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MPU6050 Class Reference

MPU6050 Class Reference

MPU6050 IMU library. More...

#include <MPU6050.h>

Public Member Functions

 MPU6050 (PinName sda, PinName scl)
bool testConnection (void)
 Tests the I2C connection by reading the WHO_AM_I register.
void setBW (char BW)
 Sets the bandwidth of the digital low-pass filter.
void setI2CBypass (bool state)
 Sets the auxiliary I2C bus in bypass mode to read the sensors behind the MPU6050 (useful for eval board, otherwise just connect them to primary I2C bus)
void setAcceleroRange (char range)
 Sets the Accelero full-scale range.
int getAcceleroRawX (void)
 Reads the accelero x-axis.
int getAcceleroRawY (void)
 Reads the accelero y-axis.
int getAcceleroRawZ (void)
 Reads the accelero z-axis.
void getAcceleroRaw (int *data)
 Reads all accelero data.
void getAccelero (float *data)
 Reads all accelero data, gives the acceleration in m/s2.
void setGyroRange (char range)
 Sets the Gyro full-scale range.
int getGyroRawX (void)
 Reads the gyro x-axis.
int getGyroRawY (void)
 Reads the gyro y-axis.
int getGyroRawZ (void)
 Reads the gyro z-axis.
void getGyroRaw (int *data)
 Reads all gyro data.
void getGyro (float *data)
 Reads all gyro data, gives the gyro in rad/s.
int getTempRaw (void)
 Reads temperature data.
float getTemp (void)
 Returns current temperature.
void setSleepMode (bool state)
 Sets the sleep mode of the MPU6050.
void write (char address, char data)
 Writes data to the device, could be private, but public is handy so you can transmit directly to the MPU.
char read (char adress)
 Read data from the device, could be private, but public is handy so you can transmit directly to the MPU.
void read (char adress, char *data, int length)
 Read multtiple regigsters from the device, more efficient than using multiple normal reads.
void getAcceleroAngle (float *data)
 function for calculating the angle from the accelerometer.
void getOffset (float *accOffset, float *gyroOffset, int sampleSize)
 function which allows to produce the offset values for gyro and accelerometer.
void computeAngle (float *angle, float *accOffset, float *gyroOffset, float interval)
 function for computing the angle, when accelerometer angle offset and gyro offset are both known.
void enableInt (void)
 function, which enables interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin
void disableInt (void)
 disables interrupts
void setAlpha (float val)
 function which sets the alpha value - constant for the complementary filter.

Detailed Description

MPU6050 IMU library.


 Later, maybe

Definition at line 96 of file MPU6050.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MPU6050 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl 



Sleep mode of MPU6050 is immediatly disabled

sda- mbed pin to use for the SDA I2C line.
scl- mbed pin to use for the SCL I2C line.

Definition at line 6 of file MPU6050.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void computeAngle ( float *  angle,
float *  accOffset,
float *  gyroOffset,
float  interval 

function for computing the angle, when accelerometer angle offset and gyro offset are both known.

function for computing angles for roll, pitch anf yaw

we also need to know how much time passed from previous calculation to now it produces the angle in degrees. However angles are produced from -90.0 to 90.0 degrees if anyone need smth different, they can update this library...

angle- calculated accurate angle from complemetary filter
accOffset- offset in angle for the accelerometer
gyroOffset- offset in rad/s for the gyroscope
interval- time before previous angle calculation and now

Definition at line 278 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void disableInt ( void   )

disables interrupts

function for disabling interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin, when the data is ready to take

Definition at line 312 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void enableInt ( void   )

function, which enables interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin

function for enabling interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin, when the data is ready to take

Definition at line 304 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void getAccelero ( float *  data )

Reads all accelero data, gives the acceleration in m/s2.

Function uses the last setup value of the full scale range, if you manually set in another range, this won't work.

data- pointer to float array with length three: data[0] = X, data[1] = Y, data[2] = Z

Definition at line 121 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void getAcceleroAngle ( float *  data )

function for calculating the angle from the accelerometer.

Additional function added by Montvydas Klumbys, which will allow easy offset, angle calculation and much more.

it takes 3 values which correspond acceleration in X, Y and Z direction and calculates angles in degrees for pitch, roll and one more direction.. (NOT YAW!)

data- angle calculated using only accelerometer

function for getting angles in degrees from accelerometer

Definition at line 243 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void getAcceleroRaw ( int *  data )

Reads all accelero data.

data- pointer to signed integer array with length three: data[0] = X, data[1] = Y, data[2] = Z

Definition at line 113 of file MPU6050.cpp.

int getAcceleroRawX ( void   )

Reads the accelero x-axis.

