9 years, 2 months ago.

Error on LPC11U24

My platform is an LPC11U24

I am trying to get data in with this line of code

PortIn select(Port2, 12);

but get a compiler error

'Identifier Port2 is undefined . . . . '

Any ideas why this is the case?

The platform is shown in the top RHS and it is the LPC11U24

Thank you!

Any Ideas on this one from anyone?

posted by Andrew R 04 May 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 2 months ago.


please check sources for your platform. I found there these code:

typedef enum {
    Port0 = 0,
    Port1 = 1
} PortName;

Is port 2 available ? If yes, can you send a pull request to github : https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed

Accepted Answer

Thank you - I will try that tonight!

posted by Andrew R 05 May 2015

Hello Martin. This is what is is in my mbed HTML file

<! mbed Microcontroller Website and Authentication Shortcut > <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://mbed.org/start?auth=104000000000000000000002F7F0FF46a894a744a0a7c9e5f6ebd98dcec1d01d&loader=21171&firmware=21164&configuration=4" /> <title>mbed Website Shortcut</title> </head> <body></body> </html>

PortIn does not work for Port 2 on the LPC11U24. Any other ideas? Here is what

posted by Andrew R 05 May 2015