int_buffer);
+                        Float=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(float_buffer)/10000;
+                        L_Ki_gain=Int+Float;
+                        L_Ti=L_Ki_gain/L_Kc;
+                        //printf("Ki Lower : %f\r\n",L_Ki_gain);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case KD_LOWER_MOTOR: {
+                        uint8_t int_buffer[2];
+                        uint8_t float_buffer[2];
+                        float Int,Float;
+                        int_buffer[0]=command[1];
+                        int_buffer[1]=command[2];
+                        float_buffer[0]=command[3];
+                        float_buffer[1]=command[4];
+                        Int=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(int_buffer);
+                        Float=(float)Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt16(float_buffer)/10000;
+                        L_Kd_gain=Int+Float;
+                        L_Td=L_Kd_gain/L_Kc;
+                        //printf("Kd Lower : %f\r\n",L_Kd_gain);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case HEIGHT: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            Height[0+i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case WHEELPOS: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            Wheelpos[0+i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case MAG_DATA: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<24; i++) {
+                            Mag[0+i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case OFFSET: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
+                            Offset[0+i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case BODY_WIDTH: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            Body_width[0+i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case ANGLE_RANGE_UP: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
+                            Angle_Range_Up[i]=command[1+i];
+                            //printf("%d Angle = 0x%02x\r\n",i,Angle_Range_Up[i]);
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case ANGLE_RANGE_LOW: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
+                            Angle_Range_Low[0+i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case UP_LINK_LENGTH: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            UpLinkLength[i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case LOW_LINK_LENGTH: {
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            LowLinkLength[i]=command[1+i];
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    // unfinish yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+                    case SAVE_EEPROM_DATA: {
+                        if(id==0x01) {
+                            if (command[1]==HEIGHT) {
+                                int32_t data_buff;
+                                data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(Height);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_HEIGHT,data_buff);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            } else if(command[1]==BODY_WIDTH) {
+                                int32_t data_buff;
+                                data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(Body_width);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_BODY_WIDTH,data_buff);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            } else if(command[1]==OFFSET) {
+                                uint8_t y_offset_array[4];
+                                uint8_t z_offset_array[4];
+                                int32_t y_data_buffer,z_data_buffer;
+                                for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                                    y_offset_array[i]=Offset[i];
+                                    z_offset_array[i]=Offset[i+4];
+                                }
+                                y_data_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(y_offset_array);
+                                z_data_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(z_offset_array);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_OFFSET,y_data_buffer);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_OFFSET+4,z_data_buffer);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            } else if(command[1]==MAG_DATA) {
+                                uint8_t x_max_array[4];
+                                uint8_t x_min_array[4];
+                                uint8_t y_max_array[4];
+                                uint8_t y_min_array[4];
+                                uint8_t z_max_array[4];
+                                uint8_t z_min_array[4];
+                                int32_t x_max_buffer,x_min_buffer,y_max_buffer,y_min_buffer,z_max_buffer,z_min_buffer;
+                                for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                                    x_max_array[i]=Mag[i];
+                                    x_min_array[i]=Mag[i+4];
+                                    y_max_array[i]=Mag[i+8];
+                                    y_min_array[i]=Mag[i+12];
+                                    z_max_array[i]=Mag[i+16];
+                                    z_min_array[i]=Mag[i+20];
+                                }
+                                x_max_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(x_max_array);
+                                x_min_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(x_min_array);
+                                y_max_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(y_max_array);
+                                y_min_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(y_min_array);
+                                z_max_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(z_max_array);
