IIO firmware for the AD717x and AD411x family of devices.

Dependencies:   sdp_k1_sdram

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/ad717x_data_capture.c	Thu Jun 09 10:57:51 2022 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+ * @file    ad717x_data_capture.c
+ * @brief   Source file for AD717x Data capture
+* Copyright (c) 2021-22 Analog Devices, Inc.
+* All rights reserved.
+* This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
+* By using this software you agree to the terms of the associated
+* Analog Devices Software License Agreement.
+/***************************** Include Files **********************************/
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "ad717x_data_capture.h"
+#include "app_config.h"
+#include "ad717x_iio.h"
+#include "no_os_gpio.h"
+#include "no_os_irq.h"
+#include "ad717x_support.h"
+#include "no_os_error.h"
+#include "ad717x_user_config.h"
+/********************* Macros and Constants Definition ************************/
+/* Timeout count to avoid stuck into potential infinite loop while checking
+ * for new data into an acquisition buffer. The actual timeout factor is determined
+ * through 'sampling_frequency' attribute of IIO app, but this period here makes sure
+ * we are not stuck into a forever loop in case data capture is interrupted
+ * or failed in between.
+ * Note: This timeout factor is dependent upon the MCU clock frequency. Below timeout
+ * is tested for SDP-K1 platform @180Mhz default core clock */
+#define BUF_READ_TIMEOUT	0xffffffff
+/******************** Variables and User Defined Data Types *******************/
+ *@enum	 acq_buffer_state_e
+ *@details Data acquisition buffer states
+ **/
+typedef enum {
+} acq_buffer_state_e;
+ *@struct acq_buf_t
+ *@details Data acquisition buffer parameters
+ **/
+typedef struct {
+	acq_buffer_state_e state;	// Buffer state
+	uint32_t wr_indx;			// Buffer write index (incremented per sample read)
+	uint32_t rd_indx;			// Buffer read index (incremented per sample read)
+	int8_t *wr_pdata;			// Data buffer write pointer
+	int8_t *rd_pdata;			// Data buffer read pointer
+	bool reindex_buffer;		// Reindex buffer to 0th channel
+} acq_buf_t;
+/* ADC data acquisition buffers */
+static volatile acq_buf_t acq_buffer;
+/* Number of samples requested by IIO client */
+static volatile uint32_t num_of_requested_samples = 0;
+/* Number of active channels */
+static volatile uint8_t num_of_active_channels;
+/* ADC sample/raw data size in bytes */
+static volatile uint8_t sample_size_in_bytes;
+/* ADC data buffer */
+int8_t adc_data_buffer[DATA_BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 };
+/* List of input channels to be captured */
+static volatile uint8_t input_channels[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS];
+/* Flag to indicate data capture status */
+static volatile bool start_cont_data_capture = false;
+/* Max available buffer size (after considering the data alignment with IIO buffer) */
+static volatile uint32_t max_buffer_sz;
+/* Current active channel index */
+static volatile uint8_t chn_indx;
+/************************** Functions Declaration *****************************/
+/************************** Functions Definition ******************************/
+ * @brief Reset the data capture specific variables
+ * @return none
+ */
+static void reset_data_capture(void)
+	/* Reset data capture flags */
+	num_of_active_channels = 0;
+	start_cont_data_capture = false;
+	/* Reset acquisition buffer states and clear old data */
+	acq_buffer.state = BUF_EMPTY;
+	acq_buffer.wr_indx = 0;
+	acq_buffer.rd_indx = 0;
+	acq_buffer.reindex_buffer = false;
