6 years, 10 months ago.

Export is not working at all, for any toolchain/IDE!

I have started with DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo and extended the sample it with MBED-OS threads, a command console and a HTTP Server, everything works fine with compiling and downloading, but there is no way do a export to any Tool-Chain

There comes always an Error Message Box saying: "An error ocured during export. Please contact support" [ Ok ]

- No more information? - The same Error is for every Toolchain - How or where can I contact "support"

I'm working on Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64-Bit, with Firefox 58.0.2 (64 Bit; Quantum)

Please I could need some help


Question relating to:

Mbed is the fastest way to create devices with Arm-based microcontrollers. This team is for those that bring you Mbed.

I got that error the other day but it still exported to my project to Keil correctly. If it did download anything before giving you the error it's worth checking, the exporter seems to give an error even when it works.

posted by Andy A 23 Feb 2018

I'm still having the problem and there is now download started before the error happens. After choosing a Toolchain for exporting, the export is for 2s...5s working (progress-bar) and then it stops always with this error message, unfortunately without providing more information. Can you access my project and try?

Best Regards Peter

posted by Peter Sager 23 Feb 2018

2 Answers

6 years, 10 months ago.

Hi Peter,

The way to contact support is by email at support@mbed.com. I've raised this internally, will get back to you when we have a fix in place.

-Austin Team MBED

Thank you.

I'm still having the problem and I'm awaiting for your response or better a fix!

Best Regards Peter

posted by Peter Sager 23 Feb 2018
5 years, 7 months ago.

It is still the same after one year and several months.

No one care..

From time to time they brake the code .. Even if you choose an old version of the mbed-os .. You don't get it works.. It seems that the export functionality is not included in the mbed-os version ..

When they break it .. it is for always.

You cannot trust the online IDE .. This is my experience .. unfortunately .. and it is very very sad.