
Dependencies:   BMP280 mbed

Fork of Estrela_v12 by Bot Furukawa

--- a/main.cpp	Sat May 20 10:05:35 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Sep 07 08:28:42 2018 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 //#include "rtos.h"
 #include "MPU9250.h"
 #include "BMP280.h"
 #include "SkipperSv2.h"
 #include "Estrela.h"
+#include "math.h"
 //#include "stm32f4xx_hal_iwdg.h"
@@ -15,6 +20,15 @@
 #define SBUS_SIGNAL_LOST        0x01
 #define SBUS_SIGNAL_FAILSAFE    0x03
 //Serial pc(TX, RX);
 RawSerial sbus_(PA_9, PA_10); //SBUS
@@ -698,24 +712,22 @@
+Serial g_Serial1(USBTX,USBRX);
+Serial g_serial2(PA_2, PA_3);
+BMP280 bmp(PC_9, PA_8);
 int main()
-    //初期化開始
-    led1 = 1;
-    led2 = 1;
-    led3 = 0;
-    led4 = 0;
-    int count_initsbus;
-    for (count_initsbus = 0; count_initsbus < 25; count_initsbus++) {buf_sbus[count_initsbus] = 0;}
     //pc.baud(115200);    //パソコン通信用シリアルのボードレート
-    init_Servo();
-    init_sbus();    
-    disp_clock();
@@ -728,37 +740,7 @@
     uint8_t whoami = mpu9250.readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_MPU9250);  // Read WHO_AM_I register for MPU-9250
     pc.printf("I AM 0x%x\n\r", whoami); pc.printf("I SHOULD BE 0x71\n\r");
-    if (whoami == 0x71){ // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x68
-        pc.printf("MPU9250 is online...\n\r");
-        //wait(1);
-        mpu9250.resetMPU9250(); // Reset registers to default in preparation for device calibration
-        mpu9250.calibrateMPU9250(gyroBias, accelBias); // Calibrate gyro and accelerometers, load biases in bias registers  
-        //pc.printf("x gyro bias = %f\n\r", gyroBias[0]);
-        //pc.printf("y gyro bias = %f\n\r", gyroBias[1]);
-        //pc.printf("z gyro bias = %f\n\r", gyroBias[2]);
-        //pc.printf("x accel bias = %f\n\r", accelBias[0]);
-        //pc.printf("y accel bias = %f\n\r", accelBias[1]);
-        //pc.printf("z accel bias = %f\n\r", accelBias[2]);
-        wait(1);
-        mpu9250.initMPU9250(); 
-        pc.printf("MPU9250 initialized for active data mode....\n\r"); // Initialize device for active mode read of acclerometer, gyroscope, and temperature
-        mpu9250.initAK8963(magCalibration);
-        pc.printf("AK8963 initialized for active data mode....\n\r"); // Initialize device for active mode read of magnetometer
-        pc.printf("Accelerometer full-scale range = %f  g\n\r", 2.0f*(float)(1<<Ascale));
-        pc.printf("Gyroscope full-scale range = %f  deg/s\n\r", 250.0f*(float)(1<<Gscale));
-        if(Mscale == 0) pc.printf("Magnetometer resolution = 14  bits\n\r");
-        if(Mscale == 1) pc.printf("Magnetometer resolution = 16  bits\n\r");
-        if(Mmode == 2) pc.printf("Magnetometer ODR = 8 Hz\n\r");
-        if(Mmode == 6) pc.printf("Magnetometer ODR = 100 Hz\n\r");
-        wait(1);
-    }else{
-        pc.printf("Could not connect to MPU9250: \n\r");
-        pc.printf("%#x \n",  whoami); 
-        while(1) ; // Loop forever if communication doesn't happen
-    }
     mpu9250.getAres(); // Get accelerometer sensitivity
     mpu9250.getGres(); // Get gyro sensitivity
@@ -775,177 +757,48 @@
-    led1 = 0;
-    led2 = 0;
-    led3 = 0;
-    led4 = 0;
-    pc.printf("All initialized\r\n");
+    /*ここからskippre test*/
+    g_serial2.baud(9600);
+       //BMP280を初期化 引数にenum型のFilterselectionを入れると
+    //それに合わせた初期化をしてくれる Readme参照
+    //引数いれないとフィルタなしで初期化する
+    bmp.initialize(BMP280::INDOOR_NAVIGATION);
-    while (true) {      //無限ループ
-        //for(i=0;i<8;i++){
-        //pc.printf("%x ", buf_sbus[i]);
-        //pc.printf("ch%d=%d ", i+1, channels[i]);
-        //}
-        //pc.printf("\n");
-        sensing();
-        wait_ms(50);
+    while(1){
+        //気圧を測定 気圧測定時には温度補正のために先に温度を測る必要があるが,
+        //getPressureは勝手に測るのでこれだけでよい
+        //単位はhPa
+        float press = bmp.getPressure();
-        switch(OperationMode){      //変数OperationModeの値で場合分け
-            case GROUNDCHECK:   //グラウンドチェック(スイッチが2つ初期値にちゃんとなってたら水平旋回モードに移行)
-                if(!CheckSW_up(7)&&!CheckSW_up(8)){     //チャンネル7,8が両方offなら
-                    OperationMode=AUTOLOOP;             //変数OperationModeにAUTOLOOP(定数なので2(SkipperS.hで定義))を代入
-                    pc.printf("go to autoloop\r\n");
-                    led1 = 0;
-                    led2 = 0;
-                }else{
-                    led1 = 1;
-                    led2 = 1;
-                }
-                //変数update_modeはSBus(=プロポ=操縦者)からのpwmをそのまま垂れ流すか、自動制御で計算したpwmをサーボに流すかを切り替えるための変数
-                update_mode = UPD_MANUAL;   //マニュアルモード(そのまま垂れ流す)
-               // pc.printf("groundcheck mode\r\n");
-                break;
-            case AUTOLOOP:      //水平旋回モード
-                //t.reset();
-                if(CheckSW_up(7)){  //チャンネル7がonなら
-                    //t.reset();
