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7 years ago.
how can i use 2 spi in one code for stm32F767ZI ?
Hi i would like to read data from AD9833 and save it in cardSD for nucleo 144 board STM32F767ZI, so that's why i need to 2 spi in the same programme , could you please help me in that ?
for more favore can i reach to 4 spi if yes , can u say how ? i will appreciate that !! thank you in advance.
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1 Answer
6 years, 9 months ago.
Hi Matine ,
you can use 2 or more spis' or i2cs' by using spi class, or i2c class respectively and see PeripheralPins.c PinNames.h for details.
Also, see the pinout of NucleoF767ZI.
PeripheralPins.c PinNames.h
SPI spi4(PE_14,PE_13,PE_12,PE_11); which includes slave select also