7 years, 8 months ago.

Where are the header files? Example: stm32f3348_discovery.h

Your examples do not compile! For example, where is the header file "stm32f3348_discovery.h"?

You should run your own examples, using people that are not "insiders".

Question relating to:

The STM32F334 discovery kit helps you to discover the digital power features of the STM32F334 and to develop your applications easily.

Hi Richard,

Sorry for the issues you are having :)

Can you let me know which examples aren't working for you. And what errors you are receiving?

I am able to compile the examples on the platform page.


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 03 Nov 2016

Under Peripherals: DMA_RAM_DAC for the "32F3348DISCOVERY" board. search "32f3348discovery.html"

posted by Richard Vasquez 03 Nov 2016
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