Host library for controlling a WiConnect enabled Wi-Fi module.

Dependents:   wiconnect-ota_example wiconnect-web_setup_example wiconnect-test-console wiconnect-tcp_server_example ... more

diff -r b63f5a9cdefa -r 3c52f578708a WiconnectInterface.h
--- a/WiconnectInterface.h	Thu Oct 23 15:21:50 2014 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
- * ACKme WiConnect Host Library is licensed under the BSD licence: 
- * 
- * Copyright (c)2014 ACKme Networks.
- * All rights reserved. 
- * 
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, 
- * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 
- * 
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products 
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 
- * 
- */
-#pragma once
-#include "WiconnectTypes.h"
-#include "types/LogFunc.h"
-#include "types/ReaderFunc.h"
-#include "types/Callback.h"
-#include "types/QueuedCommand.h"
-#include "types/CommandQueue.h"
-#include "types/TimeoutTimer.h"
-#include "types/PeriodicTimer.h"
-#include "types/Gpio.h"
-#include "types/WiconnectSerial.h"
-#include "NetworkInterface.h"
-#include "SocketInterface.h"
-#include "FileInterface.h"
-/// These are optional arguments for host specific malloc/free
-#define WICONNECT_MALLOC_ARGS , void* (*malloc_)(size_t) = WICONNECT_DEFAULT_MALLOC, void (*free_)(void*) = WICONNECT_DEFAULT_FREE
- * @namespace wiconnect
- */
-namespace wiconnect {
- * @ingroup api_core_types
- *
- * @brief The root WiConnect library class. This class
- * inheriets all WiConnect functionality.
- *
- * This class is implemented as a 'singleton'. This means it
- * only needs to be instantiated once. Subsequent class may either
- * use the class instance or the static function: @ref Wiconnect::getInstance()
- *
- */
-class Wiconnect : public NetworkInterface,
-                  public SocketInterface,
-                  public FileInterface
-    /**
-     * @brief WiConnect class constructor
-     *
-     * @note This should only be called once within a program as the WiConnect
-     *       library is implemented as a singleton.
-     *
-     * @note If this constructor is used, then all commands must be supplied with an external response buffer.
-     *       This means most the API functions will not work as they use the internal buffer.
-     *       It's recommended to use the other constructor that supplies an internal buffer. See @ref setting_alloc
-     *
-     * @param[in] serialConfig The serial (i.e. UART) configuration connected to a WiConnect module.
-     * @param[in] reset Optional, The pin connected to the WiConnect module reset signal. Default: No connection
-     * @param[in] wake Optional, The pin connected to the WiConnect module wake signal. Default: No connection
-     * @param[in] nonBlocking Optional, indicates if the API blocking mode. See @ref setting_blocking_modes
-     */
-    Wiconnect(const SerialConfig &serialConfig, Pin reset = PIN_NC, Pin wake = PIN_NC, bool nonBlocking = WICONNECT_DEFAULT_NONBLOCKING WICONNECT_MALLOC_ARGS);
-    /**
-     * @brief WiConnect class constructor
-     *
-     * @note This should only be called once within a program as the WiConnect
-     *       library is implemented as a singleton.
-     *
-     * @note This is the recommended construstor as it supplies the WiConnect library with an
-     *       internal buffer. Most API calls require the internal buffer.
-     *
-     * @param[in] serialConfig The serial (i.e. UART) configuration connected to a WiConnect module.
-     * @param[in] internalBufferSize The size of the internal buffer. If internalBuffer is NULL, then this size will be dynamically allocated. See @ref setting_alloc
-     * @param[in] internalBuffer Optional, a user allocated buffer. See @ref setting_alloc
-     * @param[in] reset Optional, The pin connected to the WiConnect module reset signal. Default: No connection
-     * @param[in] wake Optional, The pin connected to the WiConnect module wake signal. Default: No connection
-     * @param[in] nonBlocking Optional, indicates if the API blocking mode. See @ref setting_blocking_modes
-     */
-    Wiconnect(const SerialConfig &serialConfig, int internalBufferSize, void *internalBuffer = NULL, Pin reset = PIN_NC, Pin wake = PIN_NC, bool nonBlocking = WICONNECT_DEFAULT_NONBLOCKING WICONNECT_MALLOC_ARGS);
-    ~Wiconnect();
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * @ingroup  api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Get instance of previously instantiated Wiconnect Library
-     *
-     * @return Pointer to instance of @ref Wiconnect Library.
-     */
-    static Wiconnect* getInstance();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup  api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Initialize library and communication link with WiConnect WiFi module.
-     *
-     * @note This function is always blocking regardless of configured mode.
