Demo application for using the AT&T IoT Starter Kit Powered by AWS.

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem

Fork of ATT_AWS_IoT_demo by Anthony Phillips

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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corp.
00003  *
00004  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
00005  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
00006  * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
00007  *
00008  * The Eclipse Public License is available at
00009  *
00010  * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
00011  *
00012  *
00013  * Contributors:
00014  *    Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
00015  *    Xiang Rong - 442039 Add makefile to Embedded C client
00016  *******************************************************************************/
00018 #ifndef MQTTPACKET_H_
00019 #define MQTTPACKET_H_
00021 #if defined(__cplusplus) /* If this is a C++ compiler, use C linkage */
00022 extern "C" {
00023 #endif
00025 #if defined(WIN32_DLL) || defined(WIN64_DLL)
00026   #define DLLImport __declspec(dllimport)
00027   #define DLLExport __declspec(dllexport)
00028 #elif defined(LINUX_SO)
00029   #define DLLImport extern
00030   #define DLLExport  __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
00031 #else
00032   #define DLLImport
00033   #define DLLExport  
00034 #endif
00036 #include "stdint.h"
00037 #include "stddef.h"
00038 #include "MQTTReturnCodes.h"
00039 #include "MQTTMessage.h"
00041 /**
00042  * Bitfields for the MQTT header byte.
00043  */
00044 typedef union {
00045     unsigned char byte;                 /**< the whole byte */
00046 #if defined(REVERSED)
00047     struct {
00048         unsigned int type : 4;          /**< message type nibble */
00049         unsigned int dup : 1;               /**< DUP flag bit */
00050         unsigned int qos : 2;               /**< QoS value, 0, 1 or 2 */
00051         unsigned int retain : 1;        /**< retained flag bit */
00052     } bits;
00053 #else
00054     struct {
00055         unsigned int retain : 1;        /**< retained flag bit */
00056         unsigned int qos : 2;               /**< QoS value, 0, 1 or 2 */
00057         unsigned int dup : 1;               /**< DUP flag bit */
00058         unsigned int type : 4;          /**< message type nibble */
00059     } bits;
00060 #endif
00061 } MQTTHeader;
00063 typedef struct {
00064     size_t len;
00065     char *data;
00066 } MQTTLenString;
00068 typedef struct {
00069     char *cstring;
00070     MQTTLenString lenstring;
00071 } MQTTString;
00073 #define MQTTString_initializer {NULL, {0, NULL}}
00075 MQTTReturnCode MQTTPacket_InitHeader(MQTTHeader *header, MessageTypes message_type,
00076                                      QoS qos, uint8_t dup, uint8_t retained);
00077 size_t MQTTstrlen(MQTTString mqttstring);
00079 #include "MQTTConnect.h"
00080 #include "MQTTPublish.h"
00081 #include "MQTTSubscribe.h"
00082 #include "MQTTUnsubscribe.h"
00084 MQTTReturnCode MQTTSerialize_ack(unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen,
00085                                  unsigned char type, unsigned char dup, uint16_t packetid,
00086                                  uint32_t *serialized_len);
00087 MQTTReturnCode MQTTDeserialize_ack(unsigned char *packettype, unsigned char *dup,
00088                                    uint16_t *packetid, unsigned char *buf,
00089                                    size_t buflen);
00091 size_t MQTTPacket_len(size_t rem_len);
00092 uint8_t MQTTPacket_equals(MQTTString *a, char *bptr);
00094 uint32_t MQTTPacket_encode(unsigned char *buf, size_t length);
00095 MQTTReturnCode MQTTPacket_decode(uint32_t (*getcharfn)(unsigned char *, uint32_t), uint32_t *value, uint32_t *readBytesLen);
00096 MQTTReturnCode MQTTPacket_decodeBuf(unsigned char *buf, uint32_t *value, uint32_t *readBytesLen);
00098 uint16_t readPacketId(unsigned char **pptr);
00099 void writePacketId(unsigned char** pptr, uint16_t anInt);
00101 int32_t readInt(unsigned char **pptr);
00102 size_t readSizeT(unsigned char **pptr);
00103 unsigned char readChar(unsigned char **pptr);
00104 void writeChar(unsigned char **pptr, unsigned char c);
00105 void writeInt(unsigned char **pptr, int32_t anInt);
00106 void writeSizeT(unsigned char **pptr, size_t size);
00107 MQTTReturnCode readMQTTLenString(MQTTString *mqttstring, unsigned char **pptr, unsigned char *enddata);
00108 void writeCString(unsigned char **pptr, const char *string);
00109 void writeMQTTString(unsigned char **pptr, MQTTString mqttstring);
00111 #ifdef __cplusplus /* If this is a C++ compiler, use C linkage */
00112 }
00113 #endif
00116 #endif /* MQTTPACKET_H_ */