
Dependencies:   HCSR04_2 MPU6050_2 mbed SDFileSystem3

Fork of AutoFlight2017_now_copy by Bot Furukawa

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Aug 01 12:27:13 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Aug 28 07:12:16 2018 +0000
@@ -1,85 +1,144 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-//#include "rtos.h"
+#include "FATFileSystem.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
 #include "math.h"
-#include "MPU9250.h"
-#include "BMP280.h"
+#include "MPU6050_DMP6.h"
+//#include "MPU9250.h"
+//#include "BMP280.h"
+#include "hcsr04.h"
+#include "sbus.h"
 #include "SkipperSv2.h"
-#include "Estrela.h"
-#include "sbus.h"
+#include "falfalla.h"
 #include "pid.h"
-#define DEBUG_SEMIAUTO 1  
+#define KP_ELE 2.0
+#define KI_ELE 0.0
+#define KD_ELE 0.0
+#define KP_RUD 3.0
+#define KI_RUD 0.0
+#define KD_RUD 0.0
+#define RIGHT_ROLL -17.0
+#define RIGHT_PITCH -6.3
+#define LEFT_ROLL 16.0
+#define LEFT_PITCH -6.0
+#define STRAIGHT_ROLL 2.0
+#define STRAIGHT_PITCH -3.0
+#define TAKEOFF_THR 1.0
+#define LOOP_THR 0.58
-#define KP_ELE 2
-#define KI_ELE 0
-#define KD_ELE 0
-#define KP_RUD 2
-#define KI_RUD 0
-#define KD_RUD 0
+#define RIGHT_ROLL_SHORT -20.0
+#define RIGHT_PITCH_SHORT -7.0
+#define LEFT_ROLL_SHORT 22.0
+#define LEFT_PITCH_SHORT -6.0
+#define GLIDE_ROLL 16.0
+#define GLIDE_PITCH 0.0
+#define MAGBIAS_X -35.0
+#define MAGBIAS_Y 535.0
+#define MAGBIAS_Z -50.0
+//S2v2 1番基板
+#define MAGBIAS_X 395.0
+#define MAGBIAS_Y 505.0
+#define MAGBIAS_Z -725.0
+//S2v2 2番基板
 #define MAGBIAS_X 185.0
 #define MAGBIAS_Y 220.0
 #define MAGBIAS_Z -350.0
-const uint16_t changeModeCount = 50; 
-const int16_t lengthdivpwm = 320; 
+#define ELEMENT 1
+#define LIMIT_STRAIGHT_YAW 5.0 
+#define ALLOWHEIGHT 15
-const int16_t trim[4] = {0,14,-100,-10};
-const float expMax[4] = {100,115,100,89};
-const float expMin[4] = {100,47,100,110};
+#ifndef PI
+#define PI 3.14159265358979
+const int16_t lengthdivpwm = 320; 
+const int16_t changeModeCount = 6;
+const float trim[4] = {Trim_Falfalla[0],Trim_Falfalla[1],Trim_Falfalla[2],Trim_Falfalla[3]};
+const float expMax[4] = {ExpMax_Falfalla[0],ExpMax_Falfalla[1],ExpMax_Falfalla[2],ExpMax_Falfalla[3]};
+const float expMin[4] = {ExpMin_Falfalla[0],ExpMin_Falfalla[1],ExpMin_Falfalla[2],ExpMin_Falfalla[3]};
+const int16_t reverce[4] = {ExpMin_Falfalla[0],Reverce_falfalla[1],Reverce_falfalla[2],Reverce_falfalla[3]};
 SBUS sbus(PA_9, PA_10); //SBUS
-PwmOut servo1(PC_6); // TIM3_CH1
+//PwmOut servo1(PC_6); // TIM3_CH1  //echo
 PwmOut servo2(PC_7); // TIM3_CH2    //PC_7
 PwmOut servo3(PB_0); // TIM3_CH3
 PwmOut servo4(PB_1); // TIM3_CH4
 PwmOut servo5(PB_6); // TIM4_CH1
-PwmOut servo6(PB_7); // TIM4_CH2
-PwmOut servo7(PB_8); // TIM4_CH3    //PB_8
-PwmOut servo8(PB_9); // TIM4_CH4
+//PwmOut servo6(PB_7); // TIM4_CH2  //trigger
+//PwmOut servo7(PB_8); // TIM4_CH3    //PB_8
+//PwmOut servo8(PB_9); // TIM4_CH4
-Serial pc(PA_2, PA_3);
+RawSerial pc(PA_2,PA_3, 115200);    //tx,rx.baudrate pin;PA_2=UART2_TX, PA_3=UART2_RX
+SDFileSystem sd(PB_15, PB_14, PB_13, PB_12, "sd");
-DigitalOut led1(PA_0);  //緑
-DigitalOut led2(PA_1);  //赤
+DigitalOut led1(PA_0);  //黄色のコネクタ
+DigitalOut led2(PA_1);
 DigitalOut led3(PB_4); 
 DigitalOut led4(PB_5);
-InterruptIn switch2(PC_14);
-MPU9250 mpu9250(PC_9,PA_8,&pc);
+//InterruptIn switch2(PC_14);
+MPU6050DMP6 mpu6050(PC_0,&pc); //割り込みピン,シリアルポインタ i2cのピン指定は MPU6050>>I2Cdev.h 内のdefine
+HCSR04 usensor(PB_7,PC_6); //trig,echo  9,8 
+PID pid_ELE(g_kpELE,g_kiELE,g_kdELE);
+PID pid_RUD(g_kpRUD,g_kiRUD,g_kdRUD);
-enum Channel{AIL, ELE, THR, RUD, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8};
-enum Angle{ROLL, PITCH, YAW};
-enum OperationMode{StartUp, SemiAuto};
+enum Channel{AIL, ELE, THR, RUD, DROP, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8};
+enum Angle{ROLL, PITCH, YAW};   //yaw:北を0とした絶対角度
+enum OperationMode{StartUp, SemiAuto, RightLoop, LeftLoop, GoStraight, BombwithPC, ZERO, Moebius, Glide};
+enum BombingMode{Takeoff, Chicken, Transition, Approach};
 enum OutputStatus{Manual, Auto};
 static OutputStatus output_status = Manual;
 OperationMode operation_mode = StartUp;
-static int16_t autopwm[8] = {1500,1500,1000,1500};
-static int16_t trimpwm[4] = {1500,1500,1000,1500};
-int16_t maxpwm[4] = {1820,1820,1820,1820};
-int16_t minpwm[4] = {1180,1180,1180,1180};
+BombingMode bombing_mode = Takeoff;
+static int16_t autopwm[8] = {1500,1500,1180,1500,1446,1500};
+static int16_t trimpwm[6] = {1500,1500,1180,1500,1446,1500};
+int16_t maxpwm[6] = {1820,1820,1820,1820,1820,1820};
+int16_t minpwm[6] = {1180,1180,1180,1180,1180,1180};
 int16_t oldTHR = 1000;
 static float nowAngle[3] = {0,0,0};
-const float trimAngle[3] = {0,0,0};
+const float trimAngle[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
 const float maxAngle[2] = {90, 90};
 const float minAngle[2] = {-90, -90};
-Timer t;
+float FirstROLL = 0.0, FirstPITCH = 0.0 ,FirstYAW = 0.0;
-//IWDG_HandleTypeDef hiwdg;
+unsigned int g_distance;
+Ticker USsensor;
+static char g_buf[16];
+char g_landingcommand;
+float g_SerialTargetYAW = 0.0;
+Timer t;
+Timeout RerurnChickenServo1;
+Timeout RerurnChickenServo2;
 void setup();
@@ -89,9 +148,15 @@
 void Init_servo();              //サーボ初期化
 void Init_sbus();               //SBUS初期化
 void Init_sensors();
-void DisplayClock();              //クロック状態確認
+void DisplayClock();            //クロック状態確認
 void SensingMPU();
+void UpdateDist();
+//void offsetRollPitch(float FirstROLL, float FirstPITCH);
+//void TransYaw(float FirstYAW);
+float TranslateNewYaw(float beforeYaw,  float newzeroYaw);
 void UpdateTargetAngle(float targetAngle[3]);
