7 years, 2 months ago.

Converting a vector uint8_t so I can work with it.


So I have been struggling for two days now but it seems there is no way to do this. I hope someone can proof me different. I have I following code:

std::vector<uint8_t> response;

if ((ret = dot->recv(response)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) { logError("failed to recv: [%d][%s]", ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str()); } else {

logInfo("recv data: %s", response);

int cmd, value;


So I receive a message on my device which is now 1,20 (response) But it can also be like 1,20,3,2,1,2 The only thing I want is to convert this vector to a char so I can use sscanf to read out the data. Seems impossible for me.

I'm normaly a web developer, so I don't do alot with bits and bytes since it's not needed...

I hope someone can help me!

1 Answer

7 years, 2 months ago.

It's not the most efficient solution but you can convert the vector into a char array at which point you can use all of the standard c functions on it. You can access vectors in the same way as you do arrays so the code is fairly straight forward:

#define maxResponseLength 20
char dataIn[maxResponseLength+1]; // allow space for the null on the end

int responseLen = response.size();            // check the length
if (responseLen > maxResponseLength)
  responseLen  = maxResponseLength;

for (int i = 0; i<responseLen ; i++) {
  dataIn[i] = response[i];

dataIn[responseLen] = 0; // add the termination

// dataIn now contains the data from response but in a char array with a null terminator, the standard c string format.

This isn't going to be the fastest or most memory efficient solution but it is simple.

Also for future reference if you do

your code

then the formatting doesn't get messed up.

Accepted Answer

Hello Andy,

Thank you for responding. So I implemented your code, but this is the result.

        char dataIn[20+1]; // allow space for the null on the end
        int responseLen = response.size();            // check the length
        if (responseLen > 20)
          responseLen  = 20;
        for (int i = 0; i<responseLen ; i++) {
          dataIn[i] = response[i];
        dataIn[responseLen] = 0; // add the termination

        int cmd, value;
        logInfo("cmd: %d, value: %d", cmd,value); 

Result in console is: cmd: 536871392, value: 536871452 Should be: cmd: 1, value: 20

posted by Roel Gellings 19 Dec 2017

Hey Andy,

I got it fixed, forgot the & inside the sscanf function:



posted by Roel Gellings 19 Dec 2017