7 years ago.

what Mbed OS - meaning

I started playing with STM32F411RET6 - Nucleo Board and STM32F407VGT6 Discovery Board

with mbed library it seems easy to do development

but i have a questiong what is MBED OS and did it was like default RTOS in boards or/ and it was different than RTOS and did it exists (or how to compile it for use if possible) for usage in Nucleo STM32F411RET6 Board and Discovery STM32F406VGT6 Board too.

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1 Answer

7 years ago.

Hi Valon,

Please have a read here for more info on mbed OS: https://developer.mbed.org/blog/entry/Introducing-mbed-OS-5/

For compatible boards please have a look here: https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/?pvend=10

And the F411 is supported as shown here: https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/ST-Nucleo-F411RE/


Andrea, team mbed

Dear Sir

I'm not received answer i wanted (or i do not understand it well)

i am developer no hardware guru

if it was Operating System how to install it (how to compile it with mbed online compiler and download it as firmware and install it)

if it was just organized libraries that i use it ,it do not work well (se simple work i did) or how to use it properly (or how to know which librarise work well) https://developer.mbed.org/questions/78373/UART-Nucleo-STM32F411/

posted by VALON HOTI 10 Jul 2017