 void CalculateControlValue(float targetAngle[3], float controlValue[3]);
 void UpdateAutoPWM(float controlValue[3]);
@@ -99,14 +164,56 @@
 inline float CalcRatio(float value, float trim, float limit);
 bool CheckSW_Up(Channel ch);
 int16_t ThresholdMaxMin(int16_t value, int16_t max, int16_t min);
+inline int16_t SetTHRinRatio(float ratio);
 void Update_PWM();              //マニュアル・自動モードのpwmデータを整形しpwm変数に入力
-void Output_PWM(int16_t pwm[8]);    //pwmをサーボへ出力
+void Output_PWM(int16_t pwm[6]);    //pwmをサーボへ出力
+void SendSerial();   //1文字きたら送り返す
+void SendArray();
+void getSF_Serial();
+float ConvertByteintoFloat(char high, char low);
+int GetParameter(FILE *fp, const char *paramName,char parameter[]);
+int SetOptions(float *g_kpELE, float *g_kiELE, float *g_kdELE,
+               float *g_kpRUD, float *g_kiRUD, float *g_kdRUD,
+               float *g_rightloopROLL, float *g_rightloopPITCH,
+               float *g_leftloopROLL, float *g_leftloopPITCH,
+               float *g_gostraightROLL, float *g_gostraightPITCH,
+               float *g_takeoffTHR, float *g_loopTHR,
+               float *g_rightloopROLLshort, float *g_rightloopPITCHshort,
+               float *g_leftloopROLLshort, float *g_leftloopPITCHshort,
+               float *g_glideloopROLL, float *g_glideloopPITCH);
 void ResetTrim();
+void UpdateTargetAngle_GoStraight(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop_short(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop_short(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Moebius(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Glide(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Takeoff(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Approach(float targetAngle[3]);
+void Take_off_and_landing(float targetAngle[3]);
+char Rotate(float targetAngle[3], float TargetYAW, char mode);
+void Chicken_Drop();
+void ReturnChickenServo1();
+void ReturnChickenServo2();
+void checkHeight(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_NoseUP(float targetAngle[3]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_NoseDOWN(float targetAngle[3]);
 void DebugPrint();
@@ -114,59 +221,102 @@
 int main()
-    setup();   
+    setup();
+        if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+            led3=0;
+        }else{
+            led3=1;
+        }
 void setup(){
+    //buzzer = 0;
     led1 = 1;
     led2 = 1;
-    led3 = 0;
-    led4 = 0;
+    led3 = 1;
+    led4 = 1;
-    pc.baud(115200);    
+    SetOptions(&g_kpELE, &g_kiELE, &g_kdELE,
+               &g_kpRUD, &g_kiRUD, &g_kdRUD,
+               &g_rightloopROLL, &g_rightloopPITCH,
+               &g_leftloopROLL, &g_leftloopPITCH,
+               &g_gostraightROLL, &g_gostraightPITCH,
+               &g_takeoffTHR, &g_loopTHR,
+               &g_rightloopROLLshort, &g_rightloopPITCHshort,
+               &g_leftloopROLLshort, &g_leftloopPITCHshort,
+               &g_glideloopROLL, &g_glideloopPITCH);    
-    switch2.rise(ResetTrim);
+    //switch2.rise(ResetTrim);
+    pc.attach(getSF_Serial, Serial::RxIrq);
+    USsensor.attach(&UpdateDist, 0.05);
+    NVIC_SetPriority(USART1_IRQn,0);
+    NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI0_IRQn,1);
+    NVIC_SetPriority(TIM5_IRQn,2);
+    NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI9_5_IRQn,3);
+    NVIC_SetPriority(USART2_IRQn,4);
+    DisplayClock();
-    DisplayClock();
+    pc.printf("MPU calibration start\r\n");
+    float offsetstart = t.read();
+    while(t.read() - offsetstart < 26){
+        SensingMPU();
+        for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++) pc.printf("%3.2f\t",nowAngle[i]);
+        pc.printf("\r\n");
+        led1 = !led1;
+        led2 = !led2;
+        led3 = !led3;
+        led4 = !led4;
+    }
+    FirstROLL = nowAngle[ROLL];
+    FirstPITCH = nowAngle[PITCH];
+    nowAngle[ROLL] -=FirstROLL;
+    nowAngle[PITCH] -=FirstPITCH;
     led1 = 0;
     led2 = 0;
     led3 = 0;
     led4 = 0;
+    wait(0.2);
     pc.printf("All initialized\r\n");
-    mpu9250.sensingAcGyMg();
-    mpu9250.calculatePostureAngle(nowAngle);
 void loop(){
-    static float targetAngle[3], controlValue[2];
+    static float targetAngle[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, controlValue[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
+    //Rotate(targetAngle, 30.0);
     CalculateControlValue(targetAngle, controlValue);
+    wait_ms(23);
-void Init_servo()
+void Init_servo(){
-    servo1.period_ms(14);
-    servo1.pulsewidth_us(trimpwm[AIL]);
+    //servo1.period_ms(14);
+    //servo1.pulsewidth_us(trimpwm[AIL]);
@@ -178,21 +328,12 @@
-    servo5.pulsewidth_us(1500);
-    servo6.period_ms(14);
-    servo6.pulsewidth_us(1500);
-    servo7.period_ms(14);
-    servo7.pulsewidth_us(1500);
-    servo8.period_ms(14);
-    servo8.pulsewidth_us(1500);
+    servo5.pulsewidth_us(1392);
     pc.printf("servo initialized\r\n");
 void Init_sbus(){
@@ -200,16 +341,20 @@
 void Init_sensors(){
-    if(!mpu9250.Initialize()){
+    if(mpu6050.setup() == -1){
         pc.printf("failed initialize\r\n");
-        while(1);
+        while(1){
+            led1 = 1; led2 = 0; led3 = 1; led4 = 0;
+            wait(1);
+            led1 = 0; led2 = 1; led3 = 0; led4 = 1;
+            wait(1);
+        }
-    mpu9250.setMagBias(MAGBIAS_X,MAGBIAS_Y,MAGBIAS_Z);
 void Init_PWM(){
     for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
-        trimpwm[i] = 1500 + trim[i];
+        trimpwm[i] = 1500 + (int16_t)(lengthdivpwm * (trim[i]/100));
         maxpwm[i] = 1500 + (int16_t)(lengthdivpwm * (expMax[i]/100));
