Repostiory containing DAPLink source code with Reset Pin workaround for HANI_IOT board.


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/	Tue Apr 07 12:55:42 2020 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# DAPLink Interface Firmware
+# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+DAPLink validation and testing tool
+optional arguments:
+  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+  --targetdir TARGETDIR
+                        Directory with pre-built target test images.
+  --user USER           MBED username (required for compile-api)
+  --password PASSWORD   MBED password (required for compile-api)
+  --firmwaredir FIRMWAREDIR
+                        Directory with firmware images to test
+  --firmware {k20dx_k64f_if,lpc11u35_sscity_if,...} (run script with --help to see full list)
+                        Firmware to test
+  --project-tool TOOL    choices=['uvision', 'mbedcli'],'Tool used to compile the project',
+                        default='uvision'
+  --logdir LOGDIR       Directory to log test results to
+  --noloadif            Skip load step for interface.
+  --notestendpt         Dont test the interface USB endpoints.
+  --loadbl              Load bootloader before test.
+  --testdl              Run DAPLink specific tests. The DAPLink test tests
+                        bootloader updates so use with caution
+  --testfirst           If multiple boards of the same type are found only
+                        test the first one.
+  --verbose {Minimal,Normal,Verbose,All}
+                        Verbose output
+  --dryrun              Print info on configurations but dont actually run
+                        tests.
+  --force               Try to run tests even if there are problems. Delete logs from previous run.
+Example usages
+Test all built projects in the repository: --user <username> --password <password>
+Test everything on a single project in the repository: --project <project> --testfirst --user <username>
+    --password <password>
+Verify that the USB endpoints are working correctly on
+an existing board with firmware already loaded: --noloadif --user <username> --password <password>
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import shutil
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+from enum import Enum
+from hid_test import test_hid
+from serial_test import test_serial
+from msd_test import test_mass_storage
+from usb_test import test_usb
+from daplink_board import get_all_attached_daplink_boards
+from project_generator.generate import Generator
+from test_info import TestInfo
+from daplink_firmware import load_bundle_from_project, load_bundle_from_release
+from firmware import Firmware
+from target import load_target_bundle, build_target_bundle
+from test_daplink import daplink_test
+import info
+DEFAULT_TEST_DIR = './test_results'
+VERB_MINIMAL = 'Minimal'    # Just top level errors
+VERB_NORMAL = 'Normal'      # Top level errors and warnings
+VERB_VERBOSE = 'Verbose'    # All errors and warnings
+VERB_ALL = 'All'            # All errors
+def test_endpoints(workspace, parent_test):
+    """Run tests to validate DAPLINK fimrware"""
+    test_info = parent_test.create_subtest('test_endpoints')
+    test_hid(workspace, test_info)
+    test_serial(workspace, test_info)
+    test_mass_storage(workspace, test_info)
+    test_usb(workspace, test_info)
+class TestConfiguration(object):
+    """Wrap all the resources needed to run a test"""
+    def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+        self.board = None
+ = None
+        self.if_firmware = None
+        self.bl_firmware = None
+    def __str__(self):
+        name_board = '<None>'
+        name_target = '<None>'
+        name_if_firmware = '<None>'
+        name_bl_firmware = '<None>'
+        if self.board is not None:
+            name_board =
+        if is not None:
+            name_target =
+        if self.if_firmware is not None:
+            name_if_firmware =
+        if self.bl_firmware is not None:
+            name_bl_firmware =
+        return "APP=%s BL=%s Board=%s Target=%s" % (name_if_firmware,
+                                                    name_bl_firmware,
+                                                    name_board, name_target)
+class TestManager(object):
+    """Handle tests configuration running and results"""
+    class _STATE(Enum):
+        INIT = 0
+        CONFIGURED = 1
+        COMPLETE = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        # By default test all configurations and boards
+        self._target_list = []
+        self._board_list = []
+        self._firmware_list = []
+        self._only_test_first = False
+        self._load_if = True
+        self._load_bl = True
+        self._test_daplink = True
+        self._test_ep = True
+        # Internal state
+        self._state = self._STATE.INIT
+        self._test_configuration_list = None
+        self._all_tests_pass = None
+        self._firmware_filter = None
+        self._untested_firmware = None
+    @property
+    def all_tests_pass(self):
+        assert self._all_tests_pass is not None, 'Must call run_tests first'
+        return self._all_tests_pass
+    def set_test_first_board_only(self, first):
+        """Only test one board of each type"""
+        assert isinstance(first, bool)
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._only_test_first = first
+    def set_load_if(self, load):
+        """Load new interface firmware before testing"""
+        assert isinstance(load, bool)
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._load_if = load
+    def set_load_bl(self, load):
