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7 years, 10 months ago.
PFV Converter
Is there possibility in the near future to appear example for the PFV module? Is there any way to sense if the video RCA connector is plugged i.e. when there is a video signal.
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1 Answer
7 years, 9 months ago.
Does PFV mean Pixel Format Converter?
There is no plans to release the PFV sample soon so far. We plan to update graphic related libraries after May.
If you are using VDC5 to capture video images, you can change the format with the VDC5 function. Please refer to the following.
/** Camera setting **/ #define VIDEO_INPUT_METHOD (VIDEO_CVBS) /* Select VIDEO_CVBS or VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA */ #define VIDEO_INPUT_FORMAT (VIDEO_YCBCR422) /* Select VIDEO_YCBCR422 or VIDEO_RGB888 or VIDEO_RGB565 */
For example, if you want to save video input in memory in RGB 888 format, set VIDEO_RGB 888 to VIDEO_INPUT_FORMAT.
There is no uniform way for judging whether there is a video signal. But, the status of the following can be confirmed with the register of Digital Video Decoder. Please use these information for judgment.
How much the status changes due to noise influences is different. Please check the status on your board.
- Chroma Decoding Read Register 1 (CROMASR1)
NOBURST : Color Burst Detection Result
FSCLOCK : Burst Lock PLL Lock State Detection Result
- Sync Separation Status/Vertical Cycle Read Register (VSYNCSR)
FHLOCK : Horizontal AFC Lock Detection Result
NOSIGNAL : No-Signal Detection Result
FVLOCK : Vertical Countdown Lock Detection Result