         minpwm[i] = 1500 - (int16_t)(lengthdivpwm * (expMin[i]/100));
@@ -225,12 +370,11 @@
 void UpdateTargetAngle(float targetAngle[3]){
-    static uint16_t count_op = 0, count_out = 0;
+    static int16_t count_op = 0, count_out = 0;
         case StartUp:
-            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch5) && CheckSW_Up(Ch6)){
+            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && CheckSW_Up(Ch8)){
                 if(count_op > changeModeCount){
                     operation_mode = SemiAuto;
@@ -261,16 +405,308 @@
-    if(CheckSW_Up(Ch5)){
-        output_status = Auto;
-        led1 = 1;
-    }else{
-        output_status = Manual;
-        led1 = 0;
+    switch(operation_mode){
+        case StartUp:
+            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && !CheckSW_Up(Ch8)){        //ch7;自動・手動切り替え ch8;自動操縦モード切替
+                count_op++;
+                if(count_op > changeModeCount){
+                    operation_mode = LeftLoop;
+                    pc.printf("Goto LeftLoop mode\r\n");
+                    count_op = 0;
+                }
+            }else count_op = 0;
+            break;
+        case LeftLoop:
+            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && CheckSW_Up(Ch8)){
+                count_op++;
+                if(count_op > changeModeCount){
+                    operation_mode = RightLoop;
+                    pc.printf("Goto RightLoop mode\r\n");
+                    count_op = 0;
+                }
+            }else count_op = 0;
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        case RightLoop:
+            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && !CheckSW_Up(Ch8)){
+                count_op++;
+                if(count_op > changeModeCount){
+                    operation_mode = Moebius;
+                    pc.printf("Goto Moebius mode\r\n");
+                    count_op = 0;
+                }
+            }else count_op = 0;
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop(targetAngle);
+            //Rotate確認用
+            /*
+            static char mode = 'G';
+            mode = Rotate(targetAngle,g_SerialTargetYAW,mode); 
+            */
+            break;
+        case Moebius:
+            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && CheckSW_Up(Ch8)){
+                count_op++;
+                if(count_op > changeModeCount){
+                    operation_mode = Glide;
+                    pc.printf("Goto Glide mode\r\n");
+                    count_op = 0;
+                }
+            }else count_op = 0;
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Moebius(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        case Glide:
+            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && !CheckSW_Up(Ch8)){
+                count_op++;
+                if(count_op > changeModeCount){
+                    operation_mode = BombwithPC;
+                    pc.printf("Goto Bombing mode\r\n");
+                    count_op = 0;
+                }
+            }else count_op = 0;
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Glide(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        case BombwithPC:
+            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && CheckSW_Up(Ch8)){
+                count_op++;
+                if(count_op > changeModeCount){
+                    operation_mode = GoStraight;
+                    pc.printf("Goto GoStraight mode\r\n");
+                    count_op = 0;
+                }
+            }else count_op = 0;
+            Take_off_and_landing(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        case GoStraight:
+            if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && !CheckSW_Up(Ch8)){
+                count_op++;
+                if(count_op > changeModeCount){
+                    operation_mode = LeftLoop;
+                    pc.printf("Goto Leftloop mode\r\n");
+                    count_op = 0;
+                }
+            }else count_op = 0;
+            UpdateTargetAngle_GoStraight(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        default:
+            operation_mode = StartUp;
+            break;
+    if(CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && output_status == Manual){
+        count_out++;
+        if(count_out > changeModeCount){
+            output_status = Auto;
+            //led3 = 1;
+            count_out = 0;
+        }
+    }else if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7) && output_status == Auto){
+        count_out++;
+        if(count_out > changeModeCount){
+            output_status = Manual;
+            count_out = 0;
+            //led3 = 0;
+        }
+    }else count_out = 0;
+int GetParameter(FILE *fp, const char *paramName,char parameter[]){
+    int i=0, j=0;
+    int strmax = 200;
+    char str[strmax];
+    rewind(fp); //ファイル位置を先頭に
+    while(1){
+        if (fgets(str, strmax, fp) == NULL) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (!strncmp(str, paramName, strlen(paramName))) {
+            while (str[i++] != '=') {}
+            while (str[i] != '\n') {
+                    parameter[j++] = str[i++];
+            }
+            parameter[j] = '\0';
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+int SetOptions(float *g_kpELE, float *g_kiELE, float *g_kdELE,
+               float *g_kpRUD, float *g_kiRUD, float *g_kdRUD,
+               float *g_rightloopROLL, float *g_rightloopPITCH,
+               float *g_leftloopROLL, float *g_leftloopPITCH,
