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8 years, 1 month ago.
how to scale Aout from 0-3.3V to 0-10V?
Hello to the forum! (I´m beginner in microcontrollers and from Germany, so sorry for bad english :-)
Application: My application is a active vibration damping and I want to run a PID Controller on LPC1768. The analoge input would be the acceleration and the analoge output is the signal to piezoactor amplifier.
Problem: The piezoactor amplifier needs an input from 0-10V. The Aout (p18) provides only 0-3.3V.
What I´ve found in the forum so far:
Question: Has anyone experience in creating a 0-10V Aout or know how to do it?
1 Answer
8 years, 1 month ago.
look at "operational amplifiers", some hints: