Repostiory containing DAPLink source code with Reset Pin workaround for HANI_IOT board.


diff -r 000000000000 -r 01f31e923fe2 test/
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/	Tue Apr 07 12:55:42 2020 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+# DAPLink Interface Firmware
+# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import future
+import os
+import binascii
+import intelhex
+import sys
+    from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+    from io import StringIO
+from msd_test import (MassStorageTester, MOCK_DIR_LIST, MOCK_FILE_LIST,
+def intel_hex_get_sections(intel_hex):
+    """Return list of address, size tuples"""
+    addresses = intel_hex.addresses()
+    addresses.sort()
+    section_list = []
+    section_start = None
+    last_addr = None
+    for addr in addresses:
+        if section_start is None:
+            section_start = addr
+            last_addr = addr
+        if addr == last_addr or addr == last_addr + 1:
+            last_addr = addr
+        else:
+            section_size = last_addr - section_start + 1
+            section_list.append((section_start, section_size))
+            section_start = addr
+            last_addr = addr
+    if section_start is not None:
+        section_size = last_addr - section_start + 1
+        section_list.append((section_start, section_size))
+    return section_list
+def bin_data_to_hex_data(addr, data):
+    """Covert binary data to a string in intel hex format"""
+    intel_hex = intelhex.IntelHex()
+    if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
+        data = data.decode('latin1')
+    intel_hex.puts(addr, data)
+    sio = StringIO()
+    intel_hex.tofile(sio, format='hex')
+    hex_data = sio.getvalue()
+    return bytearray(hex_data.encode('latin1'))
+class DLMassStorageTester(MassStorageTester):
+    """DAPLink mass storage tester"""
+    def __init__(self, board, parent_test, test_name, test_mode):
+        super(DLMassStorageTester, self).__init__(board, parent_test,
+                                                  test_name)
+        self._expected_mode = None
+        self._actual_mode = None
+        self._test_mode = test_mode
+        if self._test_mode == board.MODE_IF:
+            self._crc_tag = board.KEY_BL_CRC
+        elif self._test_mode == board.MODE_BL:
+            self._crc_tag = board.KEY_IF_CRC
+        else:
+            assert False
+    def _run(self, test_info):
+        assert self._expected_mode is not None
+        # Set board to the correct mode before running test
+        self.board.set_mode(self._test_mode)
+        self._actual_mode = None
+        super(DLMassStorageTester, self)._run(test_info)
+        if self._actual_mode is None:
+            # Set expected mode if it hasn't been set in _check_data_correct
+            self._actual_mode = self.board.get_mode()
+        if self._expected_mode is not self._actual_mode:
+            test_info.failure("Wrong mode after test - Expected "
+                              " %s got %s" % (self._expected_mode,
+                                              self._actual_mode))
+    def set_expected_mode(self, mode):
+        self._expected_mode = mode
+    def _check_data_correct(self, expected_data, test_info):
+        board = self.board
+        self._actual_mode = self.board.get_mode()
+        board.set_mode(self._test_mode)
+        if self._crc_tag not in board.details_txt:
+  "CRC not in details.txt")
+            return False
+        actual_crc32 = int(self.board.details_txt[self._crc_tag], 16)
+        expected_crc32 = binascii.crc32(expected_data[0:-4]) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+"Expected CRC: 0x%08x, actual crc: 0x%08x" %
+                       (expected_crc32, actual_crc32))
+        return actual_crc32 == expected_crc32
+def daplink_test(workspace, parent_test):
+    board = workspace.board
+    interface = workspace.if_firmware
+    test_info = parent_test.create_subtest('daplink_test')
+    intel_hex = intelhex.IntelHex(interface.hex_path)
+    section_list = intel_hex_get_sections(intel_hex)
+    assert len(section_list) == 1, ("Only 1 section supported, found %s" %
+                                    len(section_list))
+    start, length = section_list[0]
+    bin_data = bytearray(intel_hex.tobinarray(start=start, size=length))    
+    sio = StringIO()
+    intel_hex.tofile(sio, format='hex')
+    hex_data = sio.getvalue()
+    hex_data = bytearray(hex_data.encode('latin1'))
+    # Make sure asserts work as expected
+    test_assert(workspace, test_info)
+    # Test loading a binary file with shutils
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Shutil binary file load "
+                               "interface", board.MODE_BL)
+    test.set_shutils_copy(interface.bin_path)
+    test.set_expected_data(bin_data, start)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # Test loading a hex file with shutils
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Shutil hex file load "
+                               "interface", board.MODE_BL)
+    test.set_shutils_copy(interface.hex_path)
+    test.set_expected_data(bin_data, start)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    test_file_type('bin', board.MODE_BL, board, test_info, start, bin_data)
+    test_file_type('hex', board.MODE_BL, board, test_info, start, bin_data)
+    # Test bootloader updates
+    firmware = workspace.bl_firmware
+    intel_hex = intelhex.IntelHex(firmware.hex_path)
+    section_list = intel_hex_get_sections(intel_hex)
+    assert len(section_list) == 1, ("Only 1 section supported, found %s" %
+                                    len(section_list))
+    start, length = section_list[0]
+    bin_data = bytearray(intel_hex.tobinarray(start=start, size=length))
+    sio = StringIO()
+    intel_hex.tofile(sio, format='hex')