+        """Load new bootloader firmware before testing"""
+        assert isinstance(load, bool)
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._load_bl = load
+    def set_test_daplink(self, run_test):
+        """Run DAPLink specific tests"""
+        assert isinstance(run_test, bool)
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._test_daplink = run_test
+    def set_test_ep(self, run_test):
+        """Test each endpoint - MSD, CDC, HID"""
+        assert isinstance(run_test, bool)
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._test_ep = run_test
+    def add_firmware(self, firmware_list):
+        """Add firmware to be tested"""
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._firmware_list.extend(firmware_list)
+    def add_boards(self, board_list):
+        """Add boards to be used for testing"""
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._board_list.extend(board_list)
+    def add_targets(self, target_list):
+        """Add targets to be used for testing"""
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._target_list.extend(target_list)
+    def set_firmware_filter(self, name_list):
+        """Test only the project names passed given"""
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        assert self._firmware_filter is None
+        self._firmware_filter = set(name_list)
+    def run_tests(self):
+        """Run all configurations"""
+        # Tests can only be run once per TestManager instance
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.CONFIGURED
+        self._state = self._STATE.COMPLETE
+        all_tests_pass = True
+        for test_configuration in self._test_configuration_list:
+            board = test_configuration.board
+            test_info = TestInfo(
+            test_configuration.test_info = test_info
+  "Board: %s" % test_configuration.board)
+  "Application: %s" %
+                           test_configuration.if_firmware)
+  "Bootloader: %s" %
+                           test_configuration.bl_firmware)
+  "Target: %s" %
+            if self._load_if:
+                if_path = test_configuration.if_firmware.hex_path
+                board.load_interface(if_path, test_info)
+            valid_bl = test_configuration.bl_firmware is not None
+            if self._load_bl and valid_bl:
+                bl_path = test_configuration.bl_firmware.hex_path
+                board.load_bootloader(bl_path, test_info)
+            board.set_check_fs_on_remount(True)
+            if self._test_daplink:
+                daplink_test(test_configuration, test_info)
+            if self._test_ep:
+                test_endpoints(test_configuration, test_info)
+            if test_info.get_failed():
+                all_tests_pass = False
+        self._all_tests_pass = all_tests_pass
+    def print_results(self, info_level):
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.COMPLETE
+        # Print info for boards tested
+        for test_configuration in self._test_configuration_list:
+            print('')
+            test_info = test_configuration.test_info
+            if info_level == VERB_MINIMAL:
+                test_info.print_msg(TestInfo.FAILURE, 0)
+            elif info_level == VERB_NORMAL:
+                test_info.print_msg(TestInfo.WARNING, None)
+            elif info_level == VERB_VERBOSE:
+                test_info.print_msg(TestInfo.WARNING, None)
+            elif info_level == VERB_ALL:
+                test_info.print_msg(TestInfo.INFO, None)
+            else:
+                # This should never happen
+                assert False
+    def write_test_results(self, directory, git_sha=None, local_changes=None,
+                           info_level=TestInfo.INFO):
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.COMPLETE
+        assert not os.path.exists(directory)
+        os.mkdir(directory)
+        # Write out version of tools used for test
+        tools_file = directory + os.sep + 'requirements.txt'
+        with open(tools_file, "w") as file_handle:
+            command = ['pip', 'freeze']
+            subprocess.check_call(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                  stdout=file_handle,
+                                  stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+        # Write out each test result
+        for test_configuration in self._test_configuration_list:
+            test_info = test_configuration.test_info
+            file_path = directory + os.sep + + '.txt'
+            with open(file_path, 'w') as file_handle:
+                file_handle.write("Test configuration: %s\n" %
+                                  test_configuration)
+                file_handle.write("Board: %s\n" % test_configuration.board)
+                file_handle.write("Application: %s\n" %
+                                  test_configuration.if_firmware)
+                file_handle.write("Bootloader: %s\n" %
+                                  test_configuration.bl_firmware)
+                file_handle.write("Target: %s\n" %
+                file_handle.write("\n")
+                test_info.print_msg(info_level, None, log_file=file_handle)
+        # Write out summary
+        summary_file = directory + os.sep + 'summary.txt'
+        with open(summary_file, "w") as file_handle:
+            # Overall result
+            if self.all_tests_pass:
+                file_handle.write("All tests pass\n\n")
+            else:
+                file_handle.write("One or more tests have failed\n\n")
+            if git_sha is not None and local_changes is not None:
+                file_handle.write("Git info for test:\n")
+                file_handle.write("  Git SHA: %s\n" % git_sha)
