basic version

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd USBHost mbed

Thu Jan 29 20:32:37 2015 +0000
Added CSV data output. Currently is not in its own thread, nor does it write to external storage. Those features need to be added along with a more robust method of managing when the data is written to the file, currently it writes for 60s post start

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 1 #include "mbed.h"
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 2 #include "rtos.h"
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 3 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 4
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 5 //File Access
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 6 LocalFileSystem local("local");
cathal66 9:88d70b0c1b8b 7
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 8 //Timer
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 9 Timer t;
cathal66 9:88d70b0c1b8b 10
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 11 //Varible
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 12 float sonarDistance;
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 13 float servoPosition;
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 14
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 15 //Mutex
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 16 Mutex sonarDistance_mutex; //Init Mutex for sensor value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 17 Mutex servoPosition_mutex; //Init Mutex for servo value
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 18
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 19 //I/O
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 20 AnalogIn sonarPin(p17); //Assign pin to read sonar sensor
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 21 PwmOut servoPin(p21); //Assign pin for servo output
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 22 PwmOut myled1(LED1); //Assign pin for LED1
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 23 PwmOut myled2(LED2); //Assign pin for LED2
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 24 PwmOut myled3(LED3); //Assign pin for LED3
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 25 PwmOut myled4(LED4); //Assign pin for LED4
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 26
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 27 //LCD Setup
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 28 C12832_LCD lcd; //setup LCD screen
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 29
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 30 void sonarSensor(void const *args){
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 31 while(true){
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 32 sonarDistance_mutex.lock(); //Mutex lock for the Servo value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 33 sonarDistance =; //Read analog voltage and store in variable
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 34 sonarDistance_mutex.unlock(); //Mutex unlock for the Servo value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 35 Thread::wait(10); //Pause thread for 10msec
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 36 } //End of While loop
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 37 } //End of Thread
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 38
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 39 void servoControl(void const *args){
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 40 while(true){
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 41 servoPosition_mutex.lock(); //Mutex lock for the Servo value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 42 servoPin.write(servoPosition/2); //Write servo value to servo pin
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 43 servoPosition_mutex.unlock(); //Mutex unlock for the Servo value
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 44 } //end of while loop
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 45 } //end of thread
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 46
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 47 void logic(void const *args)
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 48 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 49 int Size=16;
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 50 float Average_4[16]; //number of value in the array
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 51 float Average_Sum=0;
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 52 bool exportDebugData = true;
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 53 float debugDataTimeLimit = 60.0f;
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 54 FILE *graphcsv = fopen("/local/graph.csv","w");
cathal66 9:88d70b0c1b8b 55
cathal66 9:88d70b0c1b8b 56
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 57 while(true)
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 58 {
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 59 for(int i=0;i<Size;i++)
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 60 {
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 61 if (exportDebugData){
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 62 fprintf(graphcsv, "%f,",; // Print time to file;
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 63 }
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 64 Average_Sum = Average_Sum-Average_4[i]; //Remove the 4th oldest value from the average sum
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 65
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 66 sonarDistance_mutex.lock(); //Mutex lock for the Sonar value
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 67 Average_4[i]= sonarDistance; //Add the new value to the array
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 68 if (exportDebugData){
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 69 fprintf(graphcsv, "%f,",sonarDistance); // Write sonarDistance to file
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 70 }
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 71 sonarDistance_mutex.unlock(); //Mutex unlock for the Sonar value
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 72
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 73 Average_Sum = Average_Sum + Average_4[i]; //Add the new array value to the sum
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 74
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 75 servoPosition_mutex.lock(); //Mutex lock for the servo value
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 76 servoPosition = Average_Sum/Size; //Divide the array by the number of element in the array
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 77 if (exportDebugData){
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 78 fprintf(graphcsv, "%f\n",servoPosition); // Write servoPosition to file
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 79 }
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 80 servoPosition_mutex.unlock(); //Mutex unlock for the servo value
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 81
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 82 if( <= debugDataTimeLimit){
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 83 fclose(graphcsv);
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 84 exportDebugData = false;
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 85 }
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 86 }//end for loop
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 87 }//end of while loop
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 88 }//End of thread
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 89
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 90 void display(void const *args){
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 91 while(true){
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 92 sonarDistance_mutex.lock(); //Mutex lock for the sonar value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 93 servoPosition_mutex.lock(); //Mutex lock for the servo value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 94 lcd.cls(); //Clear the lcd
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 95 lcd.locate(0,0); //Cursor postion on the lcd
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 96 lcd.printf("Sonar : %3.6f \nServo : %3.6f \nSCIENCE!",sonarDistance,servoPosition);
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 97 sonarDistance_mutex.unlock(); //Mutex unlock for the sonar value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 98 servoPosition_mutex.unlock(); //Mutex unlock for the servo value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 99 Thread::wait(200); //Thread Wait
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 100
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 101 }
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 102 }
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 103
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 104 void LED_meter(void const *args) {
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 105
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 106 float LED_distance = 0; //Create var to store sonar distance
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 107
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 108 while(true) {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 109 sonarDistance_mutex.lock(); //Mutex lock for the sonar value
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 110 LED_distance=sonarDistance; //Store value of sonar sensor in LED_distance
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 111 sonarDistance_mutex.unlock(); //Mutex unlock for the sonar value
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 112
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 113 if(LED_distance<=0.15)
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 114 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 115 myled1.write(((LED_distance-0.15)*-1)*20); //PWM the LED from 0% to 100%
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 116 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 117 else
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 118 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 119 myled1 = 0; //Turn off LED
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 120 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 121
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 122 if(LED_distance<=0.10)
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 123 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 124 myled2.write(((LED_distance-0.10)*-1)*20); //PWM the LED from 0% to 100%
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 125 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 126 else
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 127 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 128 myled2 = 0; //Turn off LED
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 129 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 130
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 131 if(LED_distance<=0.05)
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 132 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 133 myled3.write(((LED_distance-0.05)*-1)*40); //PWM the LED from 0% to 100%
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 134 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 135 else
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 136 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 137 myled3 = 0; //Turn off LED
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 138 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 139
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 140 if(LED_distance<=0.025)
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 141 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 142 myled4.write(((LED_distance-0.025)*-1)*40); //PWM the LED from 0% to 100%
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 143 //s2=0.1;
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 144 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 145 else
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 146 {
cathal66 8:b22ef9f44549 147 myled4 = 0; //Turn off LED
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 148 //s2=1;
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 149 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 150 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 151 }
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 152
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 153 int main(){
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 154 sonarDistance = 0.0f;
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 155 servoPosition = 0.0f;
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 156
Hjordan 10:6059097698f7 157 t.start();
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 158
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 159 Thread sonarSensor_thread(sonarSensor);
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 160 Thread servoControl_thread(servoControl);
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 161 Thread logic_thread(logic);
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 162 Thread display_thread(display);
cathal66 7:0fa7430ab812 163 Thread LED_meter_thread(LED_meter);
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 164
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 165 while(true)
cathal66 6:4c62f9c91b1d 166 {
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 167 }
Hjordan 1:ebf16f5cbdec 168 }