7 years, 8 months ago.

you know ws2818 led strip? it is more better than ws2811 or ucs1903 led strip,i found.

I have some ws2818 ws2811 led strip,then,i take off one ic,because i know the ws2818 have the break-point continue /resume,so,i found,after the broken ic,ws2818 can work normally,but ws2811 can not.

Except this,i want to know others different of the ic,ws2811 ic tranmission speed is faster than ws2811?any other difference? appreciated your help! /media/uploads/alvin666/ws2818-vs--ws2811--ucs1903-digital-led-strip.jpg

WS2818 IC like ws2813 ,dual signal ,ws2813 led is ic built-in led ,one led one pixel./media/uploads/Crystal1986/ws2813.jpg

WS2813 LED Datasheet is http://www.normandled.com/upload/201605/WS2813%20LED%20Datasheet.pdf

posted by Crystal Aaron 12 Apr 2018

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

No other difference. The 2818 has a bypass pin that allows the rest of the chain to function if a single LED fails. Other than that it's the same, same speed, same protocol.

Accepted Answer

if single ic fails,not single led,my friend. and 12 ws2818 led strip,it is one ic with 3 led,so,one ic fails,than,3 led will not bright. appreciated for information.

posted by Alvin chen 05 Jul 2017