+                file_handle.write("  Local changes: %s\n" % local_changes)
+            file_handle.write("\n")
+            # Results for each test
+            file_handle.write("Test settings:\n")
+            file_handle.write("  Load application before test: %s\n" %
+                              self._load_if)
+            file_handle.write("  Load bootloader before test: %s\n" %
+                              self._load_bl)
+            file_handle.write("  Run DAPLink specific tests: %s\n" %
+                              self._test_daplink)
+            file_handle.write("  Run endpoint tests: %s\n" %
+                              self._test_ep)
+            file_handle.write("\n")
+            # Results for each test
+            file_handle.write("Tested configurations:\n")
+            for test_configuration in self._test_configuration_list:
+                test_info = test_configuration.test_info
+                test_passed = test_info.get_failed() == 0
+                result_str = 'Pass' if test_passed else 'Fail'
+                file_handle.write("  %s: %s\n" %
+                                  (test_configuration, result_str))
+            file_handle.write("\n")
+            # Untested firmware
+            untested_list = self.get_untested_firmware()
+            if len(untested_list) == 0:
+                file_handle.write("All firmware in package tested\n")
+            else:
+                file_handle.write("Untested firmware:\n")
+                for untested_fw in self.get_untested_firmware():
+                    file_handle.write("  %s\n" %
+            file_handle.write("\n")
+        # Target test images
+        target_dir = directory + os.sep + 'target'
+        os.mkdir(target_dir)
+        for target in self._target_list:
+            new_hex = target_dir + os.sep + os.path.basename(target.hex_path)
+            shutil.copy(target.hex_path, new_hex)
+            new_bin = target_dir + os.sep + os.path.basename(target.bin_path)
+            shutil.copy(target.bin_path, new_bin)
+    def get_test_configurations(self):
+        assert self._state in (self._STATE.CONFIGURED,
+                               self._STATE.COMPLETE)
+        return self._test_configuration_list
+    def get_untested_firmware(self):
+        assert self._state in (self._STATE.CONFIGURED,
+                               self._STATE.COMPLETE)
+        return self._untested_firmware
+    def build_test_configurations(self, parent_test):
+        assert self._state is self._STATE.INIT
+        self._state = self._STATE.CONFIGURED
+        test_info = parent_test.create_subtest('Build test configuration')
+        # Create table mapping each board id to a list of boards with that ID
+        board_id_to_board_list = {}
+        for board in self._board_list:
+            board_id = board.get_board_id()
+            if board_id not in board_id_to_board_list:
+                board_id_to_board_list[board_id] = []
+            board_list = board_id_to_board_list[board_id]
+            if self._only_test_first and len(board_list) > 1:
+                # Ignore this board since we already have one
+      'Ignoring extra boards of type 0x%x' %
+                               board_id)
+                continue
+            board_list.append(board)
+        # Create a list for bootloader firmware and interface firmware
+        bootloader_firmware_list = []
+        filtered_interface_firmware_list = []
+        for firmware in self._firmware_list:
+            if firmware.type == Firmware.TYPE.BOOTLOADER:
+                bootloader_firmware_list.append(firmware)
+            elif firmware.type == Firmware.TYPE.INTERFACE:
+                name =
+                if ((self._firmware_filter is None) or
+                        (name in self._firmware_filter)):
+                    filtered_interface_firmware_list.append(firmware)
+            else:
+                assert False, 'Unsupported firmware type "%s"' % firmware.type
+        # Create a table mapping name to object with that name
+        TARGET_NAME_TO_TARGET = { target for target in
+                                 self._target_list}
+        FIRMWARE_NAME_TO_FIRMWARE = { firmware for firmware in
+                                     filtered_interface_firmware_list}
+        BL_NAME_TO_BL = { firmware for firmware in
+                         bootloader_firmware_list}
+        # Explicitly specified boards must be present
+        fw_name_set = set( for fw in filtered_interface_firmware_list)
+        if self._firmware_filter is not None:
+            assert self._firmware_filter == fw_name_set
+        # Create test configurations for each supported configuration
+        test_conf_list = []
+        untested_firmware = set(filtered_interface_firmware_list)
+        for board_id, family_id, fw_name, bl_fw_name, target_name in info.SUPPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS:
+            target = None
+            if_firmware = None
+            bl_firmware = None
+            if target_name in TARGET_NAME_TO_TARGET:
+                target = TARGET_NAME_TO_TARGET[target_name]
+            if fw_name in FIRMWARE_NAME_TO_FIRMWARE:
+                if_firmware = FIRMWARE_NAME_TO_FIRMWARE[fw_name]
+            if bl_fw_name in BL_NAME_TO_BL:
+                bl_firmware = BL_NAME_TO_BL[bl_fw_name]
+            target_required = self._test_ep
+            bl_required = self._load_bl or self._test_daplink
+            if if_firmware is None:
+                # Skip configuration
+                continue
+            if target_required and target is None:
+                # Skip configuration