+                                z_min_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(z_min_array);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA,x_max_buffer);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+4,x_min_buffer);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+8,y_max_buffer);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+12,y_min_buffer);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+16,z_max_buffer);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                                memory.write(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+20,z_min_buffer);
+                                wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        // else {
+                        if (command[1]==ID) {
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_ID,id);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        } else if(command[1]==UP_MARGIN) {
+                            int32_t data_buff;
+                            data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(UpMargin);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_UP_MARGIN,data_buff);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            //printf("save OK!!\n\r");
+                        } else if (command[1]==LOW_MARGIN) {
+                            int32_t data_buff;
+                            data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(LowMargin);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_LOW_MARGIN,data_buff);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        } else if (command[1]==PID_UPPER_MOTOR) {
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_UPPER_KP,U_Kc);
+                            //printf("U_Write : %f\r\n",U_Kc);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_UPPER_KI,U_Ki_gain);
+                            //printf("U_Write : %f\r\n",U_Ki_gain);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_UPPER_KD,U_Kd_gain);
+                            //printf("U_Write : %f\r\n",U_Kd_gain);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        } else if (command[1]==PID_LOWER_MOTOR) {
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_LOWER_KP,L_Kc);
+                            //printf("L_Write : %f\r\n",L_Kc);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_LOWER_KI,L_Ki_gain);
+                            //printf("L_Write : %f\r\n",L_Ki_gain);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_LOWER_KD,L_Kd_gain);
+                            //printf("L_Write : %f\r\n",L_Kd_gain);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        } else if (command[1]==ANGLE_RANGE_UP) {
+                            uint8_t max_array[4];
+                            uint8_t min_array[4];
+                            int32_t max_data_buffer,min_data_buffer;
+                            for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                                max_array[i]=Angle_Range_Up[i];
+                                min_array[i]=Angle_Range_Up[i+4];
+                            }
+                            max_data_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(max_array);
+                            min_data_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(min_array);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_ANGLE_RANGE_UP,max_data_buffer);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_ANGLE_RANGE_UP+4,min_data_buffer);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        } else if (command[1]==ANGLE_RANGE_LOW) {
+                            uint8_t max_array[4];
+                            uint8_t min_array[4];
+                            int32_t max_data_buffer,min_data_buffer;
+                            for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                                max_array[i]=Angle_Range_Low[i];
+                                min_array[i]=Angle_Range_Low[i+4];
+                            }
+                            max_data_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(max_array);
+                            min_data_buffer = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(min_array);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_ANGLE_RANGE_LOW,max_data_buffer);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_ANGLE_RANGE_LOW+4,min_data_buffer);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        } else if (command[1]==UP_LINK_LENGTH) {
+                            int32_t data_buff;
+                            data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(UpLinkLength);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_UP_LINK_LENGTH,data_buff);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        } else if (command[1]==LOW_LINK_LENGTH) {
+                            int32_t data_buff;
+                            data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(LowLinkLength);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_LOW_LINK_LENGTH,data_buff);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        } else if (command[1]==WHEELPOS) {
+                            int32_t data_buff;
+                            data_buff = Utilities::ConvertUInt8ArrayToInt32(Wheelpos);
+                            memory.write(ADDRESS_WHEELPOS,data_buff);
+                            wait_ms(EEPROM_DELAY);
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case READ_DATA: {
+                switch (command[0]) {
+                    case MOTOR_UPPER_ANG: {
+                        com.sendMotorPos(MY_ID,Upper_Position,Lower_Position);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case UP_MARGIN: {
+                        int32_t data_buff;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_UP_MARGIN,data_buff);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,UpMargin);
+                        com.sendUpMargin(MY_ID,UpMargin);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case LOW_MARGIN: {
+                        int32_t data_buff;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_LOW_MARGIN,data_buff);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,LowMargin);
+                        com.sendLowMargin(MY_ID,LowMargin);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case PID_UPPER_MOTOR: {