+               float *g_gostraightROLL, float *g_gostraightPITCH,
+               float *g_takeoffTHR, float *g_loopTHR,
+               float *g_rightloopROLLshort, float *g_rightloopPITCHshort,
+               float *g_leftloopROLLshort, float *g_leftloopPITCHshort,
+               float *g_glideloopROLL, float *g_glideloopPITCH
+               ){
+    pc.printf("SDsetup start.\r\n");    
+    FILE *fp;
+    char parameter[30]; //文字列渡す用の配列
+    int SDerrorcount = 0;  //取得できなかった数を返す
+    const char *paramNames[] = { 
+        "KP_ELEVATOR",
+        "KI_ELEVATOR",
+        "KD_ELEVATOR",
+        "KP_RUDDER",
+        "KI_RUDDER",
+        "KD_RUDDER",
+        "RIGHTLOOP_ROLL",
+        "LEFTLOOP_ROLL",
+        "LEFTLOOP_PITCH",
+        "TAKEOFF_THR_RATE",
+        "LOOP_THR_RATE",
+        "AUTOGLIDE_ROLL",
+        "AUTOGLIDE PITCH"        
+    };
+    fp = fopen("/sd/option.txt","r");
+    if(fp != NULL){ //開けたら
+        pc.printf("File was openned.\r\n");
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[0],parameter)) *g_kpELE = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_kpELE = KP_ELE;
+                                                     SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[1],parameter)) *g_kiELE = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_kiELE = KI_ELE;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[2],parameter)) *g_kdELE = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_kdELE = KD_ELE;
+                                                     SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[3],parameter)) *g_kpRUD = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_kpRUD = KP_RUD;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[4],parameter)) *g_kiRUD = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_kiRUD = KI_RUD;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[5],parameter)) *g_kdRUD = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_kdRUD = KD_RUD;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[6],parameter)) *g_rightloopROLL = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_rightloopROLL = RIGHT_ROLL;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[7],parameter)) *g_rightloopPITCH = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_rightloopPITCH = RIGHT_PITCH;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[8],parameter)) *g_leftloopROLL = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                        *g_leftloopROLL = LEFT_ROLL;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[9],parameter)) *g_leftloopPITCH = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_leftloopPITCH = LEFT_PITCH;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[10],parameter)) *g_gostraightROLL = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_gostraightROLL = STRAIGHT_ROLL;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[11],parameter)) *g_gostraightPITCH = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_gostraightPITCH = STRAIGHT_PITCH;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[12],parameter)) *g_takeoffTHR = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_takeoffTHR = TAKEOFF_THR;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[13],parameter)) *g_loopTHR = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_loopTHR = LOOP_THR;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[14],parameter)) *g_rightloopROLLshort = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_rightloopROLLshort = RIGHT_ROLL_SHORT;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[15],parameter)) *g_rightloopPITCHshort = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_rightloopPITCHshort = RIGHT_PITCH_SHORT;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[16],parameter)) *g_leftloopROLLshort = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_leftloopROLLshort = LEFT_ROLL_SHORT;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[17],parameter)) *g_leftloopPITCHshort = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_leftloopPITCHshort = LEFT_PITCH_SHORT;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[18],parameter)) *g_glideloopROLL = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_glideloopROLL = GLIDE_ROLL;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        if(GetParameter(fp,paramNames[19],parameter)) *g_glideloopPITCH = atof(parameter);
+        else{                                         *g_glideloopPITCH = GLIDE_PITCH;
+                                                      SDerrorcount++;
+        }
+        fclose(fp);
+    }else{  //ファイルがなかったら
+        pc.printf("fp was null.\r\n");
+        *g_kpELE = KP_ELE;
+        *g_kiELE = KI_ELE;
+        *g_kdELE = KD_ELE;
+        *g_kpRUD = KP_RUD;
+        *g_kiRUD = KI_RUD;
+        *g_kdRUD = KD_RUD;
+        *g_rightloopROLL = RIGHT_ROLL;
+        *g_rightloopPITCH = RIGHT_PITCH;
+        *g_leftloopROLL = LEFT_ROLL;
+        *g_leftloopPITCH = LEFT_PITCH;
+        *g_gostraightROLL = STRAIGHT_ROLL;
+        *g_gostraightPITCH = STRAIGHT_PITCH;
+        *g_takeoffTHR = TAKEOFF_THR;
+        *g_loopTHR = LOOP_THR;
+        SDerrorcount = -1;
+    }
+    pc.printf("SDsetup finished.\r\n");
+    if(SDerrorcount == 0)  pc.printf("setting option is success\r\n");
+    else if(SDerrorcount == -1) pc.printf("ERROR 1. cannot open option\r\n");
+    else if(SDerrorcount > 0)  pc.printf("ERROR 2. reading parameter is failed[%d]\r\n",SDerrorcount); 
+    pc.printf("kpELE = %f, kiELE = %f, kdELE = %f\r\n", *g_kpRUD, *g_kiRUD, *g_kdRUD);
+    pc.printf("kpRUD = %f, kiRUD = %f, kdRUD = %f\r\n", *g_kpELE, *g_kiELE, *g_kdELE);
