7 years, 8 months ago.

How to delete forum posts and issues

Hi, I have been browsing over some old posts I have made, in the forum and also reported issues. Some are no longer relevant and indeed some are embarrassing as they where simply errors. They seem to me to clutter up the site. I know I don't want to read things that have been proven to be dud information.

How can I delete them. I posted them, don't I own them? particularly if nobody else responded?


1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

You should report issues here, this is the mbed official repository: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/ Issues could not be deleted but can be closed there.

Hmmm, thanks. I do not refer to OS issues, I simply refer to the forums and other interfaces. Such as questions and commenting on issues with a particular library for example. I have searched the link you sent, using myself as author and I can not find any reference to my comments. In fact there is no content there at all which I created. So thanks anyway, we are clearly referring to different systems.

posted by Aidan Walton 25 Jun 2017

I think you can not delete old posts here. All of mbed related issues should reported there (mbed-os, mbed, toolcahins, export, build failures, etc.), except issues with this website.

posted by Mark Peter Vargha 25 Jun 2017