Repostiory containing DAPLink source code with Reset Pin workaround for HANI_IOT board.



Pawel Zarembski

File content as of revision 0:01f31e923fe2:

 * @file    vfs_user.c
 * @brief   Implementation of vfs_user.h
 * DAPLink Interface Firmware
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2020, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
 * Copyright 2019, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 
 * or a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "vfs_user.h"
#include "vfs_manager.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "daplink.h"
#include "version_git.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "gpio.h"           // for gpio_get_sw_reset
#include "flash_intf.h"     // for flash_intf_target
#include "cortex_m.h"
#include "target_board.h"
#include "flash_manager.h"

//! @brief Size in bytes of the virtual disk.
//! Must be bigger than 4x the flash size of the biggest supported
//! device.  This is to accomodate for hex file programming.
#define VFS_DISK_SIZE (MB(64))

//! @brief Constants for magic action or config files.
//! The "magic files" are files with a special name that if created on the USB MSC volume, will
//! cause an event. There are two classes of magic files: action files and config files. The former
//! causes a given action to take place, while the latter changes a persistent configuration setting
//! to a predetermined value.
//! See #s_magic_file_info for the mapping of filenames to these enums.
typedef enum _magic_file {
    kDAPLinkModeActionFile,     //!< Switch between interface and bootloader.
    kTestAssertActionFile,      //!< Force an assertion for testing.
    kRefreshActionFile,         //!< Force a remount.
    kEraseActionFile,           //!< Erase the target flash.
    kAutoResetConfigFile,       //!< Enable reset after flash.
    kHardResetConfigFile,       //!< Disable reset after flash.
    kAutomationOnConfigFile,    //!< Enable automation.
    kAutomationOffConfigFile,   //!< Disable automation.
    kOverflowOnConfigFile,      //!< Enable UART overflow reporting.
    kOverflowOffConfigFile,     //!< Disable UART overflow reporting.
    kMSDOnConfigFile,           //!< Enable USB MSC. Uh....
    kMSDOffConfigFile,          //!< Disable USB MSC.
    kPageEraseActionFile,       //!< Enable page programming and sector erase for drag and drop.
    kChipEraseActionFile,       //!< Enable page programming and chip erase for drag and drop.
} magic_file_t;

//! @brief Mapping from filename string to magic file enum.
typedef struct _magic_file_info {
    const char *name;   //!< Name of the magic file, must be in 8.3 format.
    magic_file_t which; //!< Enum for the file.
} magic_file_info_t;

static const char mbed_redirect_file[] =
    "<!doctype html>\r\n"
    "<!-- mbed Platform Website and Authentication Shortcut -->\r\n"
    "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n"
    "<title>mbed Website Shortcut</title>\r\n"

static const char error_prefix[] = "error: ";
static const char error_type_prefix[] = "type: ";

static const vfs_filename_t assert_file = "ASSERT  TXT";

//! @brief Table of magic files and their names.
static const magic_file_info_t s_magic_file_info[] = {
        { daplink_mode_file_name, kDAPLinkModeActionFile },
        { "ASSERT  ACT", kTestAssertActionFile      },
        { "REFRESH ACT", kRefreshActionFile         },
        { "ERASE   ACT", kEraseActionFile           },
        { "AUTO_RSTCFG", kAutoResetConfigFile       },
        { "HARD_RSTCFG", kHardResetConfigFile       },
        { "AUTO_ON CFG", kAutomationOnConfigFile    },
        { "AUTO_OFFCFG", kAutomationOffConfigFile   },
        { "OVFL_ON CFG", kOverflowOnConfigFile      },
        { "OVFL_OFFCFG", kOverflowOffConfigFile     },
        { "MSD_ON  CFG", kMSDOnConfigFile           },
        { "MSD_OFF CFG", kMSDOffConfigFile          },
        { "PAGE_ON ACT", kPageEraseActionFile       },
        { "PAGE_OFFACT", kChipEraseActionFile       },

static uint8_t file_buffer[VFS_SECTOR_SIZE];
static char assert_buf[64 + 1];
static uint16_t assert_line;
static assert_source_t assert_source;
static uint32_t remount_count;

static uint32_t get_file_size(vfs_read_cb_t read_func);

static uint32_t read_file_mbed_htm(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors);
static uint32_t read_file_details_txt(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors);
static uint32_t read_file_fail_txt(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors);
static uint32_t read_file_assert_txt(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors);
static uint32_t read_file_need_bl_txt(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors);