+    pc.printf("rightloopROLL = %f, rightloopPITCH = %f\r\n", *g_rightloopROLL, *g_rightloopPITCH);
+    pc.printf("leftloopROLL = %f, g_leftloopPITCH =  %f\r\n", *g_leftloopROLL, *g_leftloopPITCH);
+    pc.printf("gostraightROLL = %f, g_gostraightPITCH = %f\r\n", *g_gostraightROLL, *g_gostraightPITCH);
+    pc.printf("g_takeoffTHR = %f, g_loopTHR = %f\r\n", *g_takeoffTHR, *g_loopTHR);
+    pc.printf("rightloopROLLshort = %f, rightloopPITCHshort = %f\r\n", *g_rightloopROLLshort, *g_rightloopPITCHshort);
+    pc.printf("leftloopROLLshort = %f, g_leftloopPITCHshort =  %f\r\n", *g_leftloopROLLshort, *g_leftloopPITCHshort);
+    pc.printf("glideROLL = %f, glidePITCH = %f\r\n", *g_glideloopROLL, *g_glideloopPITCH);
+    return SDerrorcount;
 void CalculateControlValue(float targetAngle[3], float controlValue[3]){
     static int t_last;
     int t_now;
@@ -286,37 +722,17 @@
 void UpdateAutoPWM(float controlValue[3]){    
     int16_t addpwm[2]; //-500~500
-    addpwm[ROLL] = GAIN_CONTROLVALUE_TO_PWM * controlValue[ROLL];           //センサ:右回転正     レバー:右回転正
-    addpwm[PITCH] = -1 * GAIN_CONTROLVALUE_TO_PWM * controlValue[PITCH];    //センサ:機首下げ正    レバー:機首上げ正
-    autopwm[ELE] = trimpwm[ELE] + addpwm[PITCH];
-    autopwm[RUD] = trimpwm[RUD] + addpwm[ROLL];
-    autopwm[THR] = oldTHR;
+    addpwm[PITCH] = (float)GAIN_CONTROLVALUE_TO_PWM * controlValue[PITCH];    //センサ:機首下げ正    レバー:機首上げ正
+    addpwm[ROLL] = (float)GAIN_CONTROLVALUE_TO_PWM * controlValue[ROLL];           //センサ:右回転正(8月13日時点;左回転が正!)     レバー:右回転正
+    autopwm[ELE] = trimpwm[ELE] + reverce[ELE] * addpwm[PITCH];
+    autopwm[RUD] = trimpwm[RUD] + reverce[RUD] * addpwm[ROLL];
+    //autopwm[THR] = oldTHR;
     autopwm[ELE] = ThresholdMaxMin(autopwm[ELE], maxpwm[ELE], minpwm[ELE]);
     autopwm[RUD] = ThresholdMaxMin(autopwm[RUD], maxpwm[RUD], minpwm[RUD]);
-void ConvertPWMintoRAD(float targetAngle[3]){
-    float ratio[2];
-    if(sbus.manualpwm[ELE] > trimpwm[ELE]){    
-        ratio[0] = CalcRatio((float)sbus.manualpwm[ELE], (float)trimpwm[ELE], (float)maxpwm[ELE]);
-        targetAngle[PITCH] = ratio[0]*(maxAngle[PITCH] - trimAngle[PITCH]) + trimAngle[PITCH];
-    }else{
-        ratio[0] = CalcRatio((float)sbus.manualpwm[ELE], (float)trimpwm[ELE], (float)minpwm[ELE]);
-        targetAngle[PITCH] = ratio[0]*(minAngle[PITCH] - trimAngle[PITCH]) + trimAngle[PITCH];    
-    }
-    if(sbus.manualpwm[RUD] > trimpwm[RUD]){
-        ratio[1] = CalcRatio((float)sbus.manualpwm[RUD], (float)trimpwm[RUD], (float)maxpwm[RUD]);        
-        targetAngle[ROLL] = -1*ratio[1]*(maxAngle[ROLL] - trimAngle[ROLL]) + trimAngle[ROLL];
-    }else{
-        ratio[1] = CalcRatio((float)sbus.manualpwm[RUD], (float)trimpwm[RUD], (float)minpwm[RUD]);        
-        targetAngle[ROLL] = -1*ratio[1]*(minAngle[ROLL] - trimAngle[ROLL]) + trimAngle[ROLL];    
-    }
 inline float CalcRatio(float value, float trim, float limit){
     return  (value - trim) / (limit - trim);
@@ -335,7 +751,9 @@
     return value;
+inline int16_t SetTHRinRatio(float ratio){
+    return minpwm[THR] + (int16_t)(2 * lengthdivpwm * ratio);
@@ -343,98 +761,567 @@
 void Update_PWM()
-    static int16_t pwm[8];
+    static int16_t pwm[5], sbuspwm[5];
+    static int16_t temppwm[6]={trimpwm[0],trimpwm[1],trimpwm[2],trimpwm[3],trimpwm[4]};
+    static int16_t tempsbuspwm[5] = {trimpwm[0],trimpwm[1],trimpwm[2],trimpwm[3],trimpwm[4]};
+    static int counter_abnormalpwm=0;
     if(sbus.flg_ch_update == true){
         switch(output_status){    //マニュアルモード,自動モード,自動着陸もモードを切替
-            case Manual: 
-                for(uint8_t i=0;i<8;i++){
-                    pwm[i] = sbus.manualpwm[i];
+            case Manual:
+                for(uint8_t i=1;i<4;i++){
+                    if(abs(sbus.manualpwm[i]-tempsbuspwm[i])>300){
+                        counter_abnormalpwm++;
+                        if(counter_abnormalpwm<=1) sbuspwm[i]=tempsbuspwm[i];
+                        else {
+                            counter_abnormalpwm = 0;
+                            sbuspwm[i] = sbus.manualpwm[i];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else{
+                        counter_abnormalpwm = 0;
+                        sbuspwm[i] = sbus.manualpwm[i];
+                    }
+                    tempsbuspwm[i]=sbus.manualpwm[i];
-                oldTHR = sbus.manualpwm[THR];
+                sbuspwm[4] = sbus.manualpwm[4];
+                for(uint8_t i=1;i<5;i++){
+                    pwm[i] = sbuspwm[i];
+                }
+                oldTHR = sbuspwm[THR];
             case Auto:
-                pwm[AIL] = sbus.manualpwm[AIL];
                 pwm[ELE] = autopwm[ELE];
                 pwm[THR] = autopwm[THR];
                 pwm[RUD] = autopwm[RUD];
-                pwm[Ch5] = sbus.manualpwm[Ch5];
-                pwm[Ch6] = sbus.manualpwm[Ch6];
-                pwm[Ch7] = sbus.manualpwm[Ch7];
-                pwm[Ch8] = sbus.manualpwm[Ch8];
+                pwm[DROP] = autopwm[DROP];
-                for(uint8_t i=0;i<8;i++){
+                for(uint8_t i=1;i<5;i++){
                     pwm[i] = sbus.manualpwm[i];
                 } //pc.printf("update_manual\r\n");
+        for(uint8_t i=1;i<5;i++) if(pwm[i]<1000 || pwm[i]>2000) pwm[i]=temppwm[i];
+        if(pwm[4]>1600 || pwm[4]<1420) pwm[4]=temppwm[4];
+        temppwm[4] = pwm[4];
-    sbus.flg_ch_update = false;   
-    //for(uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++){pc.printf("%d, ",pwm[i]);}
-    //pc.printf("\r\n");
-    Output_PWM(pwm);  
+    sbus.flg_ch_update = false;
