6 years, 7 months ago.

ARM mbed online compiler can compile but the compiled program doesn't run


I can work on the online compiler until last night, then this morning it suddenly gave me problem. I can compile my code (it has serial connection) but when I run it, the mbed prints out garbage. The compiled program of the exact code that was compiled last week works fine.

I also can compile and save a freshly made Hello World blinky program, but the mbed doesn't/can't run it (no led turns on).

Could you advise on this please? Thank you

When serial out prints garbage it usually means there is a baud rate mismatch between your micro and the terminal program.

posted by Graham S. 12 Dec 2017

Hi Graham, I understand that. What I don't understand is that the same exact program that was compiled a week ago works and when it is compiled now it doesn't. I can't even run the compiled fresh Hello World blinky program, which was not a problem before.

posted by Sasha P 12 Dec 2017

After save the bin file, the blinky HelloWorld program can now run by ejecting the mbed before pressing the reset button. Previously I never need to eject it to be able to run the program (I used Ubuntu 17.04). The serial example https://os.mbed.com/handbook/Serial (first example) still throw out garbage. I used putty, 9600 8bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control. Any thoughts or suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks!

Edit: I found out that by using old program and not using new helloworld program, the serial can work.not working

posted by Sasha P 13 Dec 2017

I have no rationale for it but maybe a firmware update might help.

posted by Zoltan Hudak 13 Dec 2017
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