Freedom Seeed Grove Alcohol Example
Dependencies: mbed
Fork of frdm_Grove_Alcohol_Example by
Simply Import this Program
into your mbed compiler
Select Compile
to generate the binary file
Open an Hyperterminal window and connect to the mbed Serial Port (COMxx)
peripheral using speed 9600bps
Plug the Grove Shield v2 on the top of your FRDM-K64F
Connect on end of the 4-pin Grove cable to Alcohol module and the other end to the port A0 of the Grove Adapter
Drag n drop the frdm_Grove_Alcohol_Example_K64F.bin
into the mbed drive from your file explorer
Wait for download to complete
Press the Reset/SW1 button of your FRDM-K64F board
to launch the program
Your hyperterminal window should now display the measurements of the alcohol sensor (see picture below)!!