+    Output_PWM(pwm);    
-void Output_PWM(int16_t pwm[8])
+void Output_PWM(int16_t pwm[5])
-    servo1.pulsewidth_us(pwm[0]);
+    //servo1.pulsewidth_us(pwm[0]);
-    servo6.pulsewidth_us(pwm[5]);
-    servo7.pulsewidth_us(pwm[6]);
-    servo8.pulsewidth_us(pwm[7]);    
 void ResetTrim(){
-    for(uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++){
+    for(uint8_t i=1; i<4; i++){
         trimpwm[i] = sbus.manualpwm[i];
     pc.printf("reset PWM trim\r\n");
 void SensingMPU(){
     //static int16_t deltaT = 0, t_start = 0;
     //t_start = t.read_us();
+    float rpy[3] = {0}, oldrpy[3] = {0};
+    static uint16_t count_changeRPY = 0;
+    static bool flg_checkoutlier = false;
-    if(!mpu9250.sensingAcGyMg()){
-         //pc.printf("failed\r\n");
-         return;
-    }
+    NVIC_DisableIRQ(USART2_IRQn);
+    NVIC_DisableIRQ(TIM5_IRQn);
+    NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI0_IRQn);
+    NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn);
+    mpu6050.getRollPitchYaw_Skipper(rpy);
-    mpu9250.calculatePostureAngle(nowAngle);
-    /*
-    deltaT = t.read_us() - t_start;
-    pc.printf("t:%d us, ",deltaT);
-    mpu9250.displayAngle();
-    */
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(USART2_IRQn);
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIM5_IRQn);
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI0_IRQn);
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn);
+    //外れ値対策
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++) rpy[i] *= 180.0f/PI;
+    rpy[ROLL] -= FirstROLL;
+    rpy[PITCH] -= FirstPITCH;
+    rpy[YAW] -= FirstYAW;
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++) {if(rpy[i] < nowAngle[i]-10 || rpy[i] > nowAngle[i]+10) {flg_checkoutlier = true;}}
+    if(!flg_checkoutlier || count_changeRPY >= 2){
+        for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++){
+            nowAngle[i] = (rpy[i] + nowAngle[i])/2.0f;  //2つの移動平均
+        }
+        count_changeRPY = 0;
+    }else   count_changeRPY++;
+    flg_checkoutlier = false;
+float TranslateNewYaw(float beforeYaw,  float newzeroYaw){
+    float newYaw = beforeYaw - newzeroYaw;
+    if(newYaw<-180.0f) newYaw += 360.0f;
+    else if(newYaw>180.0f) newYaw -= 360.0f;
+    return newYaw;
+void getSF_Serial(){
+        static char SFbuf[16];
+        static int bufcounter=0;
+        SFbuf[bufcounter]=pc.getc();
+        if(SFbuf[0]=='S'&&bufcounter<5) bufcounter++;
+        if(bufcounter==5 && SFbuf[4]=='F'){
+            g_landingcommand = SFbuf[1];
+            if(g_landingcommand=='Y' || g_landingcommand=='C')g_SerialTargetYAW = ConvertByteintoFloat(SFbuf[2], SFbuf[3]);
+            bufcounter = 0;
+            memset(SFbuf, 0, strlen(SFbuf));
+            //pc.printf("command = %c, commandYAW = %f\r\n", g_landingcommand, g_SerialTargetYAW); 
+        }
+            else if(bufcounter>=5 && SFbuf[4]!='F'){
+                //pc.printf("Communication Falsed.\r\n");
+                bufcounter = 0;
+            }
+    }
+float ConvertByteintoFloat(char high, char low){
+        //int16_t intvalue = (int16_t)high*256 + (int16_t)low;
+        int16_t intvalue = (int16_t)(((int16_t)high << 8) | low);  // Turn the MSB and LSB into a signed 16-bit value
+        float floatvalue = (float)intvalue;
+        return floatvalue;
+void UpdateDist(){
+    g_distance = usensor.get_dist_cm();
+    usensor.start();
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Moebius(float targetAngle[3]){
+    static uint8_t RotateCounter=0;
+    static uint8_t precounter=0;
+    static bool flg_setInStartAuto = false;
+    static float FirstYAW_Moebius = 0.0;
+    float newYaw_Moebius;
+    if(!flg_setInStartAuto && CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+        FirstYAW_Moebius = nowAngle[YAW];
+        RotateCounter = 0;
+        flg_setInStartAuto = true;
+    }else if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+        flg_setInStartAuto = false;
+        led2 = 0;
+    }
+    newYaw_Moebius = TranslateNewYaw(nowAngle[YAW], FirstYAW_Moebius);
+    if(RotateCounter == 0 && newYaw_Moebius >90.0f && newYaw_Moebius < 180.0f){
+        precounter++;
+        if(precounter>3){RotateCounter++; led2 = 1; pc.printf("Rotate 90\r\n"); precounter=0;}
+    }
+    if(RotateCounter == 1 && newYaw_Moebius >-180.0f && newYaw_Moebius < -90.0f){
+        precounter++;
+        if(precounter>3){RotateCounter++; led2 = 0; pc.printf("Rotate 180\r\n"); precounter=0;}
+    }
+    if(RotateCounter == 2 && newYaw_Moebius >-90.0f && newYaw_Moebius < 10.0f){
+        precounter++;
+        if(precounter>3){RotateCounter++; led2 = 1; pc.printf("Rotate 270\r\n"); precounter=0;}
+    }
+    if(RotateCounter == 3 && newYaw_Moebius >10.0f && newYaw_Moebius < 90.0f){
+        precounter++;
+        if(precounter>3){RotateCounter++; led2 = 0; pc.printf("Rotate 360\r\n"); precounter=0;}
+    }
+    if(RotateCounter == 4 && newYaw_Moebius >90.0f && newYaw_Moebius < 180.0f){
+        precounter++;
+        if(precounter>3){RotateCounter++; led2 = 1; pc.printf("Rotate 90\r\n"); precounter=0;}
+    }
+    if(RotateCounter == 5 && newYaw_Moebius >-180.0f && newYaw_Moebius < -90.0f){
+        precounter++;
+        if(precounter>3){RotateCounter++; led2 = 0; pc.printf("Rotate 180\r\n"); precounter=0;}
+    }
+    if(RotateCounter == 6 && newYaw_Moebius >-90.0f && newYaw_Moebius < 10.0f){
+        precounter++;
+        if(precounter>3){RotateCounter++; led2 = 1; pc.printf("Rotate 270\r\n"); precounter=0;}
+    }
+    if(RotateCounter == 7 && newYaw_Moebius >10.0f && newYaw_Moebius < 180.0f){
