6 years ago.

Blocked mbed account

I have a second mbed account that I had difficulty logging into. I tried a number of times and now this account is blocked. When I try to log in the following message is displayed;

“Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. We’ve sent you an email with instructions on how to unblock it.”

I did not receive any email.

Who should I contact to resolve this problem?



2 Answers

6 years ago.

Hi there,

It seems there was an error with the emailing system. We have unblocked that account for you.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Jenny, team Mbed

If this solved your question, please make sure to click the "Thanks" link below!

Accepted Answer
6 years ago.

Hi Jenny,

Thank you for resolving this issue.



Same problem here. I didn't receive mail for koserdinc named account.

posted by Erdinc Kose 06 Oct 2018