Aeris Workshop program to read Moisture sensor and send the data to AerCloud using MQTT

Dependencies:   MQTT mbed-src



File content as of revision 0:9c4dbd5b0a33:

     Dragon Fly Sample Program for MultiTech Connected Cooler Workshop - reading value from Alcohol and Moisture sesnor

// AerCloud sample code for Dragon Fly Sample Program for MultiTech Connected Cooler - created for following hardware:
//   ST Nucleo F411RE
//   ST Sensor Board
//   MultiTech Socket Modem Shield:
//   MultiTech
//  Details on AerCloud:
//  AerCloud Developer Forum:
// Sample writes moistureValue & alcoholValue to an AerCloud container
// Dependencies:
//     mbed HTTP Client Libary
//     mbed MQTT Client Libary
//     DragonFly Support Library
//     mtsas Modem Library
//     mbed Library
// To get the sample running, you'll need to fill in the following parameters below
//   Your cellular provider's APN: APN
//   AerCloud API Key: AC_APIKEY
//   AerCloud Account ID: acId
//   AerCloud Container: AC_CONTAINER
// and you'll also need to create an AerCloud contianer with the schema
// described below

#include "mbed.h"
#include "mtsas.h"
#include "HTTPClient.h"
#include "PubSubClient.h"

// Connectivity Parameters

//! Aeris SIM does not use PIN
#define SIMPIN      NULL

//! The APN of your Aeris SIM
//    You can find the APN for your SIM at
char _APN[] = "";

//! User name and password are not required to use Aeris APN
#define USERNAME    NULL

//! User name and password are not required to use Aeris APN
#define PASSWORD    NULL

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AerCloud Paramers
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// AerCloud BASE URL
#define AC_BASE     ""

//! AerCloud API Key
//   You can find your api key at"
char _AERCLOUD_API_KEY[] = "ff767bee-f5bf-403b-badb-fde13bc2b756";

//! Aercloud Account Id
//   You can find your account id at
char _AERCLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID[] = "10975";

// AerCloud Container
//  The name of the AerCloud Container to write data into

// AerCloud Device Id
//  The Device Id that is registered and provisioned at AerCloud 
//  (random value here program automatically detects and provision it)
char _AERCLOUD_DEVICE_ID[] = "*****-nucleo-0001-***********"; 
char _host[] = "";
int _port = 1883;

// AerCloud SCL (Device) Data Model
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Code assumes an AerCloud Data Model (AERIS_WORKSHOP_MAIN) with following fields
//  moistureSensorValue     FLOAT       Value read frrom moisture sensor
//  moistureProcessedValue  FLOAT       Processed value of moisture sensor (LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH)
//  alcoholSensorValue      FLOAT       Value read frrom alcohol sensor
//  alcoholProcessedValue   FLOAT       Processed value of alcohol sensor (LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH)
//  sclid                   INT         Device-id
//  timeStamp               LONG        timestamp when event occurred
// Code assumes an AerCloud Data Model (AERIS_WORKSHOP_ALARM) with following fields
//  alarmText           STRING  alarm string
//  timeStamp           LONG    time at which alarn has been generated
//  sclid               INT     Device-id

// Define alcoholSensor and moisture input PIN (Arduino connector namings A0 - PA_0, A1 - PA_1, A2 - PC_4, A3 - PB_0, A4 - PC_1, A5 - PC_0
AnalogIn moistureSensor(PC_2);        // A0 - PA_0
AnalogIn alcoholSensor(PB_0);   // A3

float moistureValue = 0.0f;
float alcoholValue = 0.0f;
float moistureProcessedValue = 0.0f;
float alcoholProcessedValue = 0.0f;

float moistureLastPeakValue = 0.0f;
float alcoholLastPeakValue = 0.0f;

// Enumeration for Range
#define LOW     1
#define MEDIUM  2
#define HIGH    3

char str[512];
char *simImei;

const char* HttpResultToString(HTTPResult r)
    switch(r) {
        case HTTP_PROCESSING:
            return "HTTP_PROCESSING";
        case HTTP_PARSE:
            return "HTTP_PARSE";
        case HTTP_DNS:
            return "HTTP_DNS";
        case HTTP_PRTCL:
            return "HTTP_PRTCL";
        case HTTP_NOTFOUND:
            return "HTTP_NOTFOUND - 404";
        case HTTP_REFUSED:
            return "HTTP_REFUSED - 403";
        case HTTP_ERROR:
            return "HTTP_ERROR";
        case HTTP_TIMEOUT:
            return "HTTP_TIMEOUT";
        case HTTP_CONN:
            return "HTTP_CONN";
        case HTTP_CLOSED:
            return "HTTP_CLOSED";
        case HTTP_OK:
            return "HTTP_OK";
    return "UNKNOWN ERROR CODE";

void callback(char* topic, char* payload, unsigned int len) {
    logInfo("topic: [%s]\r\npayload: [%s]", topic, payload);

int main()
    bool simProvisioned = false;
    int ret;

    printf("Dragon Fly Sample Program for MultiTech Board - Sample Workshop Program ...\n\r");

    //Sets the log level to INFO, higher log levels produce more log output.