+    hex_data = sio.getvalue()
+    hex_data = bytearray(hex_data.encode('latin1'))
+    # Test loading a binary file with shutils
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Shutil binary file load "
+                               "bootloader", board.MODE_IF)
+    test.set_shutils_copy(firmware.bin_path)
+    test.set_expected_data(bin_data, start)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # Test loading a hex file with shutils
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Shutil hex file load "
+                               "bootloader", board.MODE_IF)
+    test.set_shutils_copy(firmware.hex_path)
+    test.set_expected_data(bin_data, start)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    test_file_type('bin', board.MODE_IF, board, test_info, start, bin_data)
+    test_file_type('hex', board.MODE_IF, board, test_info, start, bin_data)
+def test_assert(workspace, parent_test):
+    """Test that asserts work and persist across modes"""
+    board = workspace.board
+    test_info = parent_test.create_subtest('Assert Test')
+    board.set_assert_auto_manage(False)
+    board.set_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # Create a test assert file
+'Triggering assert by creating %s' %
+                   TRIGGER_ASSERT_FILE_NAME)
+    trigger_assert_path = board.get_file_path(TRIGGER_ASSERT_FILE_NAME)
+    with open(trigger_assert_path, 'wb') as _:
+        pass
+    board.wait_for_remount(test_info)
+'Checking that assert file was created')
+    board.set_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    assert_path = board.get_file_path(ASSERT_FILE_NAME)
+    if not os.path.exists(assert_path):
+        test_info.failure('Assert file not created')
+'Checking that assert file persists if->bl')
+    board.set_mode(board.MODE_BL)
+    assert_path = board.get_file_path(ASSERT_FILE_NAME)
+    if not os.path.exists(assert_path):
+        test_info.failure('Assert file not created')
+'Checking that assert file persists bl->if')
+    board.set_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    assert_path = board.get_file_path(ASSERT_FILE_NAME)
+    if not os.path.exists(assert_path):
+        test_info.failure('Assert file not created')
+    board.clear_assert()
+    board.set_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    assert_path = board.get_file_path(ASSERT_FILE_NAME)
+    if os.path.exists(assert_path):
+        test_info.failure('Assert file not cleared correctly')
+    board.set_mode(board.MODE_BL)
+    assert_path = board.get_file_path(ASSERT_FILE_NAME)
+    if os.path.exists(assert_path):
+        test_info.failure('Assert file not cleared correctly')
+    board.set_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    assert_path = board.get_file_path(ASSERT_FILE_NAME)
+    if os.path.exists(assert_path):
+        test_info.failure('Assert file not cleared correctly')
+    board.set_assert_auto_manage(True)
+def test_file_type(file_type, board_mode, board, parent_test,
+                   data_start, raw_data):
+    """Test updates of a given file type using the given mode"""
+    assert file_type in ('hex', 'bin'), 'Unsupported file type %s' % file_type
+    if board_mode == board.MODE_IF:
+        data_type = board.MODE_BL
+    elif board_mode == board.MODE_BL:
+        data_type = board.MODE_IF
+    else:
+        assert False
+    test_info = parent_test.create_subtest('%s %s filetype test' %
+                                           (file_type, data_type))
+    def get_file_name(base='image'):
+        """Get the file name to be used for loading"""
+        return base + '.' + file_type
+    def get_file_content(addr, bin_data):
+        """Get the file contents to be used for loading"""
+        if file_type == 'bin':
+            return bytearray(bin_data)  # Make a copy
+        elif file_type == 'hex':
+            return bin_data_to_hex_data(addr, bin_data)
+    # Test partial update
+    file_name = get_file_name()
+    local_data = get_file_content(data_start, raw_data[0:len(raw_data) // 2])
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Load partial",
+                               board_mode)
+    test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+    test.set_expected_data(None)
+    test.set_expected_failure_msg("In application programming failed because "
+                                  "the update sent was incomplete.", "interface")
+    test.set_expected_mode(board_mode)
+    # If bootloader is missing then this should be indicated by a file
+    if board_mode == board.MODE_IF:
+        if not os.path.isfile(board.get_file_path(NEED_BL_FILE_NAME)):
+            test_info.failure("Bootloader missing but file %s not present" %
+                              NEED_BL_FILE_NAME)
+"Testing switch to bootloader")
+        try:
+            board.set_mode(board.MODE_BL)
+            test_info.failure("Board switched to bootloader mode")
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+        finally:
+            if board.get_mode() == board.MODE_IF:
+      "Device able to recover from bad BL")
+            else:
+                test_info.failure("Device in wrong mode")
+    # Test loading a normal image
+    file_name = get_file_name()
+    local_data = get_file_content(data_start, raw_data)
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Normal Load",
+                               board_mode)
+    test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+    test.set_expected_data(raw_data)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # Wrong starting address
+    if file_type != 'bin':
+        mode_to_error = {
+            board.MODE_IF: ('The starting address for the bootloader '
+                            'update is wrong.'),
+            board.MODE_BL: ('The starting address for the interface '
+                            'update is wrong.')