+        precounter++;
+        if(precounter>3){RotateCounter++; led2 = 0; pc.printf("Rotate 360\r\n"); precounter=0;}
+    }
+    if(RotateCounter < 6) UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop_short(targetAngle);    
+    else UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop_short(targetAngle);   //左旋回
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Glide(float targetAngle[3]){
+    static int THRcount = 0;
+    static int t_start = 0;
+    static bool flg_tstart = false;
+    int t_diff = 0;
+    static int groundcount = 0;
+    targetAngle[ROLL] = g_glideloopROLL;
+    targetAngle[PITCH] = g_glideloopPITCH;
+    //時間計測開始設定
+    if(!flg_tstart && CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+        t_start = t.read();
+        flg_tstart = true;
+        pc.printf("timer start\r\n");
+    }else if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+        t_start = 0;
+        flg_tstart = false;
+    }
+    //フラグが偽であれば計測は行わない    
+    if(flg_tstart){
+        t_diff = t.read() - t_start;
+        //一定高度or15秒でled点灯
+        if((groundcount>5 && g_distance>0) || t_diff > 15){
+            led2 = 1;
+            //pc.printf("Call [Stop!] calling!\r\n");
+        }
+        if(g_distance<180 && g_distance > 0) groundcount++;
+    }else{
+        t_diff = 0;
+        groundcount = 0;
+        led2 = 0;
+    }
+    if(t_diff > 17){
+        autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(0.5);
+    }else{
+        if(g_distance<150 && g_distance>0 ){
+            THRcount++;
+            if(THRcount>5){
+                autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(0.6);
+                //pc.printf("throttle ON\r\n");
+            }
+        }else{
+            autopwm[THR] = 1180;
+            THRcount = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void Take_off_and_landing(float targetAngle[3]){
+    if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7)) bombing_mode = Takeoff;
-    //mpu9250.sensingPostureAngle(nowAngle);
+    switch(bombing_mode){
+        case Takeoff:
+            static bool flg_setFirstYaw = false;
+            static int TakeoffCount = 0;
+            if(!flg_setFirstYaw && CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+                FirstYAW = nowAngle[YAW] + FirstYAW;
+                flg_setFirstYaw = true;
+            }else if(flg_setFirstYaw && !CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+                flg_setFirstYaw = false;
+            }
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Takeoff(targetAngle);
+            if(g_distance>150) TakeoffCount++;
+            else TakeoffCount = 0;
+            if(TakeoffCount>5){
+                led2=1;
+                autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_loopTHR);
+                pc.printf("Now go to Approach mode!!");
+                bombing_mode = Approach;
+                led2=0;
+            }
+            break;
+        /*    
+        case Chicken:    
+            break;
+        */    
+        case Transition:
+            /*
+            static int ApproachCount = 0;
+            targetAngle[YAW]=180.0;
+            int Judge = Rotate(targetAngle, g_SerialTargetYAW);
+            if(Judge==0) ApproachCount++;
+            if(ApproachCount>5) bombing_mode = Approach;
+            */
+            break;
+        case Approach:
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Approach(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        default:
+            bombing_mode = Takeoff;
+            break;    
+    }
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Takeoff(float targetAngle[3]){
+    static int tELE_start = 0;
+    static bool flg_ELEup = false;
+    int t_def = 0;
+    if(!flg_ELEup && CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+        tELE_start = t.read_ms();
+        flg_ELEup = true;
+        pc.printf("timer start\r\n");
+    }else if(!CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+        tELE_start = 0;
+        flg_ELEup = false;
+    }
+    if(flg_ELEup){
+        t_def = t.read_ms() - tELE_start;
+        //1.5秒経過すればELE上げ舵へ
+        if(t_def>500) targetAngle[PITCH]=-25.0;
+        else{
+            t_def = 0;
+            targetAngle[PITCH]=g_gostraightPITCH;
+        }
+    }
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_takeoffTHR); //0.7;スロットルの割合
+    targetAngle[ROLL] = 3.5;
+    //pc.printf("%d \r\n",g_distance);
+    targetAngle[ROLL] = g_gostraightROLL;
+    if UptargetAngle[PITCH] = -10.0;
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_takeoffTHR); //0.7;スロットルの割合
+char Rotate(float targetAngle[3], float TargetYAW, char mode){
+    float diffYaw = TranslateNewYaw(TargetYAW, nowAngle[YAW]);
+    switch(mode){
+        case 'G': //直進
+            UpdateTargetAngle_GoStraight(targetAngle);
+            if(diffYaw > LIMIT_STRAIGHT_YAW)        mode = 'R';
+            else if(diffYaw < -LIMIT_STRAIGHT_YAW)  mode = 'L';
+            break;
+        case 'R': //右旋回
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop_short(targetAngle);
+            if(diffYaw < LIMIT_LOOPSTOP_YAW && diffYaw > -LIMIT_STRAIGHT_YAW)   mode = 'G';
+            break;
+        case 'L': //左旋回
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop_short(targetAngle);
+            if(diffYaw > -LIMIT_LOOPSTOP_YAW && diffYaw < LIMIT_STRAIGHT_YAW)   mode = 'G';
+            break;
+    }
+    return mode;
+    if(diffYaw > LIMIT_STRAIGHT_YAW){
+        UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop_short(targetAngle);
+        return 1;
