Demo application for using the AT&T IoT Starter Kit Powered by AWS.

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem

Fork of ATT_AWS_IoT_demo by Anthony Phillips

IoT Starter Kit Powered by AWS Demo

This program demonstrates the AT&T IoT Starter Kit sending data directly into AWS IoT. It's explained and used in the Getting Started with the IoT Starter Kit Powered by AWS on

What's required

  • AT&T IoT LTE Add-on (also known as the Cellular Shield)
  • NXP K64F - for programming
  • microSD card - used to store your AWS security credentials
  • AWS account
  • Python, locally installed

If you don't already have an IoT Starter Kit, you can purchase a kit here. The IoT Starter Kit Powered by AWS includes the LTE cellular shield, K64F, and a microSD card.

diff -r 6f2798e45099 -r 02008a2a2569
--- a/	Thu Dec 01 18:05:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Dec 02 22:39:56 2016 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,72 @@
-# Avnet AT&T Amazon Web Service Internet-of-Things demo
+# AT&T Amazon Web Service Internet-of-Things demo
+Getting Started with MBED using FRDM-K64F: (NOTE!!! The FRDM bootloader MUST be updated to work with Windows 10)
+Avnet IoT Kit quickstart:
+AWS IoT Interactive Tutorial (what this demo is based on):
+AWS IoT C-SDK Tutorial (targeted for Raspberry Pi-2):
+Python AWS IoT Tutorial:
+Demo Quickstart
+NOTE1: FRDM-K64F bootloader must be updated to work with Windows 10 (otherwise board will reset over and over).
+1) This quickstart assumes you've gone through the "Getting Started with MBED using FRDM-K64F" and that you
+   can successfully drag-and-drop binaries to flash the FRDM-K64F device.
+AT&T IoT Kit:
+1) This quickstart assumes you've gone through the "Avnet IoT Kit quickstart" and your kits sim card has been
+   activated and verified to work with the AT&T LTE network.
+Amazon AWS IoT:
+1) Create an AWS IoT thing using AWS IoT Console.  Makes sure to get your 'thing' certificates.
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+1) In the mbed ATT_AWS_IoT_demo project open "network_interface.h" and comment in the following:
+   #define USING_AVNET_SHIELD // NOTE: Make sure you only comment in ONE Network Connection
+2) In the mbed ATT_AWS_IoT_demo project open "aws_iot_config.h" and update the following to match your AWS 
+   IoT 'thing':
+   #define AWS_IOT_MQTT_HOST
+3) In the mbed ATT_AWS_IoT_demo project open "certs.cpp" and update the following to match your AWS 'thing' 
+   private key and IoT certificate. NOTE Make sure the string format matches the format of AWS_IOT_ROOT_CA 
+   (which is pre-populated):
+   const unsigned char AWS_IOT_CERTIFICATE[]
+   const unsigned char AWS_IOT_PRIVATE_KEY[]
+Python GUI (optional):
+1) The Python GUI "" is used to communicate with the 'thing' device shadow, and can
+   be used to request 'desired' and report 'reported' shadow states.  This quickstart assumes you've gone 
+   through the "Python AWS IoT Tutorial" to the point where you've installed Python 2.7.11 and the libraries
+   required to run the script (paho-mqtt, AWSIoTPythonSDK).
+2) In the script search for the "AWS IoT Config Parameters" and update them so they
+   match the same 'thing' parameters as the mbed project.
+3) Place your 'thing' certificates into file locations where the Python script can find them.  For example:
+   AWS_IOT_ROOT_CA_FILENAME     = "C:/Temp/certs/rootCA-certificate.crt"
+   AWS_IOT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME = "C:/Temp/certs/private.pem.key"
+   AWS_IOT_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME = "C:/Temp/certs/certificate.pem.crt"
+Once all this is setup you should be able to:
+1) See the FRDM board start up and connect to Amazon and then create a 'thing' shadow (if there is none).
+2) See the FRDM board get the shadow LED color.
+3) Press the SW3 button on the FRDM board to cycle the LED color ->              (Off R G B W)
+4) Use the AWS IoT Console to "Update shadow" to set new 'desired' colors via -> (0   1 2 4 7)
+5) Use the Python GUI buttons to request 'desired' colors.  The GUI should also report the "AWS Reported LED Status"
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