Bluemix Demo program

Dependencies:   WNCInterface mbed-rtos mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 28 00:56:47 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+//#define MQTT_DEBUG
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MQTTClient.h"
+#include "MQTTFormat.h"
+//#include "MQTTEthernet.h"
+#include "MQTTWNCInterface.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "k64f.h"
+#include "HTS221.h"
+I2C i2c(PTC11, PTC10);         //SDA, SCL -- define the I2C pins being used
+#include "hardware.h"
+// connect options for MQTT broker
+#define CLIENT      "quickstart"
+#define URL         CLIENT ""
+#define CONFIGTYPE  "d:" CLIENT ":MicroZed:%s"
+#define PORT        1883                           // MQTT broker port number
+#define CLIENTID    "96430312d8f7"                 // use MAC address without colons
+#define USERNAME ""                                    // not required for demo app
+#define PASSWORD ""                                    // not required for demo app
+#define PUBLISH_TOPIC "iot-2/evt/status/fmt/json"              // MQTT topic
+#define SUBSCRIBTOPIC "iot-2/cmd/+/fmt/+"
+#define HTS221_STR  "  Temp  is: %0.2f F \n\r  Humid is: %02d %%\n\r"
+Queue<uint32_t, 6> messageQ;
+struct rcvd_errs{
+    int err;
+    char *er;
+    };
+rcvd_errs response[] = {
+    200, "200 OK - Request has succeeded.",
+    201, "201 Created - Request has been fulfilled and a new resource created.",
+    202, "202 Accepted - The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing will be completed asynchronously",
+    204, "204 No Content - The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body.",
+    400, "400 Bad Request - Bad request (e.g. sending an array when the API is expecting a hash.)",
+    401, "401 Unauthorized - No valid API key provided.",
+    403, "403 Forbidden - You tried to access a disabled device, or your API key is not allowed to access that resource, etc.",
+    404, "404 Not Found - The requested item could not be found.",
+    405, "405 Method Not Allowed - The HTTP method specified is not allowed.",
+    415, "415 Unsupported Media Type - The requested media type is currently not supported.",
+    422, "422 Unprocessable Entity - Can result from sending invalid fields.",
+    429, "429 Too Many Requests - The user has sent too many requests in a given period of time.",
+    500, "500 Server errors - Something went wrong in the M2X server",
+    502, "502 Server errors - Something went wrong in the M2X server",
+    503, "503 Server errors - Something went wrong in the M2X server",
+    504, "504 Server errors - Something went wrong in the M2X server",
+    };
+#define RCMAX   sizeof(response)/sizeof(rcvd_errs)
+char * response_str(int rc) {
+    static char *unkown = "Unknown error code...";
+    int i=0;
+    while( response[i].err != rc && i < RCMAX)
+        i++;
+    return (i<RCMAX? response[i].er : unkown);
+// LED color control function
+void controlLED(color_t led_color) {
+    switch(led_color) {
+        case red :
+            greenLED = blueLED = 1;          
+            redLED = 0.7;
+            break;
+        case green :
+            redLED = blueLED = 1;
+            greenLED = 0.7;
+            break;
+        case blue :
+            redLED = greenLED = 1;
+            blueLED = 0.7;
+            break;
+        case off :
+            redLED = greenLED = blueLED = 1;
+            break;
+    }
+// Switch 2 interrupt handler
+void sw2_ISR(void) {
+    messageQ.put((uint32_t*)22);
+// Switch3 interrupt handler
+void sw3_ISR(void) {
+    messageQ.put((uint32_t*)33);
+// MQTT message arrived callback function
+void messageArrived(MQTT::MessageData& md) {
+    MQTT::Message &message = md.message;
+    printf("Receiving MQTT message:  %.*s\r\n", message.payloadlen, (char*)message.payload);
+    if (message.payloadlen == 3) {
+        if (strncmp((char*)message.payload, "red", 3) == 0)
+            controlLED(red);
+        else if(strncmp((char*)message.payload, "grn", 3) == 0)
+            controlLED(green);
+        else if(strncmp((char*)message.payload, "blu", 3) == 0)
+            controlLED(blue);
+        else if(strncmp((char*)message.payload, "off", 3) == 0)
+            controlLED(off);
+    }        
+int main() {
+    int rc, qStart=0, txSel=0, good = 0;
+    Timer tmr;
+    char* topic = PUBLISH_TOPIC;
+    char clientID[100], buf[100], uniqueID[50];
+    HTS221 hts221;
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    rc = hts221.init();
+    if ( rc  ) {
+        pc.printf(BLU "HTS221 Detected (0x%02X)\n\r",rc);
+        pc.printf(HTS221_STR, CTOF(hts221.readTemperature()), hts221.readHumidity()/10);
+    }
+    else {
+        pc.printf(RED "HTS221 NOT DETECTED!\n\r");
+    }
+    // turn off LED  
+    controlLED(blue);
+    // set SW2 and SW3 to generate interrupt on falling edge 
+    switch2.fall(&sw2_ISR);
+    switch3.fall(&sw3_ISR);
+    // initialize ethernet interface
+    MQTTwnc ipstack = MQTTwnc();
+    // get and display client network info
+    WNCInterface& eth = ipstack.getEth();
+    // construct the MQTT client