16-bit signed integer x-axis accelero data

Definition at line 89 of file MPU6050.cpp.

int getAcceleroRawY ( void   )

Reads the accelero y-axis.

16-bit signed integer y-axis accelero data

Definition at line 97 of file MPU6050.cpp.

int getAcceleroRawZ ( void   )

Reads the accelero z-axis.

16-bit signed integer z-axis accelero data

Definition at line 105 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void getGyro ( float *  data )

Reads all gyro data, gives the gyro in rad/s.

Function uses the last setup value of the full scale range, if you manually set in another range, this won't work.

data- pointer to float array with length three: data[0] = X, data[1] = Y, data[2] = Z

Definition at line 196 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void getGyroRaw ( int *  data )

Reads all gyro data.

data- pointer to signed integer array with length three: data[0] = X, data[1] = Y, data[2] = Z

Definition at line 188 of file MPU6050.cpp.

int getGyroRawX ( void   )

Reads the gyro x-axis.

16-bit signed integer x-axis gyro data

Definition at line 164 of file MPU6050.cpp.

int getGyroRawY ( void   )

Reads the gyro y-axis.

16-bit signed integer y-axis gyro data

Definition at line 172 of file MPU6050.cpp.

int getGyroRawZ ( void   )

Reads the gyro z-axis.

16-bit signed integer z-axis gyro data

Definition at line 180 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void getOffset ( float *  accOffset,
float *  gyroOffset,
int  sampleSize 

function which allows to produce the offset values for gyro and accelerometer.

function for getting offset values for the gyro & accelerometer

offset for gyro is simply a value, which needs to be substracted from original gyro rad/sec speed but offset for accelerometer is calculated in angles... later on might change that function simply takes the number of samples to be taken and calculated the average

accOffset- accelerometer offset in angle
gyroOffset- gyroscope offset in rad/s
sampleSize- number of samples to be taken for calculating offsets

Definition at line 256 of file MPU6050.cpp.

float getTemp ( void   )

Returns current temperature.

float with the current temperature

Definition at line 233 of file MPU6050.cpp.

int getTempRaw ( void   )

Reads temperature data.

16 bit signed integer with the raw temperature register value

Definition at line 225 of file MPU6050.cpp.

char read ( char  adress )

Read data from the device, could be private, but public is handy so you can transmit directly to the MPU.

adress- register address to write to
- data from the register specified by RA

Definition at line 27 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void read ( char  adress,
char *  data,
int  length 

Read multtiple regigsters from the device, more efficient than using multiple normal reads.

adress- register address to write to
length- number of bytes to read
data- pointer where the data needs to be written to

Definition at line 34 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void setAcceleroRange ( char  range )

Sets the Accelero full-scale range.


range- The two bits that set the full-scale range (use the predefined macros)

Definition at line 78 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void setAlpha ( float  val )

function which sets the alpha value - constant for the complementary filter.

function for setting a different Alpha value, which is used in complemetary filter calculations

default alpha = 0.97

val- value the alpha (complementary filter constant) should be set to

Definition at line 299 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void setBW ( char  BW )

Sets the bandwidth of the digital low-pass filter.

Macros: MPU6050_BW_256 - MPU6050_BW_188 - MPU6050_BW_98 - MPU6050_BW_42 - MPU6050_BW_20 - MPU6050_BW_10 - MPU6050_BW_5 Last number is the gyro's BW in Hz (accelero BW is virtually identical)

BW- The three bits that set the bandwidth (use the predefined macros)

Definition at line 55 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void setGyroRange ( char  range )

Sets the Gyro full-scale range.

Macros: MPU6050_GYRO_RANGE_250 - MPU6050_GYRO_RANGE_500 - MPU6050_GYRO_RANGE_1000 - MPU6050_GYRO_RANGE_2000

range- The two bits that set the full-scale range (use the predefined macros)

Definition at line 154 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void setI2CBypass ( bool  state )

Sets the auxiliary I2C bus in bypass mode to read the sensors behind the MPU6050 (useful for eval board, otherwise just connect them to primary I2C bus)

state- Enables/disables the I2C bypass mode

Definition at line 64 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void setSleepMode ( bool  state )

Sets the sleep mode of the MPU6050.

state- true for sleeping, false for wake up

Definition at line 39 of file MPU6050.cpp.

bool testConnection ( void   )

Tests the I2C connection by reading the WHO_AM_I register.

True for a working connection, false for an error

Definition at line 49 of file MPU6050.cpp.

void write ( char  address,
char  data 

Writes data to the device, could be private, but public is handy so you can transmit directly to the MPU.

adress- register address to write to
data- data to write

Definition at line 19 of file MPU6050.cpp.