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5 years, 11 months ago.
mbed studio BLE compile error
Getting compile error with mbed studio. see below:
.\mbed-os\features\FEATURE_BLE\source\generic\GenericGap.cpp:640:40: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('ble::pal::hci_error_code_t::type' and 'pal::hci_error_code_t') if (pal::hci_error_code_t::SUCCESS != hci_status)
downloaded the libraries using the option "download source for libraries" and still get this error.
Any idea why?
Many thanks
2 Answers
5 years, 11 months ago.
Hi Okundu,
What version of Mbed OS?
Have you compile successfully yet before?
Could you try using mbed-cli and see if it works?
5 years, 8 months ago.
Hi Okundu,
Mbed Studio is using Arm Compiler 6 as a default compiler. The example you are trying to compile will work only with this compiler in Mbed OS 5.12 or higher. Please update your version of Mbed OS to 5.12 or higher and let us know if it fixes this issue for you.
Kind Regards Arek Zaluski