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KP,U_Kc);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KI,U_Ki_gain);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KD,U_Kd_gain);
+                        com.sendUpMotorKpKiKd(MY_ID,U_Kc,U_Ki_gain,U_Kd_gain);
+                        /*
+                        printf("After read Kp : %f\r\n",U_Kc);
+                        printf("After read Ki : %f\r\n",U_Ki_gain);
+                        printf("After read Kd : %f\r\n",U_Kd_gain);
+                        */
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case PID_LOWER_MOTOR: {
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KP,L_Kc);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KI,L_Ki_gain);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KD,L_Kd_gain);
+                        com.sendLowMotorKpKiKd(MY_ID,L_Kc,L_Ki_gain,L_Kd_gain);
+                        /*
+                        printf("After read L_Kp : %f\r\n",L_Kc);
+                        printf("After read L_Ki : %f\r\n",L_Ki_gain);
+                        printf("After read L_Kd : %f\r\n",L_Kd_gain);
+                        */
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case HEIGHT: {
+                        int32_t data_buff;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_HEIGHT,data_buff);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,Height);
+                        com.sendHeight(MY_ID,Height);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case WHEELPOS: {
+                        int32_t data_buff;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_WHEELPOS,data_buff);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,Wheelpos);
+                        com.sendWheelPos(MY_ID,Wheelpos);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case MAG_DATA: {
+                        uint8_t x_max_array[4];
+                        uint8_t x_min_array[4];
+                        uint8_t y_max_array[4];
+                        uint8_t y_min_array[4];
+                        uint8_t z_max_array[4];
+                        uint8_t z_min_array[4];
+                        int32_t x_max_buffer,x_min_buffer,y_max_buffer,y_min_buffer,z_max_buffer,z_min_buffer;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA,x_max_buffer);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+4,x_min_buffer);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+8,y_max_buffer);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+12,y_min_buffer);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+16,z_max_buffer);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_MAG_DATA+20,z_min_buffer);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(x_max_buffer,x_max_array);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(x_min_buffer,x_min_array);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(y_max_buffer,y_max_array);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(y_min_buffer,y_min_array);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(z_max_buffer,z_max_array);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(z_min_buffer,z_min_array);
+                        for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            Mag[i]=x_max_array[i];
+                            Mag[i+4]=x_min_array[i];
+                            Mag[i+8]=y_max_array[i];
+                            Mag[i+12]=y_min_array[i];
+                            Mag[i+16]=z_max_array[i];
+                            Mag[i+20]=z_min_array[i];
+                        }
+                        com.sendMagData(MY_ID,Mag);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case OFFSET: {
+                        uint8_t y_offset_array[4];
+                        uint8_t z_offset_array[4];
+                        int32_t y_data_buffer,z_data_buffer;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_OFFSET,y_data_buffer);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_OFFSET+4,z_data_buffer);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(y_data_buffer,y_offset_array);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(z_data_buffer,z_offset_array);
+                        for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            Offset[i]=y_offset_array[i];
+                            Offset[i+4]=z_offset_array[i];
+                        }
+                        com.sendOffset(MY_ID,Offset);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case BODY_WIDTH: {
+                        int32_t data_buff;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_BODY_WIDTH,data_buff);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,Body_width);
+                        com.sendBodyWidth(MY_ID,Body_width);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case ANGLE_RANGE_UP: {
+                        uint8_t max_array[4];
+                        uint8_t min_array[4];
+                        int32_t max_data_buffer,min_data_buffer;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_ANGLE_RANGE_UP,max_data_buffer);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_ANGLE_RANGE_UP+4,min_data_buffer);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(max_data_buffer,max_array);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(min_data_buffer,min_array);
+                        for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            Angle_Range_Up[i]=max_array[i];
+                            Angle_Range_Up[i+4]=min_array[i];
+                        }
+                        com.sendUpAngleRange(MY_ID,Angle_Range_Up);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case ANGLE_RANGE_LOW: {
+                        uint8_t max_array[4];
+                        uint8_t min_array[4];
+                        int32_t max_data_buffer,min_data_buffer;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_ANGLE_RANGE_LOW,max_data_buffer);
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_ANGLE_RANGE_LOW+4,min_data_buffer);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(max_data_buffer,max_array);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(min_data_buffer,min_array);