    /** STMicro Nucelo F411RE
    * The supported jumper configurations of the MTSAS do not line up with
    * the pin mapping of the Nucleo F411RE. Therefore, the MTSAS serial TX
    * pin (JP8 Pin 2) must be manually jumped to Serial1 RX (Shield pin D2)
    * and the MTSAS serial RX pin (JP9 Pin 2) pin must be manually jumped to
    * Serial1 TX (Shield pin D8).
    MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RTS, RADIO_CTS);

    //Sets the baud rate for communicating with the radio

    //Creates a radio object
    Cellular* radio = CellularFactory::create(io);

    if (! radio) {
        logFatal("failed to create Cellular object - exiting");
        printf("failed to create Cellular object - exiting.\n\r");
        return 1;

//    radio->configureSignals(D11,D7,RESET);          // Modified Flow Control for ST Sensor Board  D11
    Transport::setTransport(radio);                 // Required to control Cell Radio vs WiFi solution

    while (radio->setApn(_APN) != MTS_SUCCESS) {
        logError("failed to set APN [%s]", _APN);
        printf("failed to set APN.\n\r");

    while (! radio->connect()) {
        logError("failed to bring up PPP link");
        printf("failed to bring up PPP link.\n\r");

    printf("Signal Strength: %d\n\r", radio->getSignalStrength()); //Check the signal strength should be above 8

    // If you suspect a connectivity issue, uncomment the code below and if ping works.  If you are not getting a
    //  valid ping, there's a connectivity problem.  First step is to verify you've got the right APN set
    // Try pinging default server "" (Google's DNS)
    int ping_valid = 0;
    while (ping_valid == 0) {
        ping_valid = radio->ping();
        // or can use ping_valid = radio->ping("");
        printf("Ping Valid: %s\n\r", ping_valid ? "true" : "false");
        if (ping_valid == 0) {
            printf("wait 3");

    // Get the IMEI of the SIM, this will act as SCL-id on AerCloud
    string sImei;
    sImei = radio->getEquipmentIdentifier();
    simImei = (char*) sImei.c_str();
    strcpy (_AERCLOUD_DEVICE_ID, simImei);

    // Create http client
    HTTPClient http;

    // Check if SIM is provisioned in AerCloud
    printf("\r\nIs the SIM provisioned?  ");
    char url[512];
    snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/%s/scls/%s?apiKey=%s", AC_BASE, _AERCLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID, simImei, _AERCLOUD_API_KEY);
    ret = http.get(url, str, 128);
    printf("URL : %s", url);
    printf("STR : %s", str);

    if (ret == HTTP_OK) {
        // We're already provisioned
        printf("Page fetched successfully - read %d characters\r\n", strlen(str));
        printf("Result: %s\r\n", str);
        simProvisioned = true;
    } else {
        printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d\r\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());

        //SIM is not provisioned. trying to provision it...
        char url[512];
        snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/%s/scls?apiKey=%s", AC_BASE, _AERCLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID, _AERCLOUD_API_KEY);
        snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "{\"sclId\":\"%s\"}\0",simImei);
        HTTPJson outText(str);
        HTTPJson inText(str, 512);
        ret =, outText, &inText);

        if (!ret) {
            printf("Executed POST successfully - read %d characters\r\n", strlen(str));
            printf("Result: %s\r\n", str);
            simProvisioned = true;
        } else {
            if(http.getHTTPResponseCode() == 200)
                simProvisioned = true;
            printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d\r\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());

    PubSubClient mqtt(_host, _port, callback);
    unsigned int connectRetry = 0;
        logError("failed to connect to AerCloud Server");
        if (connectRetry > 5) break;

    //POST data to containers if SIM has been successfully provisioned
    if (simProvisioned) {
        while(1) {

            // Read data from sensor
            char alarmStringM[512] = "";
            bool generateAlertM = false;

            moistureValue = moistureSensor;
            printf("Moisture value read : %f \n\n",moistureValue);
            if (moistureValue > .5f) {
                moistureProcessedValue = HIGH;
            } else if (moistureValue > .25f) {
                moistureProcessedValue = MEDIUM;
            } else {
                moistureProcessedValue = LOW;

