7 years, 4 months ago.

How to increase sample rate of ECG?

Hey guys,

according to the datasheet of the MAX30003 the highest possible sample rate is 512 samples pro second with FMSTR 32768Hz.

Link to Datasheet: https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/products/analog/data-converters/analog-front-end-ics/MAX30003.html

Are there any programmable possibilities in the firmware (like additional dividers) to get higher sample rates like 1024 sps or even more?


Emin Yagmahan

Question relating to:

MAXREFDES100# Health Sensor Platform

1 Answer

7 years, 4 months ago.

Hello Emin,

No, there are no firmware options for increasing the maximum data output rate of 512 sps at an FCLK of 32,768 Hz, for the MAX30003 AFE.

That is the maximum data rate for the MAX30003 AFE. The maximum data rate of the MAX30003 is independent of firmware. It can be less, but it can not exceed the maximum.


Accepted Answer

I am unfamiliar with that part, but perhaps you could put two of them to work, and stagger them by 50% - effectively doubling the sample rate.

posted by David Smart 01 Sep 2017