+        }
+        file_name = get_file_name()
+        local_data = get_file_content(data_start + 0x400, raw_data)
+        test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Wrong Address",
+                                   board_mode)
+        test.set_expected_failure_msg(mode_to_error[board_mode], 'user')
+        test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+        test.set_expected_data(raw_data)
+        test.set_expected_mode(board_mode)
+    # Test flushes during update
+    file_name = get_file_name()
+    local_data = get_file_content(data_start, raw_data)
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Load with flushes",
+                               board_mode)
+    test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+    test.set_expected_data(raw_data)
+    test.set_flush_size(0x1000)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # Test bad crc
+    file_name = get_file_name()
+    local_raw_data = bytearray(raw_data)
+    local_raw_data[-1] = (local_raw_data[-1] + 1) % 0x100  # Corrupt CRC
+    local_data = get_file_content(data_start, local_raw_data)
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, 'Wrong CRC',
+                               board_mode)
+    test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+    if board_mode == board.MODE_IF:
+        test.set_expected_failure_msg('The bootloader CRC did not pass.', 'interface')
+        test.set_expected_data(None)
+    elif board_mode == board.MODE_BL:
+        # Interface images can be from other vendors and be missing
+        # the crc, so don't treat this as an error
+        test.set_expected_data(local_raw_data)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # If bootloader is missing then this should be indicated by a file
+    if (board_mode == board.MODE_IF and
+            not os.path.isfile(board.get_file_path(NEED_BL_FILE_NAME))):
+        test_info.failure("Bootloader missing but file %s not present" %
+                          NEED_BL_FILE_NAME)
+    # Test load with extra padding
+    file_name = get_file_name()
+    local_data = get_file_content(data_start, raw_data)
+    local_data.extend(b'\xFF' * 0x1000)
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Padded load", board_mode)
+    test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+    test.set_expected_data(raw_data)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # Test bad crc in file data
+    # Note - crc is only a requirment for loading bootloades
+    if board_mode == board.MODE_IF:
+        file_name = get_file_name()
+        local_raw_data = bytearray(raw_data)
+        local_raw_data[0x100] = (local_raw_data[0x100] + 1) % 0x100  # Corrupt CRC
+        local_data = get_file_content(data_start, local_raw_data)
+        test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, 'Wrong data CRC',
+                                   board_mode)
+        test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+        test.set_expected_failure_msg('The bootloader CRC did not pass.', 'interface')
+        test.set_expected_data(None)
+        test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+        # If bootloader is missing then this should be indicated by a file
+        if not os.path.isfile(board.get_file_path(NEED_BL_FILE_NAME)):
+            test_info.failure("Bootloader missing but file %s not present" %
+                              NEED_BL_FILE_NAME)
+        # Restore a good image
+        file_name = get_file_name()
+        local_data = get_file_content(data_start, raw_data)
+        test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Normal Load",
+                                   board_mode)
+        test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+        test.set_expected_data(raw_data)
+        test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # Test wrong HIC ID
+    # Bootloader should perform interface update regardless of key
+    if data_type == board.MODE_IF:
+        local_raw_data = bytearray(raw_data)
+        local_raw_data[DAPLINK_HIC_ID_OFFSET] = \
+            (local_raw_data[DAPLINK_HIC_ID_OFFSET] + 1) % 0x100
+        file_name = get_file_name()
+        local_data = get_file_content(data_start, local_raw_data)
+        test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Wrong HIC ID",
+                                   board_mode)
+        test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+        test.set_expected_data(local_raw_data)
+        test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # TODO future - Wrong type
+    # Test a normal load with dummy files created beforehand
+    file_name = get_file_name()
+    local_data = get_file_content(data_start, raw_data)
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Extra Files", board_mode)
+    test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+    test.add_mock_dirs(MOCK_DIR_LIST)
+    test.add_mock_files(MOCK_FILE_LIST)
+    test.add_mock_dirs_after_load(MOCK_DIR_LIST_AFTER)
+    test.add_mock_files_after_load(MOCK_FILE_LIST_AFTER)
+    test.set_expected_data(raw_data)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+    # Restore good image
+    file_name = get_file_name()
+    local_data = get_file_content(data_start, raw_data)
+    test = DLMassStorageTester(board, test_info, "Restore image",
+                               board_mode)
+    test.set_programming_data(local_data, file_name)
+    test.set_expected_data(raw_data)
+    test.set_expected_mode(board.MODE_IF)