-     *
-     * @param[in] bringNetworkUp Flag indicating if the module should try to bring the network up upon initialization.
-     * @return Result of initialization. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult init(bool bringNetworkUp=false);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup  api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief De-initialize library.
-     */
-    void deinit();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Return TRUE if library is able to communicated with WiConnect WiFi module.
-     * FALSE else.
-     *
-     * @return TRUE if library can communicate with WiFi module, FALSE else.
-     */
-    bool isInitialized();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Toggle the WiConnect WiFi module reset signal.
-     *
-     * @note This only resets the module if the library was instantiated with the 'reset' pin
-     *       parameter in the Wiconnect::Wiconnect constructor.
-     * @note This method is always blocking. A small (1s) delay is added to ensure the module
-     *       has returned from reset and ready.
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult reset();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Toggle the WiConnect WiFi moduel wakeup signal.
-     *
-     * @note This only wakes the module if the library was instantiated with the 'wake' pin
-     *       parameter in the Wiconnect::Wiconnect constructor.
-     * @note This method is always blocking.
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult wakeup();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Flush any received data in serial RX buffer and terminate any commands on WiConnect WiFi module.
-     *
-     * The delayMs parameter is used as the delay between terminating commands on the module and flushing
-     * the serial RX buffer. This is needed because after terminating commands on the module, the module will
-     * returns a response. These responses are invalid at this point and should be flushed from the serial RX buffer.
-     *
-     * @param[in] delayMs Optional, if not specificed this only flushes the serial RX buffer.
-     */
-    void flush(int delayMs = 500);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Return current version of WiConnect WiFi module.
-     * @param[in] versionBuffer Optional, Buffer to hold received version string
-     * @param[in] versionBufferSize Optional, required if versionBuffer specified.
-     * @param[in] completeCallback Optional, callback when version is received. arg1 of callback contains version buffer pointer.
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult getVersion(char *versionBuffer = NULL, int versionBufferSize = 0, const Callback &completeCallback = Callback());
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Update the wifi module's internal firmware.
-     * @param[in] forced Optional, If true, force update of all firmware files to latest version, else only update out-dated files.
-     * @param[in] versionStr Optional, If specified, update to specific firmware version, else update to latest version.
-     * @param[in] completeCallback Optional, callback when update is complete. 'result' callback argument contains result of update.
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult updateFirmware(bool forced = false, const char *versionStr = NULL, const Callback &completeCallback = Callback());
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     *
-     * @param[in] completeCallback Callback when command completes. arg1 of callback contains responseBuffer pointer, arg2 contains the response length
-     * @param[in] responseBuffer Buffer to hold command response
-     * @param[in] responseBufferLen Length of responseBuffer
-     * @param[in] timeoutMs Maximum time in milliseconds this command should execute
-     * @param[in] reader Callback for reading data to be read from host and send to module during command
-     * @param[in] user User data struct used during read Callback. Library doesn't use this. Set NULL if not used.
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @param[in] vaList Varaible list of arguments
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(const Callback &completeCallback, char *responseBuffer, int responseBufferLen,
-                                int timeoutMs, const ReaderFunc &reader, void *user, const char *cmd, va_list vaList);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     *
-     * @param[in] responseBuffer Buffer to hold command response
-     * @param[in] responseBufferLen Length of responseBuffer
-     * @param[in] timeoutMs Maximum time in milliseconds this command should execute
-     * @param[in] reader Callback for reading data to be read from host and send to module during command
-     * @param[in] user User data struct used during read Callback. Library doesn't use this. Set NULL if not used.
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @param[in] vaList Varaible list of arguments
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(char *responseBuffer, int responseBufferLen, int timeoutMs, const ReaderFunc &reader,
-                                void *user, const char *cmd, va_list vaList);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] responseBuffer Buffer to hold command response
-     * @param[in] responseBufferLen Length of responseBuffer
-     * @param[in] timeoutMs Maximum time in milliseconds this command should execute
-     * @param[in] reader Callback for reading data to be read from host and send to module during command
-     * @param[in] user User data struct used during read Callback. Library doesn't use this. Set NULL if not used.
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(char *responseBuffer, int responseBufferLen, int timeoutMs, const ReaderFunc &reader,
-                                void *user, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * This method uses the library internal buffer.
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] timeoutMs Maximum time in milliseconds this command should execute
-     * @param[in] reader Callback for reading data to be read from host and send to module during command
-     * @param[in] user User data struct used during read Callback. Library doesn't use this. Set NULL if not used.