+      'No target to test firmware %s' % fw_name)
+                continue
+            if bl_required and bl_firmware is None:
+                # Skip configuration
+      'No bootloader to test firmware %s' % fw_name)
+                continue
+            # Check if there is a board to test this firmware
+            # and if not skip it
+            if board_id not in board_id_to_board_list:
+      'No board to test firmware %s' % fw_name)
+                continue
+            # Create a test configuration for each board
+            board_list = board_id_to_board_list[board_id]
+            for board in board_list:
+                test_conf = TestConfiguration( + ' ' +
+                test_conf.if_firmware = if_firmware
+                test_conf.bl_firmware = bl_firmware
+                test_conf.board = board
+       = target
+                test_conf_list.append(test_conf)
+                # remove this from the untested list
+                if if_firmware in untested_firmware:
+                    untested_firmware.remove(if_firmware)
+                assert bl_firmware not in untested_firmware
+        self._untested_firmware = list(untested_firmware)
+        self._test_configuration_list = test_conf_list
+def get_firmware_names(project_dir):
+    # Save current directory
+    cur_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(project_dir)
+    try:
+        all_names = set()
+        projects = list(Generator('projects.yaml').generate())
+        for project in projects:
+            assert not in all_names
+            all_names.add(
+    finally:
+        # Restore the current directory
+        os.chdir(cur_dir)
+    return list(all_names)
+def get_git_info(project_dir):
+    cur_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(project_dir)
+    # Get the git SHA.
+    try:
+        git_sha = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse",
+                                           "--verify", "HEAD"])
+        git_sha = git_sha.strip()
+    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, WindowsError):
+        print("#> ERROR: Failed to get git SHA, do you "
+              "have git in your PATH environment variable?")
+        exit(-1)
+    # Check are there any local, uncommitted modifications.
+    try:
+        subprocess.check_output(["git", "diff", "--no-ext-diff",
+                                 "--quiet", "--exit-code"])
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        git_has_changes = True
+    else:
+        git_has_changes = False
+    os.chdir(cur_dir)
+    return git_sha, git_has_changes
+def main():
+    self_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
+    test_dir = os.path.dirname(self_path)
+    daplink_dir = os.path.dirname(test_dir)
+    # We make assumptions that break if user copies script file outside the test dir
+    if os.path.basename(test_dir) != "test":
+        print("Error - this script must reside in the test directory")
+        exit(-1)
+    git_sha, local_changes = get_git_info(daplink_dir)
+    firmware_list = get_firmware_names(daplink_dir)
+    firmware_choices = [firmware for firmware in firmware_list if
+                        firmware.endswith('_if')]
+    description = 'DAPLink validation and testing tool'
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
+    parser.add_argument('--targetdir',
+                        help='Directory with pre-built target test images.',
+                        default=None)
+    parser.add_argument('--user', type=str, default=None,
+                        help='MBED username (required for compile-api)')
+    parser.add_argument('--password', type=str, default=None,
+                        help='MBED password (required for compile-api)')
+    parser.add_argument('--firmwaredir',
+                        help='Directory with firmware images to test',
+                        default=None)
+    parser.add_argument('--project-tool', choices=['uvision', 'mbedcli'],
+                        help='Tool used to compile the project',
+                        default='uvision')
+    parser.add_argument('--firmware', help='Firmware to test', action='append',
+                        choices=firmware_choices, default=[], required=False)
+    parser.add_argument('--logdir', help='Directory to log test results to',
+                        default=DEFAULT_TEST_DIR)
+    parser.add_argument('--noloadif', help='Skip load step for interface.',
+                        default=False, action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('--notestendpt', help='Dont test the interface '
+                        'USB endpoints.', default=False, action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('--loadbl', help='Load bootloader before test.',
+                        default=False, action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('--testdl', help='Run DAPLink specific tests. '
+                        'The DAPLink test tests bootloader updates so use'
+                        'with caution',
+                        default=False, action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('--testfirst', help='If multiple boards of the same '
+                        'type are found only test the first one.',
+                        default=False, action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('--verbose', help='Verbose output',
+                        choices=VERB_LEVELS, default=VERB_NORMAL)
+    parser.add_argument('--dryrun', default=False, action='store_true',
+                        help='Print info on configurations but dont '
+                        'actually run tests.')
