5 years, 5 months ago.

Should the LocalFileSystem still work on OS 5 with LPC1768?

I've found a bunch of bug reports regarding hard faults and fopen but none of them have been closed with any resolution or fix. I can't even get the most simple of examples to write anything to the USB flash/eeprom. I've tried both the online compiler and GCC via the mbed-cli.

Has support for this just been silently dropped?

https://os.mbed.com/questions/80658/HardFault-occurs-when-fopen-is-called-af/ https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/6578 https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/6624 https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/9665

1 Answer

5 years, 5 months ago.

Hello Shareef,

An update to the latest firmware might help.

NOTE: The example at https://os.mbed.com/questions/86691/How-to-write-a-char-array-to-a-file/#answer16828 works fine for me also with Mbed OS-5.14.