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand( int timeoutMs, const ReaderFunc &reader, void *user, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * - This method uses the library internal buffer and
-     * - default timeout. See setCommandDefaultTimeout()
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] reader Callback for reading data to be read from host and send to module during command
-     * @param[in] user User data struct used during read Callback. Library doesn't use this. Set NULL if not used.
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(const ReaderFunc &reader, void *user, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] responseBuffer Buffer to hold command response
-     * @param[in] responseBufferLen Length of responseBuffer
-     * @param[in] timeoutMs Maximum time in milliseconds this command should execute
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(char *responseBuffer, int responseBufferLen,  int timeoutMs, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] completeCallback Callback when command completes. arg1 of callback contains responseBuffer pointer, arg2 contains the response length
-     * @param[in] responseBuffer Buffer to hold command response
-     * @param[in] responseBufferLen Length of responseBuffer
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(const Callback &completeCallback, char *responseBuffer, int responseBufferLen, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] responseBuffer Buffer to hold command response
-     * @param[in] responseBufferLen Length of responseBuffer
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(char *responseBuffer, int responseBufferLen, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * - This method uses the library internal buffer and
-     * - default timeout. See setCommandDefaultTimeout()
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] completeCallback Callback when command completes. arg1 of callback contains responseBuffer pointer, arg2 contains the response length
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(const Callback &completeCallback, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * - This method uses the library internal buffer and
-     * - default timeout. See setCommandDefaultTimeout()
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * This method uses the library internal buffer
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] completeCallback Callback when command completes. arg1 of callback contains responseBuffer pointer, arg2 contains the response length
-     * @param[in] timeoutMs Maximum time in milliseconds this command should execute
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(const Callback &completeCallback, int timeoutMs, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Send command to WiConnect WiFi module
-     *
-     * This method uses the library internal buffer
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     * @note This method supports variable arguments
-     *
-     * @param[in] timeoutMs Maximum time in milliseconds this command should execute
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(int timeoutMs, const char *cmd, ...);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * - This method uses the library internal buffer and
-     * - default timeout. See setCommandDefaultTimeout()
-     *
-     * @note Refer to @ref send_command_desc for more info
-     *
-     * @param[in] cmd WiConnect command to send to module
-     * @param[in] vaList Varaible list of arguments
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult sendCommand(const char *cmd, va_list vaList);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Check the status of the currently executing command.
-     *
-     * Refer to @ref WiconnectResult for more information about the return code.
-     *
-     * @note This command is only applicable for non-blocking mode. Refer to @ref setting_blocking_modes.
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult checkCurrentCommand();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Stop the currently executing command.
-     *
-     * @note This command is only applicable for non-blocking mode. Refer to @ref setting_blocking_modes.
-     */
-    void stopCurrentCommand();
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief When the WiConnect WiFi module returns a response, it contains a
-     * response code in the header. This function converts the previous response code
-     * to a readable string.
-     *
-     * @return string representation of module response code
-     */
-    const char* getLastCommandResponseCodeStr();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Return the length in bytes of the previous response.
-     *
-     * @return length of previous response
-     */
-    uint16_t getLastCommandResponseLength();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Return pointer to internal response buffer.
-     *
-     * @return pointer to internal response buffer
-     */
-    char* getResponseBuffer();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Helper method to convert previous response to uint32
-     *
-     * @note This uses the internal response buffer.
-     *
-     * @param[out] uint32Ptr Pointer to hold result of conversion.
-     * @return Result of conversion. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult responseToUint32(uint32_t *uint32Ptr);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_misc
-     *
-     * @brief Helper method to convert previous response to int32
-     *
-     * @note This uses the internal response buffer.
-     *
-     * @param[out] int32Ptr Pointer to hold result of conversion.
-     * @return Result of conversion. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult responseToInt32(int32_t *int32Ptr);
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Set a module setting
-     *
-     * Refer to:
-     * for a list of the available settings and descriptions
-     *
-     * @param settingStr String module setting name.
-     * @param value The integer value to set
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult setSetting(const char *settingStr, uint32_t value);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Set a module setting
-     *
-     * Refer to:
-     * for a list of the available settings and descriptions
-     *
-     * @param settingStr String module setting name.
-     * @param value The string value to set
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult setSetting(const char *settingStr, const char *value);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Get a module setting
-     *
-     * Refer to:
-     * for a list of the available settings and descriptions
-     *
-     * @param settingStr String module setting name.
-     * @param valuePtr Pointer to buffer to contain integer value
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult getSetting(const char *settingStr, uint32_t *valuePtr);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Get a module setting
-     *
-     * Refer to:
-     * for a list of the available settings and descriptions
-     *
-     * @param settingStr String module setting name.
