Fixed wait time

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem emic2 mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of BAT_senior_design_Nhi by BAT

--- a/button.h	Fri Oct 27 15:18:28 2017 +0000
+++ b/button.h	Wed Nov 01 15:22:13 2017 +0000
@@ -12,25 +12,30 @@
     DigitalIn pb;
     int state; // where is the button (0 - 4)
     int press; // is the button up or down
+    int id;    // this is the ID, each button should have a unique id
     // int mode; // is the system in reading or typing mode
-    // AnalogIn linpot;
+    //AnalogIn linpot;
     // constructors
     button(); // Default
-    button(PwmOut servo, DigitalIn pb);
+    button(PwmOut servo, DigitalIn pb, int id);
+    //button(PwmOut servo, DigitalIn pb, AnalogIn linpot);
     // button(PwmOut servo, DigitalIn pb, AnalogIn linpot);
     // functions
     PwmOut getServoPin(); // get the servo pin
     //void setState(int state); // set state
     //void setMode(int mode); // set mode
-    void setState(int);     // determine what state the button is in - up or down
+    void setState(int);     // set what state the button is in - up or down
+    void setPress(int);     // set the button press
     void moveServoIn();   // move servo into the slot
     void moveServoOut();  // move servo out of the slot
+    int getID();
     int updateState();
     int getState();
     int getPress();
+    int getLp();
\ No newline at end of file