static uint32_t update_html_file(uint8_t *data, uint32_t datasize);
static uint32_t update_details_txt_file(uint8_t *data, uint32_t datasize);
static void erase_target(void);

static uint32_t expand_info(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufsize);

void vfs_user_build_filesystem()
    uint32_t file_size;
    vfs_file_t file_handle;
    // Setup the filesystem based on target parameters
    vfs_init(get_daplink_drive_name(), VFS_DISK_SIZE);
    // MBED.HTM
    file_size = get_file_size(read_file_mbed_htm);
    vfs_create_file(get_daplink_url_name(), read_file_mbed_htm, 0, file_size);
    file_size = get_file_size(read_file_details_txt);
    vfs_create_file("DETAILS TXT", read_file_details_txt, 0, file_size);

    // FAIL.TXT
    if (vfs_mngr_get_transfer_status() != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        file_size = get_file_size(read_file_fail_txt);
        vfs_create_file("FAIL    TXT", read_file_fail_txt, 0, file_size);

    if (config_ram_get_assert(assert_buf, sizeof(assert_buf), &assert_line, &assert_source)) {
        file_size = get_file_size(read_file_assert_txt);
        file_handle = vfs_create_file(assert_file, read_file_assert_txt, 0, file_size);
        vfs_file_set_attr(file_handle, (vfs_file_attr_bit_t)0); // Remove read only attribute

    // NEED_BL.TXT
    volatile uint32_t bl_start = DAPLINK_ROM_BL_START; // Silence warnings about null pointer
    volatile uint32_t if_start = DAPLINK_ROM_IF_START; // Silence warnings about null pointer

    if (daplink_is_interface() &&
            (DAPLINK_ROM_BL_SIZE > 0) &&
            (0 == memcmp((void *)bl_start, (void *)if_start, DAPLINK_MIN_WRITE_SIZE))) {
        // If the bootloader contains a copy of the interfaces vector table
        // then an error occurred when updating so warn that the bootloader is
        // missing.
        file_size = get_file_size(read_file_need_bl_txt);
        vfs_create_file("NEED_BL TXT", read_file_need_bl_txt, 0, file_size);

// Default file change hook.
__WEAK bool vfs_user_file_change_handler_hook(const vfs_filename_t filename, vfs_file_change_t change,
        vfs_file_t file, vfs_file_t new_file_data)
    return false;

// Default magic file hook.
__WEAK bool vfs_user_magic_file_hook(const vfs_filename_t filename, bool *do_remount)
    return false;

// Callback to handle changes to the root directory.  Should be used with vfs_set_file_change_callback
void vfs_user_file_change_handler(const vfs_filename_t filename, vfs_file_change_t change, vfs_file_t file, vfs_file_t new_file_data)
    // Call file changed hook. If it returns true, then it handled the request and we have nothing
    // more to do.
    if (vfs_user_file_change_handler_hook(filename, change, file, new_file_data)) {

    // Allow settings to be changed if automation mode is
    // enabled or if the user is holding the reset button
    bool btn_pressed = gpio_get_reset_btn();

    if (!btn_pressed && !config_get_automation_allowed()) {

    if (VFS_FILE_CHANGED == change) {
        // Unused

    else if (VFS_FILE_CREATED == change) {
        bool do_remount = true; // Almost all magic files cause a remount.
        int32_t which_magic_file = -1;

        // Let the hook examine the filename. If it returned false then look for the standard
        // magic files.
        if (!vfs_user_magic_file_hook(filename, &do_remount)) {
            // Compare the new file's name to our table of magic filenames.
            for (int32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(s_magic_file_info); ++i) {
                if (!memcmp(filename, s_magic_file_info[i].name, sizeof(vfs_filename_t))) {
                    which_magic_file = i;

            // Check if we matched a magic filename and handle it.
            if (which_magic_file != -1) {
                switch (which_magic_file) {
                    case kDAPLinkModeActionFile:
                        if (daplink_is_interface()) {
                        } else {
                            // Do nothing - bootloader will go to interface by default
                    case kTestAssertActionFile:
                        // Test asserts
                        do_remount = false;
                    case kRefreshActionFile:
                        // Remount to update the drive
                    case kEraseActionFile:
                    case kAutoResetConfigFile:
                    case kHardResetConfigFile:
                    case kAutomationOnConfigFile:
                    case kAutomationOffConfigFile:
                    case kOverflowOnConfigFile:
                    case kOverflowOffConfigFile:
                    case kMSDOnConfigFile:
                    case kMSDOffConfigFile:
                    case kPageEraseActionFile:
                    case kChipEraseActionFile:
            else {
                do_remount = false;

