Repostiory containing DAPLink source code with Reset Pin workaround for HANI_IOT board.


Pawel Zarembski
Tue Apr 07 12:55:42 2020 +0200
hani: DAPLink with reset workaround

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 1 /***********************************************************************
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 2 * $Id: fpu_enable.h
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 3 *
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 4 * Project: LPC43xx
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 5 *
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 6 * Description: fpu initialization routine header
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 7 *
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 8 * Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 9 * All rights reserved.
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 10 *
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 11 ***********************************************************************
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 12 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 13 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 14 * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 15 * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 16 * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 17 * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 18 * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 19 * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 20 * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 21 * use without further testing or modification.
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 22 **********************************************************************/
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 23
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 24 #ifndef __FPU_ENABLE_H
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 25 #define __FPU_ENABLE_H
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 26
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 27 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 28 void fpuEnable(void) __attribute__((section("BOOTSTRAP_CODE")));
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 29 #else
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 30 extern void fpuEnable(void);
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 31 #endif
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 32
Pawel Zarembski 0:01f31e923fe2 33 #endif /* __FPU_ENABLE_H */