5 years, 9 months ago.

[FAQ MIP8-01] the LCD(JDI MIP display) will not be displayed.(With Self Answer comment)

When turning on the power, the red and green LEDs on the bottom board (K - 64F) will light up and the LCD will not be displayed.


Question relating to:

We develop, design, manufacture, and sell "display" where it is necessary for the interface that deliver a lot of information at an instant and deliver it to the global market. …

Self Answer !!

We assume that the program of the board changedaccidentally. Please install bin file in to the board agan. When the power supply is supplied to the board from PC , please pay attention to the followings. (1) When the demo board connects to PC to obtain the power supply, the board accesses to PC and MBED is going to open automatically. (2) When you see MBED ( MBED(D:), MBED(E:), MBED(F:), etc.) on the PC screen, click “X” and close MBED.


posted by Mbed_developer JDI 07 Dec 2018

2 Answers

5 years, 9 months ago.

JDI, thank you for posting the answer. It will make searching for these answers that much better.

Thank you, Earl, Team mbed

5 years, 9 months ago.

Such kind of display error is really very common that most of the users are getting problematic hazards in such cases. They can get an actuals solution recommended by https://uaetechnician.ae/mac-data-recovery that will be useful for them.