6 years, 11 months ago.

PH_1 on nucleo F411RE

Hi, I have been trying to get the PH_1 pin to work as an output on the NUCLEO-F411RE, but haven't had any success. I checked all solder jumpers and they are set correctly, but I can't get any output. Does anyone know if there is a special setting to make it work? Thanks for all answers, Lorenz Ruprecht

2 Answers

6 years, 11 months ago.

Hello Lorenz,

As Bill says, the PH1 pin is not available by default (unless your board is marked as MB1136 C-01). One have to configure the board to use internal oscillator (aka "HSE not used") as explained in the User Manual, on page 24, chapter "6.7.1 OSC clock supply", to be able to use pins PF1/PD1/PH1 as GPIOs. When you say that solder bridges are set correctly do you refer to such setup?

Accepted Answer

It got it working. The solder bridge for the PH_1 pin was set correctly by default. To use the PH_0 pin you would have to short the SB55 bridge. Additionally I had to change some values in the mbed-dev library, which configure the clock source. In the file: "mbed-dev/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE/device/ system_stm32f4xx.c" I changed this:

/* Select the clock sources (other than HSI) to start with (0=OFF, 1=ON) */
#define USE_PLL_HSE_EXTC (1) /* Use external clock */
#define USE_PLL_HSE_XTAL (1) /* Use external xtal */

to this:

/* Select the clock sources (other than HSI) to start with (0=OFF, 1=ON) */
#define USE_PLL_HSE_EXTC (0) /* Use external clock */
#define USE_PLL_HSE_XTAL (0) /* Use external xtal */

After that PH_0 and PH_1 pins worked like normal GPIO pins.

posted by Lorenz Ruprecht 06 Apr 2018
6 years, 11 months ago.

When I take a look here (https://os.mbed.com/platforms/ST-Nucleo-F411RE/) it shows those pins as "MCU Pins connected to other components" which means it's not generally available. The peripheralpins.c file also does not show this pin available.

If you really want to use it then you will need to call the ST HAL library for configuration. You might get a faster response from the ST forum for this.

It worked after I changed the oscillator configuration in the mbed-dev library. For more details look at the next post.

posted by Lorenz Ruprecht 06 Apr 2018