-                    Auto_Loop();    //関数Auto_Loop実行
-                    led1 = 1;
-                    led2 = 0;
-                    //Auto_Loop();
-                    //pc.printf("Auto Loop Now\r\n");
-                    //autoloop.set_priority(osPriorityAboveNormal);
-                    /*
-                    while(true){
-                        if(!CheckSW_up(7)){
-                            autoloop.terminate();
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    */     
-                }else{
-                    update_mode = UPD_MANUAL;
-                    //pc.printf("manual Now\r\n");
-                    led1 = 0;
-                    led2 = 0;
-                    /*debug*/
-                    //k++;
-                    //wait(50);
-                    //if(k>100) pwm[6]=2000;    
-                }  
-                if(!CheckSW_up(7)&&CheckSW_up(8)){  //チャンネル7がoff、8がonなら
-                    OperationMode=AUTOMOBIUS;
-                    pc.printf("go to auto8\r\n");
-                }
-                break;
-            case AUTOMOBIUS:    //8の字旋回モード
-                if(CheckSW_up(7)){
-                    Auto_Mobius();
-                    led1 = 1;
-                    led2 = 1;
-                    //pc.printf("Auto Mobius Now\r\n");                    
-                }else{
-                    update_mode = UPD_MANUAL;
-                    //pc.printf("manual Now\r\n");
-                    led1 = 0;
-                    led2 = 1;
-                }  
-                if(!CheckSW_up(7)&&!CheckSW_up(8)){
-                    OperationMode=AUTOCLIMB;
-                    pc.printf("go to autoclimb\r\n");
-                }
-                break;
-            case AUTOCLIMB:     //上昇旋回モード
-                if(CheckSW_up(7)){
-                    Auto_Climb();
-                    led1 = 1;
-                    led2 = 0;
-                    //pc.printf("Auto Climb Now\r\n");                    
-                }else{
-                    update_mode = UPD_MANUAL;
-                    //pc.printf("manual Now\r\n");
-                    led1 = 0;
-                    led2 = 0;
-                }  
-                if(!CheckSW_up(7)&&CheckSW_up(8)){
-                    OperationMode=AUTOGLIDE;
-                    pc.printf("go to manual\r\n");
-                }
-                break;
-            case AUTOGLIDE:     //自動滑空モード
-                if(CheckSW_up(7)){
-                    Auto_Glide();
-                    led1 = 1;
-                    led2 = 1;
-                    //pc.printf("Auto Glide Now\r\n");                    
-                }else{
-                    update_mode = UPD_MANUAL;
-                    //pc.printf("manual Now\r\n");
-                    led1 = 0;
-                    led2 = 1;
-                }  
-                if(!CheckSW_up(7)&&!CheckSW_up(8)){
-                    OperationMode=AUTOLANDING;
-                    pc.printf("go to autoloop\r\n");
-                }
-                break;
-            case AUTOLANDING:
-                led3 = 1;
-                led4 = 1; //赤外線
-                if(CheckSW_up(7)){
-                    Auto_Landing();
-                    led1 = 1;
-                    led2 = 0;
-                    //pc.printf("Auto Landing Now\r\n");                    
-                }else{
-                    update_mode = UPD_MANUAL;
-                    //pc.printf("manual Now\r\n");
-                    led1 = 0;
-                    led2 = 0;
-                }  
-                if(!CheckSW_up(7)&&CheckSW_up(8)){
-                    OperationMode=AUTOLOOP;
-                    //pc.printf("go to manualmade\r\n");
-                }
-                break;
-            case MANUALMODE:
-                update_mode = UPD_MANUAL;
-                led1 = 0;
-                led2 = 1;
-                led4 = 1; 
-                if(!CheckSW_up(7)&&!CheckSW_up(8)){
-                    OperationMode=AUTOLANDING;
-                    pc.printf("go to autolanding\r\n");
-                }
-                break;
-        }
-     /*
-    if(CheckSW_up(7)){
-        pc.printf("true\r\n");
-        Auto_loop();
-    }else{
-        pc.printf("false\r\n");
-        update_manual();
-    }*/
+        //もし温度自分で取得する場合,getPressureの引数をtrueにすれば処理を早くできるが,
+        //その場合getPressureの直前に温度を測る必要がある
+        //float temp = bmp.getTemperature();
+        //float press = bmp.getPressure(true);
+        //気圧と高度の近似換算式 Readme参照
+        //float height = (float)(44.331514 - 11.880516 * pow(press, 0.1902632)) * 1000);
+    sensing();
+    g_serial2.printf("ax,%f ay,%f az,%f\r\n",ax,ay,az);
+    g_serial2.printf("gx,%f gy,%f gz,%f\r\n",gx,gy,gz);
+    g_serial2.printf("mx,%f my,%f mz,%f\r\n",mx,my,mz);
+    g_serial2.printf("press,%f\r\n\r\n",press);
+    wait(1.0);