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5 years, 11 months ago.
What's causing this power spike?
Hi there,
I'm using an STM32L073RZ on a bare board with just the CPU and necessary power electronics. I'm powering the board straight from an Otii Arc and measuring current consumption. When I call the sleep() function the CPU goes into a low power mode, with an occasional 5mA spike in current consumption approximately every second, see the image below:
What is the cause of this? I'm attempting to place the CPU into STOP mode with an RTC running - this should draw, according to the datasheet, 1µA current.
Further to this, how can I tell which low power mode the sleep() function has chosen?
Thanks, Adam
1 Answer
5 years, 11 months ago.
Hi Adam,
This looks very similar to an issue recently reported on GitHub (although for a different ST device):
Could you try using the work-around mentioned by ST? For this target it appears that the default configuration uses the RTC for wakeup so you will also need to set the lpticker_lptim value to 1. Here is a snippet of that port of the targets.json file:
"lpticker_lptim": { "help": "This target supports LPTIM. Set value 1 to use LPTIM for LPTICKER, or 0 to use RTC wakeup timer", "value": 0 }
Ralph, Team Mbed
I believe its one of the rtos/thead tickers. If you can find away to turn these functions off it may stop. I use OS2 and do not have the problem.
posted by Paul Staron 15 Mar 2019