11 years ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Duplicated

How do I access the KL25Z internal clock registers?

Can anyone help with Mbed code to route the 32KHz internal reference oscillator to the RTC Clock Input. I have found some information on the Freescale web site where someone has done this using Code Warrior.


The idea is to route the 32KHz ref osc out on pin PTC3 and connect this to pin PTC1 as below:

•set RTC Clock Input to "Enabled". This sets PTC1 as an input for a clock source.

•set MCGIRCLK source to "slow" in "Clock Source Settings" > "Clock Source Setting 0" > "Internal Reference Clock"

•set ERCLK32K Clock Source to "RTC Clock Input" in "Clock Source Settings" > "Clock Source Setting 0" > "External Reference Clock"

•Enable "CLKOUT pin control" in "Internal Peripherals" > "System Integration Module"◦set "CLKOUT pin" to "PTC3/LLWU_P7/..." ◦Set "CLKOUT pin output" to "MCGIRCLK"

◦This routes the internal 32K reference oscillator out to pin PTC3

On the RTC, set the "Clock Source" to "ERCLK32K".

..........Further to this someone has suggested this:

  • Clock Generator generates wave on PTD1,
  • the frequency is set up by CLOCK_PERIOD constant,
  • the wave is symmetric 50/50.

void clockGenerator(void)

{ 0.000030517578125 = 1/32768

#define CLOCK_PERIOD (1/(2^15))

  1. define CLOCK_PERIOD (0.000030517578125)

#define CLOCK_PERIOD (0.01) <- 100Hz

PwmOut out(PTD1); /* PTD1 is the same address as LED1 */

out.period(CLOCK_PERIOD); out requires a 2ms period

out.pulsewidth((CLOCK_PERIOD/2)); out position determined by a pulsewidth between 1ms }

..............I do not know how to access the resisters for the KL25Z. I have written similar code to access the spare RTC registers using this I found from another Mbed member and it works.

LPC_RTC->GPREG0 = tz; (to store the variable tz)

tz=LPC_RTC->GPREG0; (to read back to the variable tz)

...............So I'm hopping to be able to control the clock generator registers in a similar way to give me a 32kHz without using an external source.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you

1 Answer

10 years, 11 months ago.

See this file: http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-Freescale/file/d5f2f3e8f628/cmsis/KL25Z/MKL25Z4.h

It is some searching around, the RTC registers are defined around lines 2615. Then it is a bit different than the NXP cmsis, but at 2729 the RTC's base name is defined, as a not very original 'RTC'. So for example you got RTC->SR = 0; (Sets the status register to 0).