5 years, 3 months ago.

Private code repositories not visible

Hi All,

I'm logged in to the Mbed website with username & password and if I go to 'My Repositories' there's only 1 shown when I know I have 2 others.

The difference being I created the other two as forks of 3rd party public repos and made them private repositories - it makes no difference if I filter by "Show: Only Private Repositories".

If I manually enter the URL from the summary details of the online compiler (or click the link), I can access them via the web page.

Is this working as intended?

Thanks for reporting this, our web team will investigate and get back to you.

posted by Joe Alderson 18 Sep 2019

@Joe, when I logged in today this appears to be fixed. Thanks!

posted by Chris Hoffmann 25 Sep 2019
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