
Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RFD77402.cpp	Sun Apr 29 12:13:41 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+  This is a library written for the RFD77402 Time of Flight sensor.
+  SparkFun sells these at its website:
+  Written by Nathan Seidle @ SparkFun Electronics, June 9th, 2017
+  The VCSEL (vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser) Time of Flight sensor
+  can accurately measure from 10cm to 200cm (2m) with milimeter precision.
+  This library handles the initialization of the RFD77402 and bringing in of
+  various readings.
+  Do you like this library? Help support SparkFun. Buy a board!
+  Development environment specifics:
+  Arduino IDE 1.8.1
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+#include "RFD77402.h"
+// Constructors ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+RFD77402::RFD77402(I2C* i2c)
+    this->i2c = i2c;
+ * Deletes the IRSensor object.
+ */
+RFD77402::~RFD77402() {}
+// Public Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+//Sets up the sensor for constant read
+//Returns false if sensor does not respond
+bool RFD77402::init()
+    i2c->frequency(I2C_SPEED_STANDARD);
+    //Bring in the user's choices
+    uint16_t chipID = getChipID();
+    if (chipID < 0xAD00) return (false); //Chip ID failed. Should be 0xAD01 or 0xAD02
+    //Put chip into standby
+    if (goToStandbyMode() == false) return (false); //Chip timed out before going to standby
+    //Drive INT_PAD high
+    uint8_t setting = readRegister(RFD77402_ICSR);
+    setting &= 0b11110000; //clears writable bits
+    setting |= INT_CLR_REG | INT_CLR | INT_PIN_TYPE | INT_LOHI; //change bits to enable interrupt
+    writeRegister(RFD77402_ICSR, setting);
+    setting = readRegister(RFD77402_INTERRUPTS);
+    setting &= 0b00000000; //Clears bits
+    setting |= INTSRC_DATA | INTSRC_M2H | INTSRC_H2M | INTSRC_RST; //Enables interrupt when data is ready
+    writeRegister(RFD77402_INTERRUPTS, setting);
+    //Configure I2C Interface
+    writeRegister(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_I2C, 0x65); //0b.0110.0101 = Address increment, auto increment, host debug, MCPU debug
+    //Set initialization - Magic from datasheet. Write 0x05 to 0x15 location.
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU, 0x0500); //0b.0000.0101.0000.0000 //Patch_code_id_en, Patch_mem_en
+    if (goToOffMode() == false) return (false); //MCPU never turned off
+    //Read Module ID
+    //Skipped
+    //Read Firmware ID
+    //Skipped
+    //Set initialization - Magic from datasheet. Write 0x06 to 0x15 location.
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU, 0x0600); //MCPU_Init_state, Patch_mem_en
+    if (goToOnMode() == false) return (false); //MCPU never turned on
+    //ToF Configuration
+    //writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A, 0xE100); //0b.1110.0001 = Peak is 0x0E, Threshold is 1.
+    setPeak(0x0E); //Suggested values from page 20
+    setThreshold(0x01);
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_B, 0x10FF); //Set valid pixel. Set MSP430 default config.
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_0, 0x07D0); //Set saturation threshold = 2,000.
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1, 0x5008); //Frequecy = 5. Low level threshold = 8.
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_2, 0xA041); //Integration time = 10 * (6500-20)/15)+20 = 4.340ms. Plus reserved magic.
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_3, 0x45D4); //Enable harmonic cancellation. Enable auto adjust of integration time. Plus reserved magic.
+    if (goToStandbyMode() == false) return (false); //Error - MCPU never went to standby
+    //Whew! We made it through power on configuration
+    //Get the calibration data via the 0x0006 mailbox command
+    //getCalibrationData(); //Skipped
+    //Put device into Standby mode
+    if (goToStandbyMode() == false) return (false); //Error - MCPU never went to standby
+    //Now assume user will want sensor in measurement mode
+    //Set initialization - Magic from datasheet. Write 0x05 to 0x15 location.
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU, 0x0500); //Patch_code_id_en, Patch_mem_en
+    if (goToOffMode() == false) return (false); //Error - MCPU never turned off
+    //Write calibration data
+    //Skipped
+    //Set initialization - Magic from datasheet. Write 0x06 to 0x15 location.
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU, 0x0600); //MCPU_Init_state, Patch_mem_en
+    if (goToOnMode() == false) return (false); //Error - MCPU never turned on
+    return (true); //Success! Sensor is ready for measurements
+//Takes a single measurement and sets the global variables with new data
+//Returns zero if reading is good, otherwise return the errorCode from the result register.
+uint8_t RFD77402::takeMeasurement(void)
+    if (goToMeasurementMode() == false) return (CODE_FAILED_TIMEOUT); //Error - Timeout
+    //New data is now available!
