6 years, 11 months ago.

Whether Timers will work for 180 MHz

Whether my Timers will work for 180 MHZ. How I can know in mbed os?

What do you mean "will work for 180 MHz". Will work with an mbed board clocked at 180 MHz? Will work to time something happening at 180 MHz?

The only board in your profile is clocked at 100 MHz. I'll leave it for you to work out whether a processor can time something timer faster or to more resolution than the smallest amount of time it can measure.

posted by Andy A 21 Feb 2018

No No, please understand my question., what I am asking is if we change our cpu clock to 180 MHz in STM32F, whether timers can run at this speed or not?

posted by Rk c 21 Feb 2018

1 Answer

6 years, 11 months ago.

Your question is very unclear to me.

In general, it depends on your STM32F controller. If the controller's internals allow for 1:1 timer clock at 180MHz, then yes it's possible. Otherwise not. Means that you'd have to divide the clock by 2 or more before it goes into the timer.

Please check the hardware manual of your controller.

Please refer my notebook (Frequency Counter's Type 3) Simple but enough accuracy).
For example, DISCO-F746NG can run 216MHz systemclock and APB2 internal bus clock 108MHz max.
If you use TIM1,8,9,10,11, you can configrate the timer over 180MHz internal clock.
In the documentation DocID027590 Rev 2 page 16/227, you can see following explanation.

The timers connected to APB2 are clocked from TIMxCLK up to 216 MHz, while the timers connected to APB1 are clocked from TIMxCLK either up to 108 MHz or 216 MHz depending on TIMPRE bit configuration in the RCC_DCKCFGR register.

Mbed does NOT support those special usage. You need to make your own program.

posted by Kenji Arai 21 Feb 2018