IIO firmware for the AD4110

Dependencies:   tempsensors sdp_k1_sdram

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/ad4110_sensor_measurement.py	Wed Jul 27 17:04:15 2022 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# @file    ad4110_sensor_measurement.py
+# @brief   Sensor Measurement steps for the demo  mode configurations in AD4110
+# Copyright (c) 2022 Analog Devices, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
+# By using this software you agree to the terms of the associated
+# Analog Devices Software License Agreement.
+import serial
+from time import sleep
+from pynput import keyboard
+from adi.ad4110 import *
+from ad4110_xattr import *
+# Delays in seconds
+short_time = 0.5
+long_time = 1
+def key_press_event(key):
+    global key_pressed
+    key_pressed = True
+def init_sensor_measurement():
+    global device
+    global demo_config
+    global listener
+    ######## User configuration ##########
+    # Configure the backend for PC to IIOD interface
+    uri = "serial:COM17,230400"  # For UART, baud rate must be same as set in the FW. COM port is physical Or VCOM.
+    device_name = "ad4110"      # Name of the device must be same as set in the FW.
+    ######################################
+    # Create an IIO device context
+    device = ad4110_xattr(uri, device_name)
+    device._ctx.set_timeout(100000)
+    device.rx_output_type = "raw"
+    # Get current user device config from the firmware
+    demo_config = device.demo_config
+    print("\r\nDemo Config: {}\r\n".format(demo_config))
+    listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=key_press_event)
+    listener.start()
+def perform_sensor_measurement():
+    global key_pressed 
+    print("\r\n*** Press any key to stop the measurement ***\r\n")
+    sleep(long_time)
+    # Print the header
+    header = ""
+    for chn in device.channel:
+        header = header + chn.name + ' '
+    print(header)
+    key_pressed = False
+    while not key_pressed:
+        result_str = ""
+        for chn in device.channel:
+            sleep(short_time)
+            adc_raw = chn.raw
+            adc_scale = chn.scale
+            adc_offset = chn.offset
+            if (demo_config == 'Voltage'):
+                actual_voltage = (adc_raw + adc_offset) * adc_scale / 1000
+                result_str = result_str + str(round(actual_voltage,4)) + 'V  '
+            elif ((demo_config == 'Current') or (demo_config == 'Field Power Supply')):
+                actual_current = (adc_raw + adc_offset) * adc_scale
+                result_str = result_str + str(round(actual_current,4)) + 'mA  '
+            elif (demo_config == 'RTD') or (demo_config == 'Thermocouple'):
+                actual_temperature = (adc_raw * adc_scale) / 1000
+                result_str = result_str + str(round(actual_temperature,4)) + 'C  '
+        print(result_str)
+def exit():
+    global listener
+    global device
+    # Delete the objects
+    del listener
+    del device
+def main():
+    init_sensor_measurement()
+    perform_sensor_measurement()
+    exit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file