7 years, 10 months ago.

MAX44000 programming Error- ( mbed assertation failed: )

I am trying to program MAX44000 PMB1 (Proximity Sensor) with MAX32630FTHR Board. But after running the sample program (file attached), I get the error -

"Initialized MAX44000 mbed assertation failed: stop != 0, file: C:\Jenkins\workspace\mbed-2-build-library\targets\TARGET_Maxim\TARGET_MAX32630\i2c_api.c, line 103 "

Please help me in programming MAX44000 peripheral module with MAX32630 FTHR Board.


1 Answer

7 years, 2 months ago.

There seems to be a MBED OS5 compatibility with this library. I tested with the MAX32630FTHR and was able to observe the same issue. You should be able to replace the library with the following code.


#ifndef _MAX44000_H_
#define _MAX44000_H_

#include "mbed.h"

 * MAX44000 Ambient Light and Infrared Proximity Sensor
 * @code
 * #include <stdio.h>
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * #include "MAX44000.h"
 * I2C i2c(P7_6, P7_7); //MAX32600MBED
 * //I2C i2c(P3_4, P3_5); //MAX32630FTHR
 * MAX44000 proximity(i2c, MAX44000::I2C_ADRS_SDO_HI);
 * int main(void)
 * {
 *     uint8_t reg_data;
 *     while(1) {
 *         if (proximity.init(MAX44000::MODE_ALS_PROX, MAX44000::ALSTIM_1X, MAX44000::ALSPGA_128X, MAX44000::DRV_110) != 0) {
 *             printf("Error communicating with MAX44000\n");
 *         } else {
 *             printf("Initialized MAX44000\n");
 *             break;
 *         }
 *         wait(1);
 *     }
 *     while(1) {
 *         int alsValue = proximity.readALS();
 *         if(alsValue < 0) {
 *             printf("Error reading ALS value\n");
 *         }
 *         int proxValue = proximity.readRegister(MAX44000::REG_PRX_DATA, reg_data);
 *         if(proxValue < 0) {
 *             printf("Error reading proximity value\n");
 *             printf("proxValue =  = 0x%02X\n", proxValue);
 *         }
 *         printf("ALS = 0x%04X  Proximity = 0x%02X\n", alsValue, reg_data);
 *          wait(1);
 *     }
 * }
 * @endcode
class MAX44000

    ///MAX44000 default I2C address.
    ///8-bit write address
    static const uint8_t I2C_ADRS_SDO_LO = 0x94;
    ///MAX44000 optional I2C address.
    ///7-bit write address
    static const uint8_t I2C_ADRS_SDO_HI = 0x4A;

     * @brief   Register Addresses
     * @details Enumerated MAX44000 register addresses
    typedef enum {
        REG_STATUS,         ///< Interrupt Status
        REG_MAIN_CONFIG,    ///< Main Configuration
        REG_RX_CONFIG,      ///< Receive Configuration
        REG_TX_CONFIG,      ///< Transmit Configuration
        REG_ALS_DATA_HIGH,  ///< ADC High Byte (ALS)
        REG_ALS_DATA_LOW,   ///< ADC Low Byte (ALS)
        REG_ALS_UPTHR_HIGH, ///< ALS Upper Threshold (High Byte)
        REG_ALS_UPTHR_LOW,  ///< ALS Upper Threshold (Low Byte)
        REG_ALS_LOTHR_HIGH, ///< ALS Lower Threshold (High Byte)
        REG_ALS_LOTHR_LOW,  ///< ALS Lower Threshold (Low Byte)
        REG_PST,            ///< Threshold Persist Timer
        REG_PRX_IND,        ///< PROX Threshold Indicator
        REG_PRX_THR,        ///< PROX Threshold
        REG_TRIM_GAIN_GREEN,     ///< Digital Gain Trim of Green Channel
        REG_TRIM_GAIN_IR = 0x0F, ///< Digital Gain Trim of Infrared Channel
        REG_PRX_DATA     = 0x16  ///< ADC Byte (PROX)
    } registers_t;

     * @brief   Operating Modes
     * @details Enumerated MAX44000 operating modes
    typedef enum {
        MODE_SHUTDOWN, ///< Analog circuits are shut down, but the digital register retains values
        MODE_ALS_GMIR, ///< Standard ALS mode, stores difference between green and IR channels
        MODE_ALS_G,    ///< ALS green channel only
        MODE_ALS_IR,   ///< Infrared channel only
        MODE_ALS_PROX, ///< ALS and PROX are interleaved continuously
        MODE_PROX,     ///< PROX only
        MODE_RSVD_110, ///< Reserved, do not use
        MODE_RSVD_111  ///< Reserved, do not use
    } modes_t;

     * @brief   ALS ADC Conversion Time
     * @details MAX44000 Ambient Light Sensor ADC Conversion Time
    typedef enum {
        ALSTIM_1X,  ///< 100ms, 16,384 counts, 14 bit resolution
        ALSTIM_4X,  ///< 25ms,    4096 counts, 12 bit resolution
        ALSTIM_16X, ///< 6.25ms,  1024 counts, 10 bit resolution
        ALSTIM_64X  ///< 1.5625ms, 256 counts,  8 bit resolution
    } alstim_t;

    * alspga_t - MAX44000 Ambient Light Measurement Gain
    typedef enum {
        ALSPGA_1X,  ///< 0.03125 lux/lsb
        ALSPGA_4X,  ///< 0.125 lux/lsb
        ALSPGA_16X, ///< 0.5 lux/lsb
        ALSPGA_128X ///< 4 lux/lsb
    } alspga_t;