+	acq_buffer.wr_pdata = adc_data_buffer;
+	acq_buffer.rd_pdata = adc_data_buffer;
+	max_buffer_sz = DATA_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ * @brief Trigger a data capture in continuous/burst mode
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ */
+static int32_t adc_start_data_capture(void)
+	/* Set ADC to Continuous conversion mode */
+	return ad717x_set_adc_mode(p_ad717x_dev_inst, CONTINUOUS);
+ * @brief Stop a data capture operation
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ */
+static int32_t adc_stop_data_capture(void)
+	/* Set ADC to Standby mode */
+	return ad717x_set_adc_mode(p_ad717x_dev_inst, STANDBY);
+ * @brief Function to prepare the data ADC capture for new READBUFF
+ *	    request from IIO client (for active channels)
+ * @param chn_mask[in] - Channels to enable for data capturing
+ * @param num_of_chns[in] - ADC channel count
+ * @param sample_size[in] - Sample size in bytes
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ */
+int32_t prepare_data_transfer(uint32_t ch_mask, uint8_t num_of_chns,
+			      uint8_t sample_size)
+	uint8_t mask = 0x1;
+	int32_t ret;
+	uint8_t ch_id;
+	/* Reset data capture module */
+	reset_data_capture();
+	sample_size_in_bytes = sample_size;
+	/* Enable Active channels requested and Disable the remaining */
+	for (ch_id = 0;
+	     ch_id < NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ch_id++) {
+		if (ch_mask & mask) {
+			ret = ad717x_set_channel_status(p_ad717x_dev_inst, ch_id, true);
+			if (ret) {
+				return ret;
+			}
+			num_of_active_channels++;
+		} else {
+			ret = ad717x_set_channel_status(p_ad717x_dev_inst, ch_id, false);
+			if (ret) {
+				return ret;
+			}
+		}
+		mask <<= 1;
+	}
+	/* Trigger continuous data capture */
+	/* Trigger continuous data capture */
+	ret = adc_start_data_capture();
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	acq_buffer.state = BUF_AVAILABLE;
+	start_cont_data_capture = true;
+	/* Enable Continuous read operation */
+	ret = ad717x_enable_cont_read(p_ad717x_dev_inst, true);
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	/* Pull the cs line low to detect the EOC bit during data capture */
+	ret = no_os_gpio_set_value(csb_gpio, NO_OS_GPIO_LOW);
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	ret = no_os_irq_enable(external_int_desc, IRQ_INT_ID);
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * @brief Function to end data capture
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ */
+int32_t end_data_transfer(void)
+	int32_t ret;
+	start_cont_data_capture = false;
+	/* Disable continous read mode */
+	ret = ad717x_enable_cont_read(p_ad717x_dev_inst, false);
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	/* Reset data capture module specific flags and variables */
+	reset_data_capture();
+	/* Stop ADC data capture */
+	return adc_stop_data_capture();
+ * @brief Capture requested number of ADC samples in burst mode
+ * @param pbuf[out] - Pointer to ADC data buffer
+ * @param nb_of_samples[in] - Number of samples to be read
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ */
+static int32_t read_burst_data(int8_t *pbuf, uint32_t nb_of_samples)
+	uint32_t sample_index = 0;
+	int32_t adc_raw_data;
+	int32_t ret;
+	if (adc_start_data_capture() != 0) {
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	while (sample_index < nb_of_samples) {
+		/* Wait for the RDY Bit to go low to notify end of conversion */
+		ret = AD717X_WaitForReady(p_ad717x_dev_inst, AD717X_CONV_TIMEOUT);
+		if (ret) {
+			return ret;
+		}
+		/* Read the converted data from the Data register */
+		ret = AD717X_ReadData(p_ad717x_dev_inst, &adc_raw_data);
