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6 years ago.
Serial port Tx problem.
Just got this kit along with MAX32620FTHR kit and found that the separate DAP programmer boards are also usable, very impressed!
I want to connect a serial Wi-Fi module ESP8266. I have a full functioning ESP8266 driver library that includes a buffered serial driver :
This works faultless (I'm using Mbed 2) with all my ST and NXP and Si-Labs boards but won't work with either of these boards. ( I have set the pin Vcc's to 3.3v).
Trying various code examples I find Serial Tx and Rx is working with some Oled displays and GPS modules, however when I try Serial Attach IRQ functions it goes wrong. Sometimes it will run for a while and I get Rx and Tx data then it stops and finally I get MCU lock out. I get nothing using the Buffered Serial code.
Could you guys advise please.
Thank you
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1 Answer
5 years, 5 months ago.
If you receive for a while with your Rx IRQ and then you get MCU lock out, I would suspect that you aren't reading the incoming stream fast enough and you are letting the receive buffer overflow.
void rxirq () { // UART Receive IRQ char c; while (uart.readable()) { rLED = !rLED; // Toggle LED so we can see the action c = uart.getc(); ... Do something with char; put it in your buffer, etc. ... Process the buffer somewhere else, like a thread. } }
Unfortunately its a bit more involved.
Maxim appear not to be supporting their products on Mbed, there are currently 239 warnings during compiling using the latest Mbed-os.
Running SerialPassthrough :
will only work up to 115200, just, and that is with VIO_3V3 set.
SerialPassthrough works up to 921600 on all my other platforms. There's a problem with the Serial API on Maxims platforms, the MAX32620FTHR and MAX32625PICO have exactly the same issue.
posted by 05 Oct 2019