        // Remount if requested.
        if (do_remount) {

    else if (VFS_FILE_DELETED == change) {
        if (!memcmp(filename, assert_file, sizeof(vfs_filename_t))) {
            // Clear assert and remount to update the drive

void vfs_user_disconnecting()
    // Reset if programming was successful  //TODO - move to flash layer
    if (daplink_is_bootloader() && (ERROR_SUCCESS == vfs_mngr_get_transfer_status())) {

    // If hold in bootloader has been set then reset after usb is disconnected
    if (daplink_is_interface() && (config_ram_get_hold_in_bl() || config_ram_get_disable_msd()==1)) {


// Get the filesize from a filesize callback.
// The file data must be null terminated for this to work correctly.
static uint32_t get_file_size(vfs_read_cb_t read_func)
    // Determine size of the file by faking a read
    return read_func(0, file_buffer, 1);

// File callback to be used with vfs_add_file to return file contents
static uint32_t read_file_mbed_htm(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors)
    if (sector_offset != 0) {
        return 0;

    return update_html_file(data, VFS_SECTOR_SIZE);

// File callback to be used with vfs_add_file to return file contents
static uint32_t read_file_details_txt(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors)

    if (sector_offset != 0) {
        return 0;

    return update_details_txt_file(data, VFS_SECTOR_SIZE);

// Text representation of each error type, starting from the rightmost bit
static const char* const error_type_names[] = {

COMPILER_ASSERT(1 << ARRAY_SIZE(error_type_names) == ERROR_TYPE_MASK + 1);

// File callback to be used with vfs_add_file to return file contents
static uint32_t read_file_fail_txt(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors)
    uint32_t size = 0;
    char *buf = (char *)data;
    error_t status = vfs_mngr_get_transfer_status();
    const char *contents = error_get_string(status);
    error_type_t type = error_get_type(status);

    if (sector_offset != 0) {
        return 0;

    size += util_write_string(buf + size, error_prefix);
    size += util_write_string(buf + size, contents);
    size += util_write_string(buf + size, "\r\n");
    size += util_write_string(buf + size, error_type_prefix);

    // Write each applicable error type, separated by commas
    int index = 0;
    bool first = true;
    while (type && index < ARRAY_SIZE(error_type_names)) {
        if (!first) {
            size += util_write_string(buf + size, ", ");
        if (type & 1) {
            size += util_write_string(buf + size, error_type_names[index]);
            first = false;
        type >>= 1;

    size += util_write_string(buf + size, "\r\n");
    return size;

// File callback to be used with vfs_add_file to return file contents
static uint32_t read_file_assert_txt(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors)
    uint32_t pos;
    const char *source_str;
    char *buf = (char *)data;
    uint32_t * hexdumps = 0;
    uint8_t valid_hexdumps = 0;
    uint8_t index = 0;

    if (sector_offset != 0) {
        return 0;

    pos = 0;

    if (ASSERT_SOURCE_BL == assert_source) {
        source_str = "Bootloader";
    } else if (ASSERT_SOURCE_APP == assert_source) {
        source_str = "Application";
    } else {
        source_str = 0;

    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Assert\r\n");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "File: ");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, assert_buf);
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Line: ");
    pos += util_write_uint32(buf + pos, assert_line);
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    if (source_str != 0) {
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Source: ");
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, source_str);
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    valid_hexdumps = config_ram_get_hexdumps(&hexdumps);
    if ((valid_hexdumps > 0) && (hexdumps != 0)) {
        //print hexdumps
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Hexdumps\r\n");
        while ((index < valid_hexdumps) && ((pos + 10) < VFS_SECTOR_SIZE)) { //hexdumps + newline is always 10 characters
            pos += util_write_hex32(buf + pos, hexdumps[index++]);
            pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    return pos;

// File callback to be used with vfs_add_file to return file contents
static uint32_t read_file_need_bl_txt(uint32_t sector_offset, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num_sectors)
    const char *contents = "A bootloader update was started but unable to complete.\r\n"
                           "Reload the bootloader to fix this error message.\r\n";
    uint32_t size = strlen(contents);

    if (sector_offset != 0) {
        return 0;

    memcpy(data, contents, size);
    return size;

static uint32_t update_html_file(uint8_t *data, uint32_t datasize)
    char *buf = (char *)data;
    //Needed by expand_info strlen
    memset(buf, 0, datasize);
    memcpy(buf, mbed_redirect_file, strlen(mbed_redirect_file));
    return expand_info(data, datasize);

static uint32_t update_details_txt_file(uint8_t *data, uint32_t datasize)
    uint32_t pos=0;
    const char *mode_str;

    char *buf = (char *)data;

