7 years, 9 months ago.

Can't get max adc speed (5.3MSPS) in STM32L432KC?

Hey guys,

I'm developing a Firmware to get a number 'NUM_POINTS' of samples from the ADC, then send to the PC trough the USART. I already have this system working, but the problem is with the sample rate. Now a days, I'm getting a 1.8MSPS with all my effort on this. I coded the system clock with the configuration to get the maximum sample rate (like the manuals says), the same with the ADC.

I have spent a lot of days trying to get the maximum ADC speed (5.3MSPS), but I couldn't get it yet. Some days ago, I found a discussion saying that the problem is with HAL lib, is it right?

I'm using Hal library and VisualGDB to code this firmware. My analog in is the Channel 5 (fast channel according to the manual).

Could somebody help me?

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