+		if (ret) {
+			return ret;
+		}
+		memcpy((uint8_t*)pbuf, &adc_raw_data, sample_size_in_bytes);
+		sample_index++;
+		pbuf += sample_size_in_bytes;
+	}
+	/* Stop any active conversion */
+	adc_stop_data_capture();
+	return 0;
+ * @brief Perform buffer read operations to read requested samples
+ * @param nb_of_samples[in] - Requested number of samples to read
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ */
+static int32_t buffer_read_operations(uint32_t nb_of_samples)
+	uint32_t timeout = BUF_READ_TIMEOUT;
+	int32_t offset;
+	/* Wait until requested samples are available in the buffer to read */
+	do {
+		if (acq_buffer.wr_indx >= acq_buffer.rd_indx) {
+			offset = acq_buffer.wr_indx - acq_buffer.rd_indx;
+		} else {
+			offset = max_buffer_sz + (acq_buffer.wr_indx - acq_buffer.rd_indx);
+		}
+		timeout--;
+	} while ((offset < (int32_t)(nb_of_samples)) && (timeout > 0));
+	if (timeout == 0) {
+		/* This returns the empty buffer */
+		return -EIO;
+	}
+	if (acq_buffer.rd_indx >= max_buffer_sz) {
+		acq_buffer.rd_indx = 0;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * @brief Perform buffer write operations such as buffer full or empty
+ *	  check, resetting buffer index and pointers, etc
+ * @return none
+ */
+static void buffer_write_operations(void)
+	acq_buffer.wr_indx++;
+	/* Perform buffer full check and operations */
+	if (acq_buffer.wr_indx >= max_buffer_sz) {
+		if ((acq_buffer.rd_indx >= num_of_requested_samples)
+		    && (acq_buffer.rd_indx != 0)) {
+			/* Reset buffer write index and write pointer when enough
+			 * space available in the buffer to wrap to start */
+			acq_buffer.wr_indx = 0;
+			acq_buffer.wr_pdata = adc_data_buffer;
+			if (acq_buffer.rd_indx >= max_buffer_sz) {
+				/* Wrap the read index and read pointer to start of buffer
+				 * if buffer is completely read/emptied */
+				acq_buffer.rd_indx = 0;
+				acq_buffer.rd_pdata = adc_data_buffer;
+			}
+			acq_buffer.state = BUF_AVAILABLE;
+		} else {
+			/* Wait until enough space available to wrap buffer write index
+			 * at the start of buffer */
+			acq_buffer.wr_indx = max_buffer_sz;
+			acq_buffer.state = BUF_FULL;
+			acq_buffer.reindex_buffer = true;
+		}
+	}
+ * @brief Read requested number of ADC samples in continuous mode
+ * @param pbuf[in] - Pointer to data buffer
+ * @param nb_of_samples[in] - Number of samples to read
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ * @note The actual sample capturing happens through interrupt. This
+ *			function tracks the buffer read pointer to read block of data
+ */
+static int32_t read_continuous_conv_data(int8_t **pbuf, uint32_t nb_of_samples)
+	volatile int8_t *rd_addr;
+	int32_t ret;
+	/* Determine the max available buffer size based on the requested
+	 * samples count and actual avilable buffer size. Buffer should be
+	 * capable of holding all requested 'n' samples from previous write
+	 * index upto to the end of buffer, as data is read linearly
+	 * from adc buffer in IIO library.
+	 * E.g. If actual buffer size is 2048 samples and requested samples
+	 * are 1600, max available buffer size is actually 1600. So in given
+	 * iteration, only 1600 samples will be stored into buffer and after
+	 * that buffer indexes will be wrapped to a start of buffer. If index
+	 * is not wrapped, the next 1600 requested samples won't accomodate into
+	 * remaining 448 samples space. As buffer is read in linear fashion, the
+	 * read index can't be wrapped to start of buffer to read remaining samples.
+	 * So max available space in this case is 2048 but only utilized space
+	 * will be 1600 in single read buffer request from IIO client.