+    //Read result
+    uint16_t resultRegister = readRegister16(RFD77402_RESULT);
+    if (resultRegister & 0x7FFF) { //Reading is valid
+        uint8_t errorCode = (resultRegister >> 13) & 0x03;
+        if (errorCode == 0) {
+            distance = (resultRegister >> 2) & 0x07FF; //Distance is good. Read it.
+            //Read confidence register
+            uint16_t confidenceRegister = readRegister16(RFD77402_RESULT_CONFIDENCE);
+            validPixels = confidenceRegister & 0x0F;
+            confidenceValue = (confidenceRegister >> 4) & 0x07FF;
+        }
+        return (errorCode);
+    } else {
+        //Reading is not vald
+        return (CODE_FAILED_NOT_NEW); //Error code for reading is not new
+    }
+//Returns the local variable to the caller
+uint16_t RFD77402::getDistance()
+    return (distance);
+//Returns the number of valid pixels found when taking measurement
+uint8_t RFD77402::getValidPixels()
+    return (validPixels);
+//Returns the qualitative value representing how confident the sensor is about its reported distance
+uint16_t RFD77402::getConfidenceValue()
+    return (confidenceValue);
+//Read the command opcode and covert to mode
+uint8_t RFD77402::getMode()
+    return (readRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND) & 0x3F);
+//Tell MCPU to go to standby mode
+//Return true if successful
+bool RFD77402::goToStandbyMode()
+    //Set Low Power Standby
+    writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 0x90); //0b.1001.0000 = Go to standby mode. Set valid command.
+    uint8_t commandReg = readRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND);
+    //Check MCPU_ON Status
+    for (uint8_t x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x++) {
+        uint16_t status = readRegister16(RFD77402_DEVICE_STATUS);
+        if ( (status & 0x001F) == 0x0000) {
+            return (true);   //MCPU is now in standby
+        }
+        printf("readRegister16 device status fail %d \n\r", status);
+        wait(0.01); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet
+    }
+    return (false); //Error - MCPU never went to standby
+//Tell MCPU to go to off state
+//Return true if successful
+bool RFD77402::goToOffMode()
+    //Set MCPU_OFF
+    writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 0x91); //0b.1001.0001 = Go MCPU off state. Set valid command.
+    //Check MCPU_OFF Status
+    for (uint8_t x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x++) {
+        if ( (readRegister16(RFD77402_DEVICE_STATUS) & 0x001F) == 0x0010) return (true); //MCPU is now off
+        wait(0.01); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet
+    }
+    return (false); //Error - MCPU never turned off
+//Tell MCPU to go to on state
+//Return true if successful
+bool RFD77402::goToOnMode()
+    //Set MCPU_ON
+    writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 0x92); //0b.1001.0010 = Wake up MCPU to ON mode. Set valid command.
+    //Check MCPU_ON Status
+    for (uint8_t x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x++) {
+        if ( (readRegister16(RFD77402_DEVICE_STATUS) & 0x001F) == 0x0018) return (true); //MCPU is now on
+        wait(0.01); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet
+    }
+    return (false); //Error - MCPU never turned on
+//Tell MCPU to go to measurement mode
+//Takes a measurement. If measurement data is ready, return true
+bool RFD77402::goToMeasurementMode()
+    //Single measure command
+    writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 0x81); //0b.1000.0001 = Single measurement. Set valid command.
+    //Read ICSR Register - Check to see if measurement data is ready
+    for (uint8_t x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x++) {
+        if ( (readRegister(RFD77402_ICSR) & (1 << 4)) != 0) return (true); //Data is ready!