    //Needed by expand_info strlen
    memset(buf, 0, datasize);

    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "# DAPLink Firmware - see\r\n");
    // Unique ID
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Unique ID: @U\r\n");
    // HIC ID
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "HIC ID: @D\r\n");
    // Settings
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Auto Reset: ");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, config_get_auto_rst() ? "1" : "0");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Automation allowed: ");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, config_get_automation_allowed() ? "1" : "0");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Overflow detection: ");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, config_get_overflow_detect() ? "1" : "0");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Page erasing: ");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, config_ram_get_page_erase() ? "1" : "0");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");
    // Current mode
    mode_str = daplink_is_bootloader() ? "Bootloader" : "Interface";
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Daplink Mode: ");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, mode_str);
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");
    // Current build's version
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, mode_str);
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, " Version: @V\r\n");

    // Other builds version (bl or if)
    if (!daplink_is_bootloader() && info_get_bootloader_present()) {
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Bootloader Version: ");
        pos += util_write_uint32_zp(buf + pos, info_get_bootloader_version(), 4);
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    if (!daplink_is_interface() && info_get_interface_present()) {
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Interface Version: ");
        pos += util_write_uint32_zp(buf + pos, info_get_interface_version(), 4);
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    // GIT sha
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Git SHA: ");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, GIT_COMMIT_SHA);
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");
    // Local modifications when making the build
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Local Mods: ");
    pos += util_write_uint32(buf + pos, GIT_LOCAL_MODS);
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");
    // Supported USB endpoints
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "USB Interfaces: ");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "MSD");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, ", CDC");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, ", HID");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, ", WebUSB");
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    // CRC of the bootloader (if there is one)
    if (info_get_bootloader_present()) {
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Bootloader CRC: 0x");
        pos += util_write_hex32(buf + pos, info_get_crc_bootloader());
        pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    // CRC of the interface
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Interface CRC: 0x");
    pos += util_write_hex32(buf + pos, info_get_crc_interface());
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    // Number of remounts that have occurred
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "Remount count: ");
    pos += util_write_uint32(buf + pos, remount_count);
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "\r\n");

    //Target URL
    pos += util_write_string(buf + pos, "URL: @R\r\n");

    return expand_info(data, datasize);

// Fill buf with the contents of the mbed redirect file by
// expanding the special characters in mbed_redirect_file.
static uint32_t expand_info(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufsize)
    uint8_t *orig_buf = buf;
    uint8_t *insert_string;

    do {
        // Look for key or the end of the string
        while ((*buf != '@') && (*buf != 0)) {

        // If key was found then replace it
        if ('@' == *buf) {
            switch (*(buf + 1)) {
                case 'm':
                case 'M':   // MAC address
                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)info_get_mac();

                case 'u':
                case 'U':   // UUID
                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)info_get_unique_id();

                case 'b':
                case 'B':   // Board ID
                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)info_get_board_id();

                case 'h':
                case 'H':   // Host ID
                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)info_get_host_id();

                case 't':
                case 'T':   // Target ID
                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)info_get_target_id();

                case 'd':
                case 'D':   // HIC
                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)info_get_hic_id();

                case 'v':
                case 'V':   // Firmware version
                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)info_get_version();

                case 'r':
                case 'R':   // URL replacement
                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)get_daplink_target_url();

                    insert_string = (uint8_t *)"ERROR";

            // Remove strip_count characters from the start of buf and then insert
            // insert_string at the new start of buf.
            uint32_t buf_len = strlen((const char *)buf);
            uint32_t str_len = strlen((const char *)insert_string);
            //buffer overflow check on insert
            if( (buf + str_len + buf_len - 2) < (orig_buf+bufsize)){
                // push out string
                memmove(buf + str_len, buf + 2, buf_len - 2);
                // insert
                memcpy(buf, insert_string, str_len);
                //stop the string expansion and leave as it is
                buf += buf_len;

    } while (*buf != '\0');

    return (buf - orig_buf);

// Initialize flash algo, erase flash, uninit algo
static void erase_target(void)