-     * @param valuePtr Pointer to hold pointer to internal API buffer containing retrieved setting result
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult getSetting(const char *settingStr, char **valuePtr);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Get a module setting
-     *
-     * Refer to:
-     * for a list of the available settings and descriptions
-     *
-     * @param settingStr String module setting name.
-     * @param valueBuffer Buffer to hold retrieved setting result
-     * @param valueBufferLen The length of the input buffer
-     *
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult getSetting(const char *settingStr, char *valueBuffer, uint16_t valueBufferLen);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Sets the default maximum time an API method may execute before
-     * terminating and return a timeout error code.
-     *
-     * @note All API methods (execpt some sendCommand()) use this default value.
-     *
-     * @param[in] timeoutMs Default command timeout in milliseconds
-     */
-    void setCommandDefaultTimeout(int timeoutMs);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Returns the current default maximum API execution time.
-     *
-     * @return Default command timeout in milliseconds
-     */
-    int getCommandDefaultTimeout();
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Sets a mapping function used to convert from a host Pin to WiConnect WiFi module GPIO.
-     *
-     * @param[in] mapper Pin to GPIO mapper function pointer
-     */
-    void setPinToGpioMapper(PinToGpioMapper mapper);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Sets callback function used to debug WiConnect WiFi module RX/TX serial data.
-     *
-     * @param[in] logFunc Logging function pointer
-     */
-    void setDebugLogger(LogFunc logFunc);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Sets callback used when Wiconnect Library hits and internal assertion.
-     *
-     * @note This is mainly for debugging. There's nothing the callback can do to fix the assertion.
-     *
-     * @param[in] assertLogFunc Logging function pointer
-     */
-    void setAssertLogger(LogFunc assertLogFunc);
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_send_command
-     *
-     * @brief Add user command to be executed asynchronously.
-     *
-     * Refer to @ref setting_async_processing for more info.
-     *
-     * @param[in] command Pointer to QueuedCommand to be executed asynchronously
-     * @param[in] commandCompleteHandler Callback to be executed when processing is complete.
-     * @return Result of method. See @ref WiconnectResult
-     */
-    WiconnectResult enqueueCommand(QueuedCommand *command, const Callback &commandCompleteHandler = Callback());
-    /**
-     * @ingroup api_core_settings
-     *
-     * @brief Set the period at which an asynchronous command should be processed.
-     *
-     * Refer to @ref setting_async_processing for more info.
-     *
-     * @param[in] periodMs Processing period in milliseconds
-     */
-    void setCommandProcessingPeriod(uint32_t periodMs);
-    /**
-     * @ingroup conversion_util
-     *
-     * @brief Converts a @ref WiconnectResult to string representation.
-     *
-     * @param[in] wiconnectResult Result code
-     * @return String representaion of result code
-     */
-    static const char* getWiconnectResultStr(WiconnectResult wiconnectResult);
-    void* (*_malloc)(size_t);
-    void (*_free)(void *);
-    friend class QueuedCommand;
-    friend class WiconnectSerial;
-    friend class ScanResult;
-    friend class ScanResultList;
-    friend class WiconnectSocket;
-    friend class WiconnectFile;
-    wiconnect::WiconnectSerial serial;
-    wiconnect::Gpio resetGpio;
-    wiconnect::Gpio wakeGpio;
-    volatile bool commandExecuting;
-    bool initialized;
-    bool nonBlocking;
-    PinToGpioMapper pinToGpioMapper;
-    char *internalBuffer;
-    int internalBufferSize;
-    bool internalBufferAlloc;
-    uint8_t internalProcessingState;
-    void *currentCommandId;
-    wiconnect::TimeoutTimer timeoutTimer;
-    int defaultTimeoutMs;
-    uint8_t commandHeaderBuffer[32];
-    char commandFormatBuffer[WICONNECT_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
-    uint8_t commandContext[96];
-    void prepare(void *internalBuffer, int internalBufferSize, bool nonBlocking);
-    WiconnectResult inline receiveResponse();
-    WiconnectResult inline receivePacket();
-    void issueCommandCallback(WiconnectResult result);
-    LogFunc debugLogger;
-    LogFunc assertLogger;
-    void debugLog(const char *msg, ...);
-    wiconnect::PeriodicTimer commandProcessorTimer;
-    uint32_t commandProcessingPeriod;
-    CommandQueue commandQueue;
-    wiconnect::QueuedCommand *currentQueuedCommand;
-    void commandProcessingTimerHandler(void);
-    void processNextQueuedCommand();
-    void checkQueuedCommandTimeout();
-    friend class NetworkInterface;
-    friend class SocketInterface;
-    friend class FileInterface;
-#include "sdkTypes.h"