+        wait(0.01); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet
+    }
+    return (false); //Error - Timeout
+//Returns the VCSEL peak 4-bit value
+uint8_t RFD77402::getPeak(void)
+    uint16_t configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A);
+    return ((configValue >> 12) & 0x0F);
+//Sets the VCSEL peak 4-bit value
+void RFD77402::setPeak(uint8_t peakValue)
+    uint16_t configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A); //Read
+    configValue &= ~0xF000;// Zero out the peak configuration bits
+    configValue |= (uint16_t)peakValue << 12; //Mask in user's settings
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A, configValue); //Write in this new value
+//Returns the VCSEL Threshold 4-bit value
+uint8_t RFD77402::getThreshold(void)
+    uint16_t configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A);
+    return ((configValue >> 8) & 0x0F);
+//Sets the VCSEL Threshold 4-bit value
+void RFD77402::setThreshold(uint8_t thresholdValue)
+    uint16_t configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A); //Read
+    configValue &= ~0x0F00;// Zero out the threshold configuration bits
+    configValue |= thresholdValue << 8; //Mask in user's settings
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A, configValue); //Write in this new value
+//Returns the VCSEL Frequency 4-bit value
+uint8_t RFD77402::getFrequency(void)
+    uint16_t configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1);
+    return ((configValue >> 12) & 0x0F);
+//Sets the VCSEL Frequency 4-bit value
+void RFD77402::setFrequency(uint8_t thresholdValue)
+    uint16_t configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1); //Read
+    configValue &= ~0xF000;// Zero out the threshold configuration bits
+    configValue |= thresholdValue << 12; //Mask in user's settings
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1, configValue); //Write in this new value
+//Gets whatever is in the 'MCPU to Host' mailbox
+//Check ICSR bit 5 before reading
+uint16_t RFD77402::getMailbox(void)
+    return (readRegister16(RFD77402_MCPU_TO_HOST_MAILBOX));
+//Software reset the device
+void RFD77402::reset(void)
+    writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 1<<6);
+    wait(100);
+//Returns the chip ID
+//Should be 0xAD01 or higher
+uint16_t RFD77402::getChipID()
+    return(readRegister16(RFD77402_MOD_CHIP_ID));
+//Retreive 2*27 bytes from MCPU for computation of calibration parameters
+//This is 9.2.2 from datasheet
+//Reads 54 bytes into the calibration[] array
+//Returns true if new cal data is loaded
+bool RFD77402::getCalibrationData(void)
+    if (goToOnMode() == false) return (false); //Error - sensor timed out before getting to On Mode
+    //Check ICSR Register and read Mailbox until it is empty
+    uint8_t messages = 0;
+    while (1) {
+        if ( (readRegister(RFD77402_ICSR) & (1 << 5)) == 0) break; //Mailbox interrupt is cleared
+        //Mailbox interrupt (Bit 5) is set so read the M2H mailbox register
+        getMailbox(); //Throw it out. Just read to clear the register.
+        if (messages++ > 27) return (false); //Error - Too many messages
+        wait(10); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet
+    }
+    //Issue mailbox command
+    writeRegister16(RFD77402_HOST_TO_MCPU_MAILBOX, 0x0006); //Send 0x0006 mailbox command
+    //Check to see if Mailbox can be read
+    //Read 54 bytes of payload into the calibration[54] array
+    for (uint8_t message = 0 ; message < 27 ; message++) {
+        //Wait for bit to be set
+        uint8_t x = 0;
+        while (1) {
+            uint8_t icsr = readRegister(RFD77402_ICSR);
+            if ( (icsr & (1 << 5)) != 0) break; //New message in available
+            if (x++ > 10) return (false); //Error - Timeout
+            wait(10); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet
+        }
+        uint16_t incoming = getMailbox(); //Get 16-bit message
+        //Put message into larger calibrationData array
+        calibrationData[message * 2] = incoming >> 8;
+        calibrationData[message * 2 + 1] = incoming & 0xFF;
+    }
+    return(false);
+//Reads two bytes from a given location from the RFD77402
+uint16_t RFD77402::readRegister16(uint8_t reg)
+    uint8_t value[2];
+    uint16_t val;
+    if (i2c->write(RFD77402_ADDR, (char*)&reg, 1)) {
+        printf("readReg: write fail \n\r");
+        return 0x0000; //Error
+    }
+    if (i2c->read(RFD77402_ADDR, (char*)value, 2)) {
+        printf("readReg: read fail \n\r");
+        return 0x0000; //Error
+    }
+    val = (value[1] << 8) | value[0];
+    return (val);
+//Reads from a given location from the RFD77402
+uint8_t RFD77402::readRegister(uint8_t reg)
+    uint8_t value;
+    if (i2c->write(RFD77402_ADDR, (char*)&reg, 1)) {
+        printf("readReg: write fail \n\r");
+        return 0xFF; //Error
+    }
+    if (i2c->read(RFD77402_ADDR, (char*)value, 1)) {
+        printf("readReg: read fail \n\r");
+        return 0xFF; //Error
+    }
+    return (value);
+//Write a 16 bit value to a spot in the RFD77402
+void RFD77402::writeRegister16(uint8_t reg, uint16_t value)
+    char data[] = {
+        reg,
+        (char)(value        & 0xFF),  // value low byte
+        (char)((value >> 8) & 0xFF) // value high byte
+    };
+    if (i2c->write(RFD77402_ADDR, data, 3)) {
+        printf("writeReg16: write fail \n\r");
+        }
+//Write a value to a spot in the RFD77402
+void RFD77402::writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
+    char data[] = {
+        reg,
+        value
+    };
+    if (i2c->write(RFD77402_ADDR, data, 2)){printf("write error \n\r");}
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