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7 years, 4 months ago.
IDE Export Error
I am getting an error when I try to export my program using from mbed IDE to the Keil uVision5 toolchain
I have successfully performed the same operation many times; most recently on September 28. What's the problem?
3 Answers
7 years, 4 months ago.
I understand this is a known issues and is being looked at
7 years, 4 months ago.
Can you please provide a link to your program so we can troubleshoot? Without more details I cannot replicate your issue.
Austin, I am not the OP on this thread, but I have experienced this issue, too. I describe my uVision export failures in my attempts numbered 3 and 7 in my post here: Cannot build offline - Embedded Artists LPC4088 Experiment Base Board. I get the same results when I try with the LED Blinky example.
posted by 16 Oct 2017