7 years, 8 months ago.

SD Card dosent work with latest updates

I can red write on the SD card if I use this library


But updating the mbed and the SDCard library with the FAT library will stop my program to function and I cannot find the SD. This is very weird. For me it is not possible to figure out the differences between the libraries which cause the problem. Do any one used the SD CARD library? Please let me know what could cause the problem here.

The board I have is the Nucelo F030R8 thanks in advance.

The same code I have, I use it with the old mbed works just fine, but with the new mbed, it cannot find the SD Card. Please what is the problem? Why mbed should make difference?

posted by M J. 11 Jan 2017

2 Answers

7 years, 8 months ago.


A fix has been posted on GitHub. This fix should be available in the next mbed version (V134)


HI, Thank you for your reply.. Kindly, I wish to know what the problem are. Would you please let me know what the problem was? I appreciate your help. When can I update my mbed library and should be working? how many days it could take? Again, thank you very much Regards,

posted by M J. 11 Jan 2017
7 years, 8 months ago.

Hi, bco stm, and Mariwan, Could you let me know the URI in the GitHub, to get latest fix. I had same trouble as Mariwan.

Thanks in advance.

Hi yoshi, He didn't answer me yet. I still use the old mbed as I wrote in the first post. I don't know when/how to get the new version. So, I am sorry I cannot help you .. If you wish, copy the mbed you get with the above sample project. It should work so.

posted by M J. 17 Jan 2017