            if (moistureLastPeakValue != moistureProcessedValue) {  //condition to trigger alarm
                if (moistureLastPeakValue == 0) {                   // first time
                    moistureLastPeakValue = moistureProcessedValue;
                    generateAlertM = false;
                } else {
                    if (moistureLastPeakValue == LOW) {
                        if (moistureProcessedValue == MEDIUM) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringM, "Moisture level going up from LOW to MEDIUM");
                        } else if (moistureProcessedValue == HIGH) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringM, "Moisture level going up from LOW to HIGH");
                    } else if (moistureLastPeakValue == MEDIUM) {
                        if (moistureProcessedValue == LOW) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringM, "Moisture level going down from MEDIUM to LOW");
                        } else if (moistureProcessedValue == HIGH) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringM, "Moisture level going up from MEDIUM to HIGH");
                    } else if (moistureLastPeakValue == HIGH) {
                        if (moistureProcessedValue == LOW) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringM, "Moisture level going down from HIGH to LOW");
                        } else if (moistureProcessedValue == MEDIUM) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringM, "Moisture level going down from HIGH to MEDIUM");
                    moistureLastPeakValue = moistureProcessedValue;
                    generateAlertM = true;
            char alarmStringA[512] = "";
            bool generateAlertA = false;

            alcoholValue = 1 - alcoholSensor; // as per example logic value needs to be subtracted from 1 (inverse value)
            printf("Alcohol value read : %f \n\n",alcoholValue);
            if (alcoholValue > .5f) {
                alcoholProcessedValue = HIGH;
            } else if (alcoholValue > .25f) {
                alcoholProcessedValue = MEDIUM;
            } else {
                alcoholProcessedValue = LOW;

            if (alcoholLastPeakValue != alcoholProcessedValue) {  //condition to trigger alarm
                if (alcoholLastPeakValue == 0) {                   // first time
                    alcoholLastPeakValue = alcoholProcessedValue;
                    generateAlertA = false;
                } else {
                    if (alcoholLastPeakValue == LOW) {
                        if (alcoholProcessedValue == MEDIUM) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringA, "Alcohol level going up from LOW to MEDIUM");
                        } else if (alcoholProcessedValue == HIGH) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringA, "Alcohol level going up from LOW to HIGH");
                    } else if (alcoholLastPeakValue == MEDIUM) {
                        if (alcoholProcessedValue == LOW) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringA, "Alcohol level going down from MEDIUM to LOW");
                        } else if (alcoholProcessedValue == HIGH) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringA, "Alcohol level going up from MEDIUM to HIGH");
                    } else if (alcoholLastPeakValue == HIGH) {
                        if (alcoholProcessedValue == LOW) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringA, "Alcohol level going down from HIGH to LOW");
                        } else if (alcoholProcessedValue == MEDIUM) {
                            strcpy (alarmStringA, "Alcohol level going down from HIGH to MEDIUM");
                    alcoholLastPeakValue = alcoholProcessedValue;
                    generateAlertA = true;
            // POST data to AerCloud using MQTT 
            time_t seconds = time(NULL);
            sprintf(str,"{\"moistureSensorValue\": %.5f, \"moistureProcessedValue\": %.2f, \"alcoholSensorValue\": %.5f, \"alcoholProcessedValue\": %.2f, \"sclId\":\"%s\", \"timeStamp\": %u}", moistureValue, moistureProcessedValue, alcoholValue, alcoholProcessedValue, simImei, seconds);

            printf("str = %s \r\n",str);
            time_t beforeTime = time(NULL);
            printf("\r\nAcquired data going to post now...  %u \r\n", beforeTime);
            if (! mqtt.publish(_AERCLOUD_CONTAINER, str)) {
                printf("failed to publish: [%s]", str);
            wait_ms (100); // wait for 100 ms to get the data published
            printf("\r\nPosted data took ...  %u seconds \r\n", time(NULL)-beforeTime );

            // post alert for Moisture
            if (generateAlertM) {
                sprintf(str,"{\"alarmText\": \"%s\", \"sclId\":\"%s\", \"timeStamp\": %u}", alarmStringM, simImei, seconds);
                printf("str = %s \r\n",str);
                time_t beforeTime = time(NULL);
                printf("\r\nAcquired data going to post now...  %u \r\n", beforeTime);
                if (! mqtt.publish(_AERCLOUD_CONTAINER_ALARM, str)) {
                    printf("failed to publish: [%s]", str);
                wait_ms (100); // wait for 100 ms to get the data published
                printf("\r\nPosted data took ...  %u seconds \r\n", time(NULL)-beforeTime );
            // post alert for Alcohol
            if (generateAlertA) {
                sprintf(str,"{\"alarmText\": \"%s\", \"sclId\":\"%s\", \"timeStamp\": %u}", alarmStringA, simImei, seconds);
                printf("str = %s \r\n",str);
                time_t beforeTime = time(NULL);
                printf("\r\nAcquired data going to post now...  %u \r\n", beforeTime);
                if (! mqtt.publish(_AERCLOUD_CONTAINER_ALARM, str)) {
                    printf("failed to publish: [%s]", str);
                wait_ms (100); // wait for 100 ms to get the data published
                printf("\r\nPosted data took ...  %u seconds \r\n", time(NULL)-beforeTime );

            printf("Will be measuring again after 1 seconds !!!! \r\n\n");
            wait (1);
            moistureValue = 0;

    //Disconnect ppp link of radio
    //Disconnect ppp link of radio