8 years ago.

LD2 blinks red, board seems dead

When I plug the board to the computer, LD2 blinks red while the other LEDs stay off. Also the board becomes extremely hot... Thoughts? -G

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1 Answer

8 years ago.

Hi Guillaume,

This definitely sounds like a short has occurred on the board and has fried the MCU if it is hot to touch. Do you remember the process that caused this?


Andrea, team mbed

Accepted Answer

Thanks for your response. I do remember: I was uploading a .bin from mbed that makes the user LED blink. Something went wrong in the transmission, I suppose, because the communication LED was solid orange afterward. I pressed the reset button and that's when it fried. -G

posted by Guillaume David 21 Dec 2016

Were you able to program the device previously? Is the USB port perhaps faulty?


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 21 Dec 2016

I programmed the device multiple times before this happened. I'm using a new board now and it hasn't happened again. -G

posted by Guillaume David 15 Aug 2017