     * @brief   LED Driver Current
     * @details MAX44000 LED Driver Current Settings
    typedef enum {
        DRV_0,   ///< LED driver disabled
        DRV_10,  ///< 10mA
        DRV_20,  ///< 20mA
        DRV_30,  ///< 30mA
        DRV_40,  ///< 40mA
        DRV_50,  ///< 50mA
        DRV_60,  ///< 60mA
        DRV_70,  ///< 70mA
        DUP_40,  ///< 40mA
        DUP_50,  ///< 50mA
        DUP_60,  ///< 60mA
        DUP_70,  ///< 70mA
        DRV_80,  ///< 80mA
        DRV_90,  ///< 90mA
        DRV_100, ///< 100mA
        DRV_110  ///< 110mA
    } drive_t;

     * @brief   Persist Times
     * @details MAX44000 ALS/PROX Threshold Persist Timer Settings
    typedef enum {
        PST_1, ///< 1 trigger before interrupt
        PST_2, ///< 2 consecutive triggers before interrupt
        PST_4, ///< 4 consecutive triggers before interrupt
        PST_16 ///< 16 consecutive triggers before interrupt
    } persist_t;

     * MAX44000 constructor.
     * @param i2c I2C object to use.
    MAX44000(I2C &i2cBus, uint8_t i2cAdrs);

     * MAX44000 destructor.

     * @brief   Initialize MAX44000.
     * @details Gets the device ID and saves the calibration values.
     * @param   mode Operating Mode
     * @param   alstim Ambient Light ADC Conversion Time
     * @param   alspga Ambient Light Measurement Gain
     * @param   drive LED Driver Current
     * @returns 0 if no errors, -1 if error.
    int init(MAX44000::modes_t mode, MAX44000::alstim_t alstim, MAX44000::alspga_t alspga, MAX44000::drive_t drive);

     * @brief   Write Register
     * @details Writes data to MAX44000 register
     * @param   reg Register to write
     * @param   data Data to write
     * @returns 0 if no errors, -1 if error.
    int32_t writeRegister(registers_t reg, const uint8_t data);

     * @brief   Read Register
     * @details Reads data from MAX44000 register
     * @param   reg Register to read
     * @param   &data Pointer to memorey location for data 
     * @returns data if no errors, -1 if error.
    int32_t readRegister(registers_t reg, uint8_t &data);

     * @brief   Read ALS Data
     * @details Reads both ALS data registers and returns combined value
     * @returns data if no errors, -1 if error.
    int readALS(void);


    I2C &m_i2cBus;
    uint8_t m_Wadrs, m_Radrs;


#endif /* _MAX44000_H_ */


#include "MAX44000.h"

    //empty function


int MAX44000::init(MAX44000::modes_t mode, MAX44000::alstim_t alstim, MAX44000::alspga_t alspga, MAX44000::drive_t drive)
    char data[2];

    data[0] = REG_RX_CONFIG;
    data[1] = 0xF0 | ((alstim & 0x03)<<2) | (alspga & 0x03);
    if (m_i2cBus.write(m_Wadrs, data, 2) != 0) {
        return -1;

    data[0] = REG_TX_CONFIG;
    data[1] = (drive & 0x0F);
    if (m_i2cBus.write(m_Wadrs, data, 2) != 0) {
        return -1;

    data[0] = REG_MAIN_CONFIG;
    data[1] = ((mode & 0x07)<<2) | (1<<5);  // Set bit 5 to use factory trim data
    if (m_i2cBus.write(m_Wadrs, data, 2) != 0) {
        return -1;

    return 0;

MAX44000::MAX44000(I2C &i2cBus, uint8_t i2cAdrs)     //Function modified
    :m_i2cBus(i2cBus), m_Wadrs(i2cAdrs << 1), m_Radrs((i2cAdrs << 1) | 1)

int32_t MAX44000::readRegister(registers_t reg, uint8_t &data) //fucntion modified
    int32_t rtnVal;
    char packet[1];
    packet[0] = reg;
    char read_data[1];

    if(m_i2cBus.write(m_Wadrs, packet, 1) == 0) {
        rtnVal = m_i2cBus.read(m_Radrs, read_data, 1, false);
        if (rtnVal == 0) {
            data = read_data[0];

    return rtnVal;

int32_t MAX44000::writeRegister(registers_t reg, const uint8_t data) //Function modified
    char packet[] = {static_cast<char>(reg), static_cast<char>(data)};

    return m_i2cBus.write(m_Wadrs, packet, sizeof(packet));

int MAX44000::readALS(void) //Function modified
    int alsData;
    uint8_t reg_data, data_2_write;
    int32_t status;
    data_2_write = 0;

    status = writeRegister(REG_ALS_DATA_HIGH, data_2_write);
    if (status != 0) {
        return -1;
    status = readRegister(REG_ALS_DATA_HIGH, reg_data);
    if (status != 0) {  // must use repeated start to protect low byte data
        return -1;

    if (reg_data & 0x40) { // if the overflow bit is set
        return -1;

    alsData = (reg_data << 8);
    status = writeRegister(REG_ALS_DATA_LOW, data_2_write);
    if (status != 0) {
        return -1;
    status = readRegister(REG_ALS_DATA_LOW, reg_data);
    if (status != 0) {  // must use repeated start to protect low byte data
        return -1;

    alsData += reg_data;
    return alsData;