7 years, 2 months ago.

Bluetooth and WiFi drivers for this board for mbed?

where can i find the drivers for the Bluetooth and wifi for this board for mbed?

Question relating to:

STM32L4 Discovery kit IoT node, low-power wireless, BLE, NFC, SubGHz, Wi-Fi

3 Answers

7 years, 1 month ago.


Concerning the BLE you can use the mbed-os BLE examples available here https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-example-ble

But note that you will have to change the mbed_app.json file and add this board like this:

       "DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A": {
            "target.features_add": ["BLE"],
            "target.extra_labels_add": ["ST_BLUENRG"]

We will add these examples on the mbed board page in the coming weeks in order to access them more directly.

For the WIFI, there is no example yet but we are working on it. Stay tuned...


Thanks a lot, appreciate it.

posted by Armand Coetzer 25 Jul 2017

All mbed-os BLE examples have been tested successfully and added in this platform page.

They are a fork of the official mbed-os BLE examples available here: https://developer.mbed.org/teams/mbed-os-examples/

The change in the mbed_app.json is done, so they are ready to be used.

posted by bco stm 26 Jul 2017
7 years, 1 month ago.

I would love to see HTTP Post and Get examples for the Wifi

would also love to see how you get this thing on wifi. I am coming from the Arduino world and am having trouble understanding how to access most of the hardware. Tried the mbed-os-example-wifi but could not get it to compile for this target. Help us non-coders unlock this awesome hardware! thanks sirs.

posted by Galen Wollenberg 13 Aug 2017
7 years ago.

thank you so much i will try these out!