Generic Pelion Device Management example for various Advantech modules.

This example is known to work great on the following platforms:

Example Functionality

This example showcases the following device functionality:

  • On timer button increment, simulate Pelion LWM2M button resource change

Use this example with Mbed CLI

1. Import the application into your desktop:

mbed import
cd pelion-example-common

2. Download your developer certificate from pelion portal

3. Compile the program

mbed compile -t <toolchain> -m <TARGET_BOARD>

(supported toolchains : GCC_ARM / ARM / IAR)

4. Copy the binary file pelion-example-common.bin to your mbed device.



File content as of revision 0:43ff9e3bc244:

# ISM43362 WiFi driver for mbed-os

The mbed OS driver for the ISM43362 WiFi module

## Currently supported platforms

ISM43362 module is soldered on the following platforms from STMicroelectronics

 * [DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A](
 * [DISCO_F413ZH](

## Configuration

Correct pins have already been configured for both supported platforms.

Here is configured pins:

- MBED_CONF_ISM43362_WIFI_MISO      : spi-miso pin for the ism43362 connection
- MBED_CONF_ISM43362_WIFI_MOSI     : spi-mosi pin for the ism43362 connection
- MBED_CONF_ISM43362_WIFI_SPI_SCLK  : spi-clock pin for the ism43362 connection
- MBED_CONF_ISM43362_WIFI_SPI_NSS   : spi-nss pin for the ism43362 connection
- MBED_CONF_ISM43362_WIFI_RESET     : Reset pin for the ism43362 wifi module
- MBED_CONF_ISM43362_WIFI_DATAREADY : Data Ready pin for the ism43362 wifi module
- MBED_CONF_ISM43362_WIFI_WAKEUP    : Wakeup pin for the ism43362 wifi module

## Debug

Some debug print on console can help to debug if necessary.

- in ISM43362Interface.cpp file, set ism_interface_debug to 1
- in ISM43362/ISM43362.cpp file, set ism_debug to 1
- in ISM43362/ATParser/ATParser.cpp file, there are 3 different level : dbg_on / AT_DATA_PRINT / AT_COMMAND_PRINT

Another way to enable these prints is overwrite MBED_CONF_ISM43362_WIFI_DEBUG in your json file:
            "ism43362.wifi-debug": true

## Firmware version

This driver has been tested with C3.5.2.2 and C3.5.2.3.BETA9 firmware version

## wifi module FW update

Only Wifi module from DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A can be updated (HW limitation for DISCO_F413ZH).

For more information about the wifi FW version, refer to the detailed procedure in