+    parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', default=False,
+                        help='Try to run tests even if there are problems. Delete logs from previous run.')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    use_prebuilt = args.targetdir is not None
+    use_compile_api = args.user is not None and args.password is not None
+    test_info = TestInfo('DAPLink')
+    # Validate args
+    # See if user wants to test endpoints. If yes and he didn't provide
+    # target test binaries, use the Compile API to build them
+    all_targets = None
+    if not args.notestendpt:
+        if not use_prebuilt and not use_compile_api:
+            print("Endpoint test requires target test images.")
+            print("  Directory with pre-built target test images")
+            print("  must be specified with '--targetdir'")
+            print("OR")
+            print(" login credentials must be ")
+            print("  specified with '--user' and '--password' so test ")
+            print("  images can be built with the RESTful Compile API.")
+            print("NOTE: you can skip the endpoint tests altogether ")
+            print("with --notestendpt")
+            exit(-1)
+        if args.targetdir is not None:
+            target_dir = args.targetdir
+        else:
+            target_dir = daplink_dir + os.sep + 'tmp'
+            build_target_bundle(target_dir, args.user, args.password, test_info)
+        target_bundle = load_target_bundle(target_dir)
+        all_targets = target_bundle.get_target_list()
+    if os.path.exists(args.logdir):
+        if args.force:
+            shutil.rmtree(args.logdir)
+        else:
+            print('Error - test results directory "%s" already exists' %
+                  args.logdir)
+            exit(-1)
+    # Get all relevant info
+    if args.firmwaredir is None:
+        firmware_bundle = load_bundle_from_project(args.project_tool)
+    else:
+        firmware_bundle = load_bundle_from_release(args.firmwaredir)
+    all_firmware = firmware_bundle.get_firmware_list()
+    all_boards = get_all_attached_daplink_boards()
+    for board in all_boards:
+        if board.get_mode() == board.MODE_BL:
+            print('Switching to APP mode on board: %s' % board.unique_id)
+            try:
+                board.set_mode(board.MODE_IF)
+            except Exception:
+                print('Unable to switch mode on board: %s' % board.unique_id)
+    # Make sure firmware is present
+    firmware_explicitly_specified = len(args.firmware) != 0
+    if firmware_explicitly_specified:
+        all_firmware_names = set( for fw in all_firmware)
+        firmware_missing = False
+        for firmware_name in args.firmware:
+            if firmware_name not in all_firmware_names:
+                firmware_missing = True
+                test_info.failure('Cannot find firmware %s' % firmware_name)
+        if firmware_missing:
+            test_info.failure('Firmware missing - aborting test')
+            exit(-1)
+    # Create manager and add resources
+    tester = TestManager()
+    tester.add_firmware(all_firmware)
+    tester.add_boards(all_boards)
+    if all_targets is not None:
+        tester.add_targets(all_targets)
+    if firmware_explicitly_specified:
+        tester.set_firmware_filter(args.firmware)
+    # Configure test manager
+    tester.set_test_first_board_only(args.testfirst)
+    tester.set_load_if(not args.noloadif)
+    tester.set_test_ep(not args.notestendpt)
+    tester.set_load_bl(args.loadbl)
+    tester.set_test_daplink(args.testdl)
+    # Build test configurations
+    tester.build_test_configurations(test_info)
+    test_config_list = tester.get_test_configurations()
+    if len(test_config_list) == 0:
+        test_info.failure("Nothing that can be tested")
+        exit(-1)
+    else:
+'Test configurations to be run:')
+        index = 0
+        for test_config in test_config_list:
+  '    %i: %s' % (index, test_config))
+            index += 1
+    untested_list = tester.get_untested_firmware()
+    if len(untested_list) == 0:
+"All firmware can be tested")
+    else:
+'Fimrware that will not be tested:')
+        for untested_firmware in untested_list:
+  '    %s' %
+    if firmware_explicitly_specified and len(untested_list) != 0:
+        test_info.failure("Exiting because not all firmware could be tested")
+        exit(-1)
+    # If this is a dryrun don't run tests, just print info
+    if args.dryrun:
+        exit(0)
+    # Run tests
+    tester.run_tests()
+    # Print test results
+    tester.print_results(args.verbose)
+    tester.write_test_results(args.logdir,
+                              git_sha=git_sha,
+                              local_changes=local_changes)
+    # Warn about untested boards
+    print('')
+    for firmware in tester.get_untested_firmware():
+        print('Warning - configuration %s is untested' %
+    if tester.all_tests_pass:
+        print("All boards passed")
+        exit(0)
+    else:
+        print("Test Failed")
+        exit(-1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()