+    MQTT::Client<MQTTwnc, Countdown> client = MQTT::Client<MQTTwnc, Countdown>(ipstack);
+    char* hostname = URL;
+    int port = PORT;
+    char *tptr = eth.getMACAddress();
+    strncpy(buf,tptr,strlen(tptr));
+    for( int x=3, i=2; i<strlen(tptr)-2; x+=3,i++ ){
+        buf[i] = buf[x];
+        buf[x]=buf[x+1];
+        }
+    sprintf(uniqueID, "Mz-%s-7010", buf);
+    sprintf(clientID, CONFIGTYPE, uniqueID);
+    printf("ClientID='%s'\r\n",clientID);
+    printf("      _____\r\n");
+    printf("     *     *\r\n");
+    printf("    *____   *____             Bluemix IIoT Demo using\r\n");
+    printf("   * *===*   *==*             the AT&T IoT Starter Kit\r\n");
+    printf("  *___*===*___**  AVNET\r\n");
+    printf("       *======*\r\n");
+    printf("        *====*\r\n");
+    printf("\r\n");
+    printf("This demonstration program operates the same as the original \r\n");
+    printf("MicroZed IIoT Starter Kit except it only reads from the HTS221 \r\n");
+    printf("temp sensor (no 31855 currently present and no generated data).\r\n");
+    printf("\r\n");
+    printf("Local network info...\r\n");    
+    printf("IP address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+    printf("MAC address is %s\r\n", eth.getMACAddress());
+    printf("Gateway address is %s\r\n", eth.getGateway());
+    printf("Your <uniqueID> is: %s\r\n", uniqueID);
+    printf("---------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
+    MQTTPacket_connectData data = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer;       
+    int tries;
+    while( !good ) {    
+        tries=0;
+        // connect to TCP socket and check return code
+        tmr.start();
+        rc = 1;
+        while( rc && tries < 3) {
+            printf("\r\n\r\n(%d) Attempting TCP connect to %s:%d:  ", tries++, hostname, port);
+            rc = ipstack.connect(hostname, port);
+            if( rc ) {
+                printf("Failed (%d)!\r\n",rc);
+                while( tmr.read_ms() < 5000 ) ;
+                tmr.reset();
+            }
+            else {
+                printf("Success!\r\n");
+                rc = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        if( tries < 3 )
+          tries = 0;
+        else
+          continue;
+        data.willFlag = 0;  
+        data.MQTTVersion = 3;
+        data.clientID.cstring = clientID;
+    //    data.username.cstring = USERNAME;
+    //    data.password.cstring = PASSWORD;
+        data.keepAliveInterval = 10;
+        data.cleansession = 1;
+        rc = 1;
+        tmr.reset(); 
+        while( !client.isConnected() && rc && tries < 3) {
+            printf("(%d) Attempting MQTT connect to %s:%d: ", tries++, hostname, port);
+            rc = client.connect(data);
+            if( rc ) {
+                printf("Failed (%d)!\r\n",rc);
+                while( tmr.read_ms() < 5000 );
+                tmr.reset();
+            }
+            else
+                printf("Success!\r\n");
+        }
+        if( tries < 3 )
+          tries = 0;
+        else
+          continue;
+#if 0
+//Only need to subscribe if we are not running quickstart        
+        // subscribe to MQTT topic
+        tmr.reset();
+        rc = 1;
+        while( rc && client.isConnected() && tries < 3) {
+            printf("(%d) Attempting to subscribing to MQTT topic %s: ", tries, SUBSCRIBTOPIC);
+            rc = client.subscribe(SUBSCRIBTOPIC, MQTT::QOS0, messageArrived);
+            if( rc ) {
+                printf("Failed (%d)!\r\n", rc);
+                while( tmr.read_ms() < 5000 );
+                tries++;
+                tmr.reset();
+            }
+            else {
+                good=1;
+                printf("Subscribe successful!\r\n");
+            }
+        }
+    good = 1;
+        while (!good);
+    }        
+    MQTT::Message message;
+    message.qos = MQTT::QOS0;
+    message.retained = false;
+    message.dup = false;
+    message.payload = (void*)buf;
+    while(true) {
+        osEvent switchEvent = messageQ.get(100);
+        if( switchEvent.value.v == 22 )  //switch between sending humidity & temp
+          txSel = !txSel;
+        if( switchEvent.value.v == 33)   //user wants to run in Quickstart of Demo mode
+          qStart = !qStart;
+        memset(buf,0x00,sizeof(buf));
+        if( txSel ) {
+            rc = hts221.readHumidity();
+            sprintf(buf, "{\"d\" : {\"humd\" : \"%2d.%d\" }}", rc/10, rc-((rc/10)*10));
+            printf("Publishing MQTT message '%s' ", (char*)message.payload);
+            }
+        else {
+             sprintf(buf, "{\"d\" : {\"temp\" : \"%5.1f\" }}", CTOF(hts221.readTemperature()));
+             printf("Publishing MQTT message '%s' ", (char*)message.payload);
+            }
+         message.payloadlen = strlen(buf);
+         printf("(%d)\r\n",message.payloadlen);
+         rc = client.publish(topic, message);
+         if( rc ) {
+             printf("Publish request failed! (%d)\r\n",rc);
+             FATAL_WNC_ERROR(resume);
+             }
+        client.yield(6000);
+    }           