A collection of Analog Devices drivers for the mbed platform

For additional information check out the mbed page of the Analog Devices wiki: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/mbed-drivers-all

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/drvdiag/main.cpp	Wed Apr 20 16:35:44 2016 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "config.h"
+vector<string> cmdbuffer;
+class commands
+    commands(string str, int p, void (*h)() ) : cmd_str(str), nr_of_param(p), fktPtr(h)	{	}
+    const static int VAR = -1; // variable number of params
+    string cmd_str;
+    int nr_of_param;
+    void (*fktPtr)(void);
+vector<commands> cmdlist = {
+		{"nop" ,            0, [](){ }},
+		{"echo",commands::VAR, [](){ 	for(auto i = begin(cmdbuffer) + 1, e = end(cmdbuffer); i!=e; ++i) 
+										printf("%s ", i->c_str()); printf("\r\n");}},
+		{"help",           0 , [](){ 	for(auto command : cmdlist) 
+										pc.printf("%s ",command.cmd_str.c_str()); }},
+		/* #### SPI ####*/
+		{"csa",             0, [](){ 	spibus.format(8, 3);CSA_pin = !CSA_pin;  wait_us(2); 
+									 	pc.printf("CS ADC pin set %s", ((CSA_pin.read()) ? "high" : "low")  ); }},
+		{"csr",             0, [](){ 	spibus.format(8, 1);CSR_pin = !CSR_pin;  wait_us(2); 
+										pc.printf("CS RDAC pin set %s", ((CSR_pin.read()) ? "high" : "low")  );} },
+		{"spi",             1, [](){ 	uint8_t spibyte =  strtol(cmdbuffer[1].c_str(), NULL, 16);
+									    pc.printf("writing 0x%x to SPI", spibyte);
+									    pc.printf("\r\nreturned: 0x%x ", spibus.write(spibyte)); }},
+		/* #### AD7790 #### */
+#ifdef AD7790_PRESENT
+		{"adrst",        0,   [](){ad7790diag.reset();}},
+		{"adwrm",        1,   [](){ad7790diag.write_mode();}},
+		{"adrdm",        0,   [](){ad7790diag.read_mode();}},
+		{"adwrf",        1,   [](){ad7790diag.write_filter();}},
+		{"adrdf",        0,   [](){ad7790diag.read_filter();}},
+		{"adrdd",        0,   [](){ad7790diag.read_data();}},
+		{"adrds",        0,   [](){ad7790diag.read_status();}},
+		{"adread",       0,   [](){ad7790diag.read_u16();}},
+		{"adreadv",      0,   [](){ad7790diag.read_voltage();}},
+		{"adsetc",       1,   [](){ad7790diag.set_continous_mode();}},
+		{"adsetref",     1,   [](){ad7790diag.set_reference_voltage();}},
+		{"adsetch",      1,   [](){ad7790diag.set_channel();}},
+#ifdef AD5270_PRESENT
+		{"rdwrr" ,       1,   [](){ad5270diag.write_RDAC();}},
+		{"rdrdr" ,       0,   [](){ad5270diag.read_RDAC();}},
+		{"rdwrcmd" ,     2,   [](){ad5270diag.write_cmd();}},
+		{"rdsetz" ,      0,   [](){ad5270diag.set_HiZ();}},
+		{"rd50en",       0,   [](){ad5270diag.enable_50TP_programming();}},
+		{"rd50ds",       0,   [](){ad5270diag.disable_50TP_programming();}},
+		{"rd50st",       0,   [](){ad5270diag.store_50TP();}},
+		{"rd50a" ,       0,   [](){ad5270diag.read_50TP_last_address();}},
+		{"rd50m" ,       1,   [](){ad5270diag.read_50TP_memory();}},
+		{"rdwrc" ,       1,   [](){ad5270diag.write_ctrl_reg();}},
+		{"rdrdc" ,       0,   [](){ad5270diag.read_ctrl_reg();}},
+		{"rdrst" ,       0,   [](){ad5270diag.reset_RDAC();}},
+		{"rdchm" ,       1,   [](){ad5270diag.change_mode();}},
+		{"rdwrw" ,       1,   [](){ad5270diag.write_wiper_reg();}},
+		{"rdrdw" ,       0,   [](){ad5270diag.read_wiper_reg();}},
+#ifdef CN0357_PRESENT
+		{"cnwrdac" ,      1,   [](){cn0357diag.set_RDAC();}},
+		{"cnrppm"  ,      0,   [](){cn0357diag.read_ppm();}},
+		{"cnparam"  ,      2,   [](){cn0357diag.set_sensor_param();}}
+void read_from_console()
+    char buffer[100] = {0};
+    size_t readPosition = 0;
+    // read from console until newline
+    while(1) {
+        buffer[readPosition] = pc.getc();
+        if(buffer[readPosition] == '\n' || buffer[readPosition] == '\r') {
+            buffer[readPosition] = ' ';
+            break;
+        }
+        readPosition++;
+    }
+    readPosition++;
+    buffer[readPosition] = '\0';
+    //create std::string from char buffer
+    string s(buffer);
+    // create std::vector of std:string, each string contains parameter
+    size_t pos = 0;
+    string delimiter = " ";
+    string token;
+    while ((pos = s.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos) {
+        token = s.substr(0, pos);
+        cmdbuffer.push_back(token);
+        s.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());
+    }
+void run_command()
+    for(auto i : cmdlist) {
+        if(i.cmd_str == cmdbuffer[0]) {
+            if(static_cast<int>(cmdbuffer.size()) - 1 == i.nr_of_param || i.nr_of_param == commands::VAR) {
+                pc.printf("RX> ");
+                i.fktPtr();
+            } else {
+                pc.printf("RX> ");
+                pc.printf("Command %s expects %d parameters, found %d", i.cmd_str.c_str(), i.nr_of_param, cmdbuffer.size() - 1);
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    pc.printf("RX> ");
+    pc.printf("Command %s not found", cmdbuffer[0].c_str());
+int main()
+    pc.printf("\r\n#### DrvDiag ####\r\n");
+    while(1) {
+        pc.printf("\r\nTX> ");
+        read_from_console();
+        run_command();
+        cmdbuffer.clear();
+    }