+    }else if(diffYaw < -LIMIT_STRAIGHT_YAW){
+        UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop_short(targetAngle);
+        return 1;
+    }else{
+        UpdateTargetAngle_GoStraight(targetAngle);
+        return 0;
+    }
+void Chicken_Drop(){
+    if(CheckSW_Up(Ch7)){
+        autopwm[DROP] = 1572;
+        pc.printf("Bombed!\r\n");
+        RerurnChickenServo1.attach(&ReturnChickenServo1, 3);
+        //operation_mode = Approach;
+        //buzzer = 0;
+    }
+void ReturnChickenServo1(){
+    autopwm[DROP] = 1438;
+    pc.printf("first reverse\r\n");
+    RerurnChickenServo2.attach(&ReturnChickenServo2, 1);
+void ReturnChickenServo2(){
+    autopwm[DROP] = 1446;
+    pc.printf("second reverse\r\n");
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Approach(float targetAngle[3]){
+    static char rotatemode = 'G';
+    if(output_status == Manual) rotatemode = 'G';    
+    //pc.putc(g_landingcommand);
+    switch(g_landingcommand){
+        case 'R':   //右旋回セヨ
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        case 'L':   //左旋回セヨ
+            UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        case 'G':   //直進セヨ
+            UpdateTargetAngle_GoStraight(targetAngle);
+            break;
+        case 'Y':   //指定ノヨー方向ニ移動セヨ
+            rotatemode = Rotate(targetAngle, g_SerialTargetYAW, rotatemode);
+            break;
+        case 'B':   //ブザーヲ鳴ラセ
+            //buzzer = 1;
+            break;
+        case 'D':   //物資ヲ落トセ
+            Chicken_Drop();
+            break;
+        case 'C':   //停止セヨ
+            rotatemode = Rotate(targetAngle, g_SerialTargetYAW, rotatemode);
+            autopwm[THR] = minpwm[THR];
+            break;
+    }
+void checkHeight(float targetAngle[3]){
+    static int targetHeight = 200; 
+    if(g_distance < targetHeight + ALLOWHEIGHT){
+        UpdateTargetAngle_NoseUP(targetAngle);
+        if(CheckSW_Up(Ch7)) led2 = 1;
+    }
+    else if(g_distance > targetHeight - ALLOWHEIGHT){
+        UpdateTargetAngle_NoseDOWN(targetAngle);
+        if(CheckSW_Up(Ch7)) led2 = 1;
+    }
+    else led2=0;
+void UpdateTargetAngle_NoseUP(float targetAngle[3]){
+    //targetAngle[PITCH] += 2.0f;
+    //if(nowAngle[PITCH]<targetAngle[PITCH]) autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(0.6);
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_loopTHR+0.05f);
+    //pc.printf("nose UP");
+void UpdateTargetAngle_NoseDOWN(float targetAngle[3]){
+    //targetAngle[PITCH] -= 2.0f;
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_loopTHR-0.05f);
+    //pc.printf("nose DOWN");
+void UpdateTargetAngle_GoStraight(float targetAngle[3]){
+    targetAngle[ROLL] = g_gostraightROLL;
+    targetAngle[PITCH] = g_gostraightPITCH;
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_loopTHR);
+    //pc.printf("Roll = %f, PITCH = %f, THR = %d \r\n", targetAngle[ROLL], targetAngle[PITCH], autopwm[THR]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop(float targetAngle[3]){ //右旋回
+    targetAngle[ROLL] = g_rightloopROLL;
+    targetAngle[PITCH] = g_rightloopPITCH ;
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_loopTHR);
+    //checkHeight(targetAngle);
+    //pc.printf("Roll = %f, PITCH = %f, THR = %d \r\n", targetAngle[ROLL], targetAngle[PITCH], autopwm[THR]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Rightloop_short(float targetAngle[3]){ //右旋回
+    targetAngle[ROLL] = g_rightloopROLLshort;
+    targetAngle[PITCH] = g_rightloopPITCHshort;
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_loopTHR);
+    //pc.printf("Roll = %f, PITCH = %f, THR = %d \r\n", targetAngle[ROLL], targetAngle[PITCH], autopwm[THR]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop(float targetAngle[3]){
+    targetAngle[ROLL] = g_leftloopROLL;
+    targetAngle[PITCH] = g_leftloopPITCH;
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_loopTHR);
+    //checkHeight(targetAngle);
+    //printf("Roll = %f, PITCH = %f, THR = %d \r\n", targetAngle[ROLL], targetAngle[PITCH], autopwm[THR]);
+void UpdateTargetAngle_Leftloop_short(float targetAngle[3]){
+    targetAngle[ROLL] = g_leftloopROLLshort;
+    targetAngle[PITCH] = g_leftloopPITCHshort;
+    autopwm[THR] = SetTHRinRatio(g_loopTHR);
+    //pc.printf("Roll = %f, PITCH = %f, THR = %d \r\n", targetAngle[ROLL], targetAngle[PITCH], autopwm[THR]);
 void DebugPrint(){    
-    //static int16_t deltaT = 0, t_start = 0;
-    //t_start = t.read_us();
-    for(uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) pc.printf("%d ",sbus.manualpwm[i]);
+    /*
+    static int16_t deltaT = 0, t_start = 0;
+    deltaT = t.read_u2s() - t_start;
+    pc.printf("t:%d us, ",deltaT);
-    //deltaT = t.read_us() - t_start;
-    //pc.printf("t:%d us, ",deltaT);
+    t_start = t.read_us();
+    */
+    //pc.printf("%d", sbus.manualpwm[4]);
+    //for(uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) pc.printf("%d ",sbus.manualpwm[i]);
+    //for(uint8_t i=1; i<5; i++) pc.printf("%d ",sbus.manualpwm[i]);
+    //for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++) pc.printf("%3.2f\t",nowAngle[i]);
+    //for(uint8_t i=0; i<2; i++) pc.printf("%3.2f\t",nowAngle[i]); //ロール、ピッチのみ 小数点以下2ケタ
+    //pc.printf("%d\t",autopwm[ELE]);  pc.printf("%d\t",autopwm[RUD]);
+    //pc.printf("%d",g_distance);
-    //mpu9250.displayAngle();
-    //for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++) pc.printf("%f ",nowAngle[i]);
+    //pc.printf("Mode: %c: ",g_buf[0]);
+    //if(g_buf[0] == 'Y') pc.printf(" %3.1f",g_SerialTargetYAW);
+    //pc.printf("%x ",sbus.failsafe_status);
\ No newline at end of file