+                        for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                            Angle_Range_Low[i]=max_array[i];
+                            Angle_Range_Low[i+4]=min_array[i];
+                        }
+                        com.sendLowAngleRange(MY_ID,Angle_Range_Low);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case UP_LINK_LENGTH: {
+                        int32_t data_buff;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_UP_LINK_LENGTH,data_buff);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,UpLinkLength);
+                        com.sendUpLinkLength(MY_ID,UpLinkLength);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case LOW_LINK_LENGTH: {
+                        int32_t data_buff;
+                        memory.read(ADDRESS_LOW_LINK_LENGTH,data_buff);
+                        Utilities::ConvertInt32ToUInt8Array(data_buff,LowLinkLength);
+                        com.sendLowLinkLength(MY_ID,LowLinkLength);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void Start_Up()
+    // wait for reciever
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_ID,MY_ID);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KP,U_Kc);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KI,U_Ti);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_UPPER_KD,U_Td);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KP,L_Kc);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KI,L_Ti);
+    memory.read(ADDRESS_LOWER_KD,L_Td);
+void Rc()
+    myled =1;
+    uint8_t data_array[30];
+    uint8_t id=0;
+    uint8_t ins=0;
+    uint8_t status=0xFF;
+    status = com.ReceiveCommand(&id,data_array,&ins);
+    //PC.printf("status = 0x%02x\n\r",status);
+    if(status == ANDANTE_ERRBIT_NONE) {
+        CmdCheck((int16_t)id,data_array,ins);
+    }
+int main()
+    PC.baud(115200);
+    /*
+    while(1)
+    {
+    Read_Encoder(EncoderA);
+    Upper_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
+    Read_Encoder(EncoderB);
+    Lower_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
+    PC.printf("Upper Position : %f\n",Upper_Position);
+    PC.printf("Lower_Position : %f\n",Lower_Position);
+    wait(0.5);
+    }
+    */
+    //Recieve.attach(&Rc,0.025);
+    //Start_Up();
+    SET_UpperPID();
+    SET_LowerPID();
+    printf("BEAR MOTION\n\r");
+    while(1) {
+        myled =0;
+        //wait_ms(10);
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////// start
+        //Set Set_point
+        Up_PID.setSetPoint(Upper_SetPoint);
+        Low_PID.setSetPoint(Lower_SetPoint);
+        Read_Encoder(EncoderB);
+        Lower_Position = Get_EnValue(data);
+        PC.printf("position = %2f\n",Lower_Position);
+        //Control Motor
+        //Move_Upper();
+        //Move_Lower();
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////  stop =306us
+        //uint8_t aaa[1]={10};
+        //com.sendBodyWidth(0x01,aaa);
+        Rc();
+        //wait_ms(1);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pidcontrol.cpp	Wed Feb 03 14:49:46 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include "pidcontrol.h"
+    Kp=1.0f;
+    Ki=0.0f;
+    Kd=0.0f;
+    il=65535.0;
+    margin = 0.0f;
+PID::PID(float p,float i,float d)
+    Kp=p;
+    Ki=i;
+    Kd=d;
+    il=65535.0;
+    margin =0.0f;
+void PID::setGoal(float ref)
+    setpoint = ref;
+void PID::setCurrent(float sensor)
+    input = sensor;
+float PID::compute()
+    e_n = setpoint - input;
+    if((e_i < il) && (e_i > -il))
+    {
+        e_i += e_n;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#ifdef PID_DEBUG
+        printf("il overflow\n\r");
+        e_i =il;
+    }
+    output = (Kp*e_n)+(Ki*e_i)+(Kd*(e_n-e_n_1));
+    if(output > 0)
+    {
+        if(output < margin)
+        {
+            output = 0.0;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(output > -margin)
+        {
+            output = 0.0;
+        }
+    }
+    return output;
+void PID::setMargin(float gap)
+    margin =gap;
+float PID::getMargin()
+    return margin;
+void PID::setIntegalLimit(float limit)
+    il = limit;
+float PID::getIntegalLimit()
+    return il;
+float PID::getErrorNow()
+    return e_n;
+float PID::getErrorLast()
+    return e_n_1;
+float PID::getErrorDiff()
+    return e_n - e_n_1;
+float PID::getErrorIntegal()
+    return e_i;
+void PID::setKp(float p)
+    if(p < 0.0f)
+    {
+#ifdef PID_DEBUG
+        printf("Kp = 0.0\n\r");
+        Kp=0.0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Kp=p;
+    }
+void PID::setKi(float i)
+    if(i < 0.0f)
+    {
+#ifdef PID_DEBUG
+        printf("Ki = 0.0\n\r");
+        Ki=0.0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Ki=i;
+    }
+void PID::setKd(float d)
+    if(d < 0.0f)
+    {
+#ifdef PID_DEBUG
+        printf("Kd = 0.0\n\r");
+        Kd=0.0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Kd=d;
+    }
+float PID::getKp()
+    return Kp;    
+float PID::getKi()
+    return Ki;    
+float PID::getKd()
+    return Kd;    
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pidcontrol.h	Wed Feb 03 14:49:46 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#ifndef _PIDCONTROL_H_
+#define _PIDCONTROL_H_
+#include "mbed.h"
+class PID{
+    public:
+        PID();
+        PID(float p,float i,float d);
+        void setGoal(float ref);
+        //float getGoal();    
+        void setCurrent(float sensor);
+        float compute();
+        void setMargin(float gap);
+        float getMargin();
+        void setIntegalLimit(float limit);
+        float getIntegalLimit();
+        float getErrorNow();
+        float getErrorLast();
+        float getErrorDiff();
+        float getErrorIntegal();
+        void setKp(float);
+        void setKi(float);
+        void setKd(float);
+        float getKp();
+        float getKi();
+        float getKd();
+    private:
+        float e_n;      //error now
+        float e_n_1;    //error last time
+        float e_i;      //error integal
+        float il;       //integal limit
+        float margin;    //output margin
+        float Kp,Ki,Kd;    
+        float setpoint;
+        float input;    
+        float output;
\ No newline at end of file