+	 **/
+	max_buffer_sz = ((DATA_BUFFER_SIZE / sample_size_in_bytes) /
+			 nb_of_samples) * nb_of_samples;
+	ret = buffer_read_operations(nb_of_samples);
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	/* Get the next read address */
+	rd_addr = (volatile int8_t *)(acq_buffer.rd_pdata + (acq_buffer.rd_indx *
+				      sample_size_in_bytes));
+	acq_buffer.rd_indx += nb_of_samples;
+	/* Update the IIO buffer pointer to point to next read start location */
+	*pbuf = rd_addr;
+	return 0;
+ * @brief Read ADC raw data for recently sampled channel
+ * @param adc_data[out] - Pointer to adc data read variable
+ * @param input_chn[in] - Input channel
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ * @note This function is intended to call from the conversion end trigger
+ *	 event. Therefore, this function should just read raw ADC data
+ *	 without further monitoring conversion end event
+ */
+static int32_t adc_read_converted_sample(uint32_t *adc_data, uint8_t input_chn)
+	uint32_t adc_raw = 0;
+	int32_t ret;
+	uint8_t buffer[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+	uint8_t buffer_index;
+	if (!adc_data) {
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ret = no_os_spi_write_and_read(p_ad717x_dev_inst->spi_desc, buffer,
+				       sizeof(buffer));
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	ret = no_os_gpio_set_value(csb_gpio, NO_OS_GPIO_LOW);
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	for (buffer_index = 0; buffer_index < sizeof(buffer); buffer_index++) {
+		adc_raw <<= 8;
+		adc_raw += buffer[buffer_index];
+	}
+	/* Enable external interrupts */
+	ret = no_os_irq_enable(external_int_desc, IRQ_INT_ID);
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	*adc_data = adc_raw;
+	return 0;
+ * @brief This is an ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) to monitor end of conversion event.
+ * @param ctx[in] - Callback context (unused)
+ * @param event[in] - Callback event (unused)
+ * @param extra[in] - Callback extra (unused)
+ * @return none
+ * @details This is an Interrupt callback function/ISR invoked in synchronous/asynchronous
+ *			manner depending upon the application implementation. The conversion results
+ *			are read into acquisition buffer and control continue to sample next channel.
+ *			This continues until conversion is stopped (through IIO client command)
+ */
+void data_capture_callback(void *ctx, uint32_t event, void *extra)
+	uint32_t adc_sample;
+	volatile uint8_t *wr_addr;
+	/* The callback function is triggered when a falling edge is detected
+	 * on the MISO pin. The first falling edge on the MISO pin indicates the
+	 * end of conversion bit. The converted sample is also recieved on the MISO line and
+	* any falling edge during SPI tracsaction would be interpreted as interrupt and results
+	* in nested interrupts. Hence disabling the external interrupt as soon as the control
+	* enters the callback function due to an EOC event.
+	 */
+	no_os_irq_disable(external_int_desc, IRQ_INT_ID);
+	if (start_cont_data_capture == true) {
+		/* Read the sample for channel which has been sampled recently */
+		if (adc_read_converted_sample(&adc_sample,
+					      input_channels[chn_indx]) == 0) {
+			do {
+				if (acq_buffer.state == BUF_AVAILABLE) {
+					if (acq_buffer.reindex_buffer) {
+						/* Buffer refilling must start with first active channel data
+						 * for IIO client to synchronize the buffered data */
+						if (chn_indx != 0) {
+							break;
+						}
+						acq_buffer.reindex_buffer = false;
+					}
+					/* Copy adc samples into acquisition buffer to transport over
+					 * communication link */
+					wr_addr = (volatile uint8_t *)(acq_buffer.wr_pdata + (acq_buffer.wr_indx *
+								       sample_size_in_bytes));
+					memcpy((uint8_t *)wr_addr, &adc_sample, sample_size_in_bytes);
+				}
+				/* Perform buffer write operations */
+				buffer_write_operations();
+			} while (0);
+			/* Track the count for recently sampled channel */
+			chn_indx++;
+			if (chn_indx >= num_of_active_channels) {
+				chn_indx = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * @brief Function to read the ADC buffered raw data requested
+ *			by IIO client
+ * @param pbuf[in] - Pointer to data buffer
+ * @param nb_of_bytes[in] - Number of bytes to read
+ * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise
+ */
+int32_t read_buffered_data(int8_t **pbuf, uint32_t nb_of_bytes)
+	int32_t ret;
+	num_of_requested_samples = nb_of_bytes / sample_size_in_bytes;
+	ret = read_burst_data(*pbuf, num_of_requested_samples);
+	ret = read_continuous_conv_data(pbuf, num_of_requested_samples);
+	if (ret) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